A very important role in the fate of a person is played by his place and time of birth. Being born in the right family forms high life goals. The right family helps and pushes to achieve better results. Clearly, such a trajectory of the development of the life path is shown by Boris Titov, whose biography justifies the assertion about the primary role of family influence. In addition, life always favors a person with a strong inner core.
Let's get to know each other
This name is familiar to everyone who is somehow connected with entrepreneurial activity. Boris Titov is the head of Delovaya Rossiya, a member of the Public Chamber, the executive director and the main owner of Solvalub, the chairman of the board of JSC Interkhimprom.

From 2008 to 2011 he was one of the three co-chairs of the Just Cause party. In recent years (since mid-2012) he has been working as the Commissioner for Entrepreneurs under the President of the Russian Federation.
Great start
Boris Titov was born in Moscow on December 24, 1960. Childhood and youth passed like most Soviet children of that time. Although there were features related to family requirements.
Young mangraduated from an English special school. After receiving the certificate, he goes directly to the most prestigious university in the country - MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations). Selects the Faculty of Economics. He studies successfully, he is really interested in subjects. In 1983 he received a diploma in international economics. The young specialist turned out to be in demand and gets a place in the Soyuznefteexport foreign trade association. He is entrusted with an important direction: the supply of oils and petrochemicals.

There were all the conditions for such a great start. A respected family with almost unlimited connections. Grandfather headed the Moscow hospital for old Bolsheviks. Father is a famous geologist, deputy of the Moscow Council. The father-in-law helped the newly-appeared specialist to get a good job. He was on friendly terms with Vladimir Morozov, director of Soyuznefteexport at the time.
First attempts to make money
The future millionaire has always had a desire to earn some money on his own. While still studying at the institute, Boris Titov tried to sell records. In the late 70s and early 80s, there was a "terrible" shortage of records, especially by foreign artists. The Titov family had no problems with their acquisition: parents brought records from business trips abroad.
After the third year, a student with knowledge of foreign languages was invited to the Lubyanka. The KGB needed such specialists, and tried to recruit many of Titov's classmates. Boris Titov fit allparameters. He successfully passed the interview, it remained to pass the medical commission. The young man decides to consult with his father, who dissuaded his son from such a step. Boris heeded the advice and refused.

Career from non-cooperation with the KGB did not suffer. In the fourth year, the student is sent to Peru, as he knew Spanish very well. The first years of work at Soyuznefteexport forced him to travel frequently on business trips. Trips to Cuba provided an additional opportunity to earn money. During a transplant in Ireland, a young specialist bought an electronic watch for all travel expenses. Having spent one dollar apiece (a dollar was then equal to 60 kopecks), he sold them in Moscow for sixty rubles. Money in a young family has never been superfluous.
The first step in your career is working at Soyuznefteexport. In 1983-1989, he was engaged in the supply of petrochemical products to Latin America and the Far East. In parallel, in 1983, he worked in Peru as a translator from Spanish.
In 1989, Boris Yuryevich leaves his former job and becomes the head of the chemistry department at Urals. This position at the Soviet-Dutch enterprise became the next step in career growth. In 1991, he took over as Executive Director of Solvalub. A joint venture between Titov and several associates was created on the basis of the London company Solvents and Lubricants, which was bought out. Gradually the companyturns into an investment group. It is engaged in the supply of agricultural chemistry and petrochemistry, liquefied gases and other petroleum products.

Solvalub is building a chemical terminal in the port of Ventspils. She buys another port "Kavkaz" in 1994. International trade remains its main activity. By the end of the nineties, the company began financing domestic projects. Investing in trade operations, investing in transport and production projects is made by Boris Titov. Photos of the results of these investments flew around the pages of all the central media.
New rise
1996 brings the following changes in Titov's career. Boris Yurievich is elected president of the Solvalub company. Three years later, JSC Interkhimprom, which managed Solvalub's assets in the Russian Federation, receives a new chairman of the board - Boris Titov.
Main projects of the firm during this period:
- JSC Tver Polyether. Engaged in the supply of triple foam-based fabrics to the Ford plant for car seats in Vsevolozhsk and AvtoVAZ.
- SVL-TERMINAL LLC. Construction of a transshipment terminal for petrochemical products.
- Zhejiang Juisheng Fluorochemical Company. Russian-Chinese cooperation limited liability company Juhua Fluorochemical Co. Ltd" manufactures fluoropolymers for the production of Teflon.
- Rzhev poultry farm.
- Abrau-Durso plant. largest manufacturerchampagne.

