What is an oath? Varieties and meaning

What is an oath? Varieties and meaning
What is an oath? Varieties and meaning

What is an oath? This is a solemn formal promise or oath of allegiance. In the modern world, the oath is often pronounced when entering a responsible position. It can also be military or medical (better known as the Hippocratic Oath). It is taken in front of witnesses in a solemn and purely official setting. What does an oath mean? This is the assurance of others in the veracity of what was said and that these words will be fulfilled. As mentioned at the beginning, oaths or oaths can differ significantly from each other.

Oath for doctors - Hippocratic oath

Almost half a century ago, a famous ancient Greek physician, who is also called the father of medicine, wrote the well-known oath. It was a kind of noble code of ethics that doctors still recognize to this day. Many adhere to this interesting, but, alas, erroneous opinion. How reliable is this information? The facts show that Hippocrates was not at all the author of the well-known oath, which, among other things, bears his name. There is also reason to believe that the well-known oathdoesn't quite match up with her original version.

Who wrote it anyway and what does it mean today?

Why is there any reason to doubt that Hippocrates wrote the oath? The oath traditionally began with an appeal to various deities, and he, as you know, was the first to bring medicine to a scientific level, completely separating it from religion and rituals. His contemporaries knew that he preferred to look for the problem in physiological rather than supernatural causes. It should not be overlooked that certain activities prohibited by the Hippocratic Oath were not at all contrary to the medical standards of the time.

what is an oath
what is an oath

For example, at that time, abortion and suicide were not at all condemned by law and even by religion, but surgical intervention was prohibited. And as you know, the description of many surgical techniques is included in the collection of certain medical works, which are often attributed to Hippocrates. A rather interesting logical conclusion can be drawn from this: the oath, or oath, most likely, was not written by Hippocrates.

Most of the thoughts and philosophies that take place in this document are more in line with the Pythagorean ideas that preach the sanctity of life and vehemently oppose surgical intervention. Unfortunately, the true author of this world-famous oath remained unknown. All this time, namely twenty-five centuries, the oath had a huge impact on people's lives and served as a guiding principle in medicine. Today, this oath is taken in many educational institutions.medical institutions. This often happens at graduation and at the presentation of a doctor's diploma.

oath word meaning
oath word meaning

Military oath

It is generally accepted that the first mention of it refers to the sixteenth century. It was at this time that the squad was the main armed force in Kievan Rus. What does an oath mean? In order for a volunteer to get into the ranks of brave warriors, he had to pass various tests of courage and dexterity. After successful completion, the newly minted warrior was offered to take such an oath. What is an oath for a soldier? It was a kind of rite, which included the custom of kissing the cross. Such an oath, as today, was taken in the presence of a priest.

what does oath mean
what does oath mean

Over time, the ritual, and the military oath itself, have undergone some changes. To date, the procedure for holding such a ceremony is determined by the general military regulations. In the army, the day of the oath is officially considered a holiday. Every soldier is aware of the importance of this rite. An oath (the meaning of the word is given above) means a solemn vow. The related word "oath" has the same meaning.

Oath in court

Today, the oath in court in some countries is carried out with the help of the Bible. More precisely, they just put a hand on it. This tradition was widespread in the Middle Ages. The Bible, as a sacred book, apparently served as an authority and did not allow lying in court. How? In case of deceit or failure to fulfill a promise, the one who swore was subject to seriouspunishment.

what does oath mean
what does oath mean

Because today fewer and fewer people consider themselves to be sincerely religious, many European courts are thinking about removing this short rite from the legal process. Some consider such a decision justified, because a person who does not know what an oath is cannot fully understand the whole essence of the responsibility that falls on him.

Important to know the meaning

No one will deny that the ancient custom of swearing is still relevant in modern society. Whether it's the Hippocratic Oath, military oath, or court oath, it's worth taking seriously. Everyone must find out for himself what an oath is and how it will affect his life. With reliable and high-quality information, you can make a reasonable, balanced decision.
