Secrets of Russian speech: who is the image?

Secrets of Russian speech: who is the image?
Secrets of Russian speech: who is the image?

Many of us know that Russian is one of the most lexically rich languages in the world. Indeed, it is in the Russian language that there are many words and expressions, the true meaning of which is difficult to explain to a foreigner. For example, an image is who or what? Who can we call this word? And are there analogues to this expression in modern language?

Let's try to answer this question in this article.

Linguistic analysis of the word

First of all, let's offer the simplest linguistic analysis of this expression. Before us is a noun used in 1 declension. It is safe to say that the word belongs to the feminine gender.

Gollum as a hero who has lost his image
Gollum as a hero who has lost his image

The word "image" can be found on the pages of famous explanatory dictionaries. Moreover, it is available in the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov and in the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov. But in the dictionary V. I. Dahl is missing, which indicates his recent origin.

So, let's try to give the exactdefinition of the word "image".

Interpretation of meaning in dictionaries

Turning to dictionaries, we can establish that the image is a derogatory colloquial expression that denotes an ugly person, leading an asocial lifestyle, in every way unpleasant for the people around him. It is possible that such a person is inclined to violate public order, he is rude and unleashed in his behavior, allows himself unworthy attacks on his comrades.

This is the definition we can find in the dictionaries already mentioned above by S. I. Ozhegov and D. N. Ushakov.

The etymological meaning of the word is not easy to determine. Apparently, it is a disparaging version of the word "image". If an image is a word with a positive lexical meaning, then “image” conveys just a negative meaning. So they say about a person who has lost his image, who has not realized in his personality that high spiritual and moral principle that was given to him from above.


Note that the word "obrazina" is widely used in the popular environment, it can be heard in the media, and it also attracts attention in works of literature.

Usually pronounced with a judgmental attitude towards a person's behavior. Note that it was with a deeply negative meaning that the word was used in Soviet propaganda against the leaders of Nazi Germany during the infamous events of 1941-1945.

what does the word imagery mean
what does the word imagery mean

There are examples of using this expression in the meaning of a mask, a mask, andunpleasant enough for the people around, thanks to which a person tries to hide his true face.

There are also examples from the anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR during the perestroika period, when all bitter drunkards were called this expression, and especially women who were addicted to drinking. This emphasized their social decline.

Thus, in this article we have considered what the word "image" means.
