Alien soul - darkness. And the female one is an impenetrable quest room. A dozen answers to the question, what is "ahem" in a feminine way, converges to the same answer - stingy, like a man's tear, and uninformative. As if the author is afraid of karma, and that they will still find him …
By the way, about karma… On one of the sites, the answer was no less entertaining question: "Trying to find God?" And this is provided that there were no previous requests for such topics. And below is a postscript that he can answer you right now.
Most likely, he alone knows what “ahem” is in a feminine way…
But let's not disturb over trifles…
There was also a very entertaining site, where a person wrote about the same “ahem” from a psychological point of view in long complex sentences. This, according to the author, is a sign that the defendant needs to take a break. Your question is a little absurd, led him to a dead end. If the communication took place in real life, the case would end with pursing lips and coughing.
Ahem… Well, maybe.

Smart Websites
Surprisingly,even "Wikipedia" made an article with the answer to this vital question. This is an inexplicable interjection whose root is "ahem".
But the most interesting thing is that even "Wikipedia" could not give an example of its use, and wrote - missing. Here it is, the breadth of female logic!

Smart books
Inexplicable, but true: about "ahem" written even in smart books. In particular, in the new dictionary of the Russian language "Explanatory and derivational", which in 2000 was released by the candidate of philological sciences Tatyana Efremova. But the main thing, as you have noticed, Tatyana Fedorovna is a woman. Perhaps that is why she was the only one who studied this issue.
According to the dictionary, "ahem" means bewilderment, reflection and irony, and is used exclusively in colloquial speech.
There are variants with a cough, but here the camp of those who know is divided into several categories: someone writes that it would be more correct to write "chem", and someone is closer to "cough"…

Smart women
If we move away from the "female theme", then in normal language "ahem" is an abbreviation. It refers to one of the elements of the power line, which is called the "hook mounting clamp". If you delve even deeper into the philological derbies, you can find such interesting options: the continental hockey league; "ahem" - something cooler than "ahem"; Kemerovokhimmash; the blood of Christian babies; control of metrological characteristics.
Therefore, before you think what she meant, decide on the conceptual apparatus. And find out who she isyou: hockey player, electrician or chemist…
But seriously, men, just ask: "What did you mean?" And you will be happy…