The beginning of the new century coincided with Titov's presidency at ZAO Agrochemical Corporation Azot. The Solvalub Group became a co-owner of this largest mineral fertilizer enterprise, along with such a giant as Gazprom. In 2002-2004, Boris Yuryevich headed the Foundation for the Development of the Mineral Fertilizer Industry as President.
Community activities
Despite his busy schedule, Boris Titov, authorized by the nature of his work to understand economic issues, begins to engage in social work. He gained his first experience in 2000, when he became vice president and member of the bureau of the board of the RSPP (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs). In 2002-2005, he headed the ethics commission.
Public organization "Business Russia" in May 2004 elects Boris Titov as its chairman. This society is trying to create a favorable climate for investment in the regions. His activities led to a clash with Finance Minister Kudrin.
As the head of Delovaya Rossiya, he is one of several other public organizations. Among them stands out the Council for the implementation of national projects. Support for a young family is one of the projects under Titov's control. Another structure - the Council for the Promotion of the Development of Civil Society Institutions - led to an increase in the entrepreneur's social activity.

Several destinationsdirectly related to economic issues. This is membership in the Competition Council and the Government Commission on issues coordinating the development of Russian industry. Titov became a member of the presidium of the Corporate Governance Council, and chairman of the Russian-Chinese Business Council. In 2005 he became a member of the Public Chamber.
Party Life
In 2007, Boris Yuryevich, an ordinary member of United Russia, is a member of the Supreme Council of the party. He set a goal for himself: to convey economic problems to the general public. This requires the power of the party and the political platform.
The next year, together with three other founders, forms the opposition Right Cause party. It was headed by three people: Titov, deputy chairman of the Union of Right Forces L. Gozman and Georgy Bovt, a journalist. The coalition lasted until 2011. Together with the liquidation of the co-chairmanship, the party has a sole head, Mikhail Prokhorov.
In June next year, by decree of President Putin, Boris Titov received a new position. The Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights under the President of the Russian Federation is called upon to protect the interests of business. Party activities were not in vain. The collision of economic and political issues in the formation of the party's strategy led to the formation of a clear idea that "business cannot risk relations with the authorities."
Titov's initiatives
Economic proposals initiated by Boris Titov, Ombudsman, have often received mixed reviews. Back in 2009, he proposed to replace with monetary compensationunwillingness to serve in the army. Cash receipts, in his opinion, will go to the state, and not into the pockets of officials. Double benefit: fighting corruption and replenishing the state treasury.
At the suggestion of Titov, a new union "Zamodernization. RU" was created. Grigory Yavlinsky, former chairman of the Yabloko party, and Vladislav Inozemtsev, editor-in-chief of the Free Thought magazine, supported the union and actively participated in its creation. The main goal of the new formation is to unite businessmen to plan a strategic line for the modernization of modern Russia.

Boris Titov, authorized under the President of the Russian Federation, headed a group advocating the formation of an effective communication system for entrepreneurs and executive authorities, including a mechanism for prompt response to entrepreneurs' requests, in the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. This association is developing the so-called Roadmap. The document is aimed at creating rapid interaction between business and government structures.
Hobbies of a busy person
Besides Spanish, Boris Yurievich is fluent in English. He devotes his free time to diving and squash. Can play a set of tennis. Traveling and navigation are of particular interest. A yacht, sea air and freedom are the best rest from the cramped office space.
Boris Titov considers his family and children his main achievement. The Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights solves important issues at the state level, and his wife Elena is waiting for him at home,heir to the surname Pavel and daughter Mashenka. Elena Titova is active in social activities: she heads the Russian Glass Development Fund and the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts in Moscow. Pavel can already easily replace his father in the management of Abrau-Durso.
On August 25, 2008, Titov received a state award: a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class.