Proverbs about love and not only in Russian speech

Proverbs about love and not only in Russian speech
Proverbs about love and not only in Russian speech

The Russian language is rich and varied. Russian speech is full of various catchphrases, proverbs, sayings and jokes. Proverbs about love, family life, good and evil are the experience of peoples, which he passes on from generation to generation. Does a modern person, in the era of computers and sensors, resort to "grandfather's teachings", does he use folklore in his speech?! And can people who have forgotten the instructions of their ancestors be called a great nation, even in such a “everyday manner”?..

Proverb and saying. Spot the difference

In his speech, a Russian person is used to using proverbs and sayings, giving emotional coloring and a “secret” meaning to his words. Proverbs about love, friendship, work, good and evil are very firmly established in our culture. Everyone from school knows such expressions as “you can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty” or “a disservice”. Each of us at least once used the expression "money down the drain" or "brevity is the sister of talent."

proverbs andsayings about love
proverbs andsayings about love

Of course, no one thinks about which of these is a proverb and which is a saying. Over time, these boundaries have become very blurred, and only a dictionary can clarify.

A proverb is an independent saying that conveys meaning and wisdom. Often the words of the proverb are rhymed, very simple and concise. They are easy to remember and used as independent phrases. Wisdom and truth, tested by generations, are transmitted in proverbs: “It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.”

A saying is a word or phrase that is part of a sentence. Although it can also be used as an independent expression, with a "shadow of understatement" at the end. Sayings are designed to emphasize the emotions of the speaker, often they are ironic. Usually a saying does not contain any instructive load and can be easily removed or replaced in a sentence. With them, speech becomes livelier: “the cat cried”, “play the fool.”

The role of proverbs and sayings

Since proverbs carry the experience of generations, they are primarily designed to support, console and suggest a direction to a person. The proverbs did not come out of nowhere, they are based on real repeating cases and represent a conclusion that a person of any political and religious views is better to listen to. Proverbs about kindness and love, family and work are passed down from father to son.

proverbs about love
proverbs about love

Sayings have also cemented their fame over the years. They decorate, bring variety to speech and are the cultural heritage of the people.

Proverbs and sayings about love

“You won’t command your heart” or “You won’t be forced to be nice” - there is hardly a person in Russia who has not heard these phrases, but no one wants to hear them addressed to him.

People love to watch and comment, including the relationships of strangers. It is very difficult to hide something from people even within the framework of a family hearth. Family relationships and relationships of lovers have always been the subject of envy, advice and conversation. In confirmation of this, proverbs and sayings about love that have been tested for centuries: “husband and wife are one Satan”, “love to the grave - both fools”, “love of evil - you will love a goat”, “where the needle goes, there the thread”, “husband without wives are like a goose without water", "darlings scold - only amuse themselves", "with a sweet paradise and in a hut", "all ages are submissive to love".

wise sayings about love
wise sayings about love

Wise proverbs about love, family life, fidelity and friendship have been uttered more than once by lovers as an oath, as a request, explanation or warning. The most common: “love is not a potato - you won’t throw it out the window”, “be patient - fall in love”, “money can’t buy love”, “tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are”, “friends are known in trouble”.

Proverbs and saying about goodness

Much has changed over the years, but the basic concepts are unshakable. Proverbs about kindness and love are proof of this. Wherever progress progresses, no matter how the scope of morality expands and no matter what modern man is fond of, the craving for good always remains close and important to him.

If we talk about folk tales on this topic, the following immediately come to mind: “from goodthey are not looking for good”, “the world is not without good people”, “there is a blessing in disguise”, “it is good for him to do good who remembers.”

Parental love is a separate topic in proverbs and sayings. Although they are rarely heard, the truth in them is noticed very subtly: “it is warm in the sun, good in the mother”, “small children are small troubles, big children are big troubles”, “every mother has her own child”.

Sayings and proverbs about love from other countries

Some sayings came to us from other cultures and are the property of other nations, but are so firmly rooted in our culture that many do not even know where they come from.

"In love, as in war, all means are good" - words that came from England.

"To understand parental love, you have to raise your own children" - Japanese proverb.

"Love the one who loves you" is a reflection of a person's attitude towards love in Mongolia.

Sayings and proverbs about love, friendship, family and other important concepts are passed down from generation to generation. This is wisdom and truth, proven over the centuries. Our ancestors lived with them, and they will also be inherited by the next generations.

proverbs about kindness and love
proverbs about kindness and love

The world is changing, cultural baggage is replenished, but the basic foundation remains. Sometimes, no extra words are needed, just one precise and well-aimed phrase is enough to reflect the attitude or state of a person. Read, pay attention to the words in conversation and heard on TV, memorize and use proverbs and sayings. Take advantage of the richness of the Russian language and the experience of generations, because“we are all children of the Russian land.”
