People who don't eat fish are easy enough to tell. They may constantly complain of fatigue and poor he alth. This is no coincidence. After all, fish contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is not possible to replace the product with any other.
The properties of fish and its taste are largely dependent on its habitat. There are different types of fish. Some of them are not edible. Separately, you can highlight aquarium fish, which are bred specifically for decorating the interior.
What are aquarium fish?
Today, the most common aquarium fish is the carp family. These include zebrafish, goldfish, barbus. They are valued for their small size, beautiful color and low cost. The Poecilian family is also popular among experienced aquarists. Fish called guppies, platies and swordtails are also quite common in modern pet stores.

Cichlids and Ancistrus are becoming more and more popular every year. These are exotic warm-water fish, which are distinguished by their bright color and small size. Fish are quite whimsical. They feel good only at water temperatures of 18-20 degrees Celsius.
Aquarium fish have long adapted to life in captivity. They can reproduce perfectly and lead the same habitat as their relatives. Despite this, the fish will be able to live much longer if a person recreates in the aquarium the natural environment inherent in a particular subspecies.
Proper aquarium organization
It is undesirable for a person without experience to independently select fish in an aquarium. The problem is that individual species of fish may not get along with each other. To clarify which fish can normally exist together, it is worth asking a consultant in a pet store. In addition, some species may be demanding on the size of the reservoir and habitat. Cichlids, for example, cannot live long in a small aquarium. They require a lot of oxygen.

The most compatible are fish of the same size. Large and small pets will not be able to get along in one pond. The fish will require different types of food. It is also not uncommon for larger fish in an aquarium to eat smaller ones.
There are aggressive types of aquarium fish that can only be kept alone. In extreme cases, they can be settled with larger relatives. You should not put nimble and inactive fish in one aquarium. Diversify your home environmentaquarium can be using small snails.
River fish
The fish that live in the rivers are very diverse. Freshwater species have a specific taste. The features of individual varieties of fish have long been studied by experienced fishermen. Based on the information received, a list of the most popular river fish was compiled.

The perch family should be singled out separately. The most common species is pike perch. This is a predatory fish that lives in a flock. It has an elongated body and a dark green color. Pike perch is a fairly large fish. He takes first place in his family.
Each experienced fisherman can easily distinguish a perch. It is a small, laterally compressed fish with a hump on its back. They are distinguished by their orange fins and eyes. Perch is considered one of the most common in domestic reservoirs. The fish is quite easy to adapt to any living conditions.
Speaking of river fish, one cannot but mention the pike. This is a predatory species with which almost no one can compete in voracity. The pike has an elongated body and a greenish color. The fish are distinguished by characteristic light spots on the body. The fish has a huge mouth and sharp teeth. Fish feed mostly on their small relatives.
Almost all varieties of river fish live in freshwater lakes. Particularly fond of small ponds crucian carp. Fish prefer warm water and soft bottoms. Often you can meet crucian carp in shallow water with a large numberalgae. The fish is very hardy. It doesn't need a lot of oxygen to function normally.
Crucian tends to stay at the bottom of stagnant water bodies. In flowing rivers, fish is quite rare.
Sea fish
The properties and characteristics of sea fish are radically different. Nutritionists say that this kind of water world has much more useful qualities. Marine fish is rich in protein and phosphorus, necessary for normal digestion and good vision.

This type of marine life, like dorado, is popular. It is also customary to call the fish "marine carp". She has an unpleasant appearance. But such a drawback is almost imperceptible against the background of excellent taste. White meat has a unique taste. The absence of a large number of bones is also considered a plus.
Such varieties of marine fish as flounder and capelin are also of great benefit and excellent taste. The latter species is characterized by small size. It is especially popular with owners of cats and cats. Capelin has a low price, and therefore serves as an excellent animal feed.
Red fish
The red fish can be called the most useful for human he alth. At the same time, its fat is the most valuable element. The product improves well-being, gives vitality and strengthens the immune system.

Not all varieties of red fish can be found on sale indomestic stores. The most popular are chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon and trout. The fish is large in size and has a peculiar color.
The most simple can be called pink salmon. This fish has a relatively small size, and its weight does not reach even two kilograms. The fish is distinguished by a characteristic hump on the back and a pink color of the flesh.
Varieties of salmon fish
Salmon is not just a species, but a whole family. The fish is quite large. The weight of individual marine life can reach 40 kilograms. The salmon family is characterized by high fat content. It is the high content of omega-3 fatty acids that makes fish popular and expensive.
Varieties of fish of the salmon family help strengthen bones. Canned salmon, for example, can provide up to 30% of an adult's daily calcium requirement. Salmon is mostly found in the northern seas. Fish is high in calories. 100 g of salmon contains at least 200 kcal.

Sturgeon fish
Sturgeon family has more than 20 species. They live in both fresh and s alt water bodies of the northern hemisphere. All varieties of sturgeon fish are rich in vitamins and minerals. And the most popular species is the beluga fish that lives in the basins of the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas.
The difference between the beluga is the large size. Some specimens in a lifetime can grow up to 9 meters in length and gain weight of 500 kg. The fish islong-liver. Beluga can exist in its familiar environment for up to 100 years.
The sturgeon living in the northern part of the Caspian Sea is smaller. The weight of an adult can reach 120 kg. These types of fish are considered the most expensive. Caviar and meat are of excellent quality.

Paddlefish also belongs to the sturgeon family. The fish is found in freshwater rivers and lakes in North America. The main difference of the species is the rapid growth rate. It is no coincidence that the paddlefish is considered an ideal breeding option. Fish are grown in reservoirs at a constant temperature. This species has practically no scaly coating. As a result, there is no waste in the production process. With a fast growth rate, the fish can reach impressive sizes. An adult paddlefish can weigh up to 90 kg.