Are you unhappy with your appearance? Then take a look at these men. They are included in the list of the ugliest men in the world. Of course, the appearance of a person does not reflect his inner world, but still, these people are scary to look at.
However, despite external flaws, many of them continue to live, love and raise children. The article contains the top ugliest men in the world.
Elephant Man
Joseph Merrick lived in Victorian England in the 1800s. He suffered from Recklinghausen's disease or neurofibromatosis type 1, which is characterized by the presence of tumor-like hanging formations and large pigment spots. He also became asymmetric limbs and parts of the face.

Look at the photo of the ugliest man who ever lived in our world. Because of his illness, the boy was constantly mocked, mocked, so at the age of 13, Joseph left his studies, and at the age of 17 he left home and went to work in the “freak circus”. Man dies aged 27years from asphyxia. He simply put his head on the pillow (before that, he always slept sitting up), because of which the head simply bent his thin neck.
Man with a huge tumor on his face
The face of the Portuguese Jose Mestre literally "swallowed" the tumor, which at one time reached 5 kilograms. For this, he entered the list of the most ugly men. Moreover, he lived with the tumor for 40 years. The thing is that Jose was born with a hemangioma that grew uncontrollably until the age of 14.
Due to the neoplasm, the left eye collapsed, and soon it completely “swallowed” the entire surface of the face. The man underwent several operations and now his face looks like after burns. But he is still happy, because he managed to get rid of his external defect.
The hairiest man on earth
This is Jesús Aceves, nicknamed Chewie, one of the members of a family that is considered the hairiest on the planet due to congenital hypertrichosis. He entered the ranking of the ugliest men in the world. Previously, Jesus performed in the circus, where he received the nickname "Wolf Man".
In 2010, the man was awarded the title of "The Hairiest Man in the World." At the moment he is busy with a career as an actor and TV presenter. He is married and has two girls, one of whom also has thick facial and body hair. Both women and men from Jesus' large family suffer from this pathology.

The family lives in Loreta, where many residents insult and fear them. But soon the documentary "Chui: Wolfman" will be released on TV screens, thanks to which,hopes Jesus people will stop being wary of him.
Uganda's ugliest man
Godfrey Baguma fell victim to an unknown and rare disease. The surrounding people always looked at him with hostility, considering him inferior. Despite this, he continued to study and work. He is married twice. His first wife walked away from him, and the man soon found out about it and divorced.
Kate's second wife Namanda is 17 years younger than Godfrey, but that wasn't a problem. To date, Godfrey has six children from his second marriage and two from his first. He works very hard to feed himself and his entire extended family.
Octopus Man
Rudy Santos or the octopus man also entered the ranking of the ugliest men. He is 69 years old and suffers from an extremely rare pathology - craniopagus parasiticus (parasitic twin). To date, is the oldest person living with this rare disease.
From Rudy's belly grows a pair of arms, legs, and a head with an ear and hair. Agree, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. It all belongs to his twin brother, whom Rudy swallowed in the womb. But why didn't he remove the parasite?
The thing is, Santos was a national celebrity in the 1980s. He participated in a freak show, where he earned about 20 thousand pesos per day.
In 2008, the doctors again suggested that he remove unnecessary parts of the body, but Santoz refused, referring to the fact that he was used to his imperfection. Now the man is married and has a child.
Stone Man
Harry Eastlack orthe stone man has, unfortunately, died. But he is still considered the ugliest man who lived on our planet. He suffered from a rare disease, which was manifested by the transformation of connective tissue into bone. Surgeons have repeatedly tried to cure the man, but they did not succeed.
Ossifications reappeared. As a result, at the age of more than 40 years, Harry died and bequeathed his skeleton to the Mutter Museum of Medical History, which is located in Philadelphia (USA).
Papa Smurf

Paul Carason received this nickname due to his unusual appearance. He had blue skin, so he entered the top of the ugliest men on the planet. This is not a congenital, but an acquired pathology due to improper self-medication.
He tried at home to fight dermatitis with colloidal silver. In 1999, the drug was banned from sale, but Paul had already turned blue. It turns out that after taking silver inside, argyrosis can occur, manifested by irreversible skin pigmentation.
Because of the external flaw, the man experienced many inconveniences. Everywhere they looked at him with genuine interest. Due to the eternal search for doctors, the man got on television, but there was no doctor who could restore his he althy skin color.
Tree Man
Dede Kosvara also entered the list of the ugliest men. Born and lived in Indonesia. The main feature of his body was the presence of growths that resembled the roots of a tree. Scientists claimed that all this is due to a mutated viruspapillomas.
Dedede was left alone despite the fact that the virus is not contagious. His wife left him, taking the children. All because the man could not find a normal job. He showed his body in the circus. The doctors tried to cut off all the growths, but they grew back. As a result, Dede could not stand being alone and died at the age of 42.
A child in the body of an old man
Dean Andrews suffers from progeria - premature aging of the body. At 20, he looks 50. Unfortunately, doctors have not learned how to treat this pathology, so people with progeria do not live long.
Despite the fact that Dean is one of the ugliest men in the world, he did not despair. Learned to drive at 20, went to college to study mechanics, got 4 tattoos.
The tallest man in the world
Sultan Kosen is the tallest man on the planet. His height is 2 meters 47 centimeters. Sultan is a former basketball player, but due to his large height, he began to have problems with his legs. Therefore, the game had to be abandoned.

Sultan has a pituitary tumor, as a result of which the young man continued to grow. Since 2010, he began to undergo radiotherapy, thanks to which he managed to stop his constant growth. Now the man moves only on crutches.
When tattoos "spoil" appearance
Lucky Diamond Rich is the man with the largest number of tattoos on his body, which is why many consider him the ugliest person in the world. His body is covered with several layers of tattoos.
So that Lucky doesn'tthere were parts of the body not covered with a tattoo, he even applied a drawing to the gums, the skin under the nails and ears. The man didn't stop there. Now the tattoo masters are applying the third layer of drawings to him, only in red.
There are a few more people in the world who have mutilated their bodies beyond recognition:
- Dennis Avner is a cat man. In 1985, the guy began to tattoo himself, made piercings, underwent several operations to modify his appearance, whittled his teeth, inserted fangs. On top of that, he began to climb trees and eat raw meat like a real wild cat.
- Eric Sprague is a lizard-man who covered his body with tattoos resembling scales. He also inserted implants in the superciliary arches, sharpened his teeth, forked his tongue and stylized his nails. Only the tail is missing.
- Paul Laurens is a jigsaw puzzle man who covered his body with jigsaw puzzle designs.
- Tom Leppard is a leopard man with 98% of his body painted in leopard skin patterns.
Ugliest male actors

Here is the rating:
- Vern Troyer. This American actor is only 80 centimeters tall. Starred in famous films about Austin Powers. Mostly played episodic or stunt roles. Despite his small stature, Vern married model Genevieve Gallen in 2004, but the marriage soon fell apart. From 2007 to 2018, the man dated Brittney Powell.
- Michael Berryman. The actor from Los Angeles has a hereditary disease - hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, which affects the hair, sweat glands,teeth with nails. Because of his appearance, the man starred in science fiction films and horror films. His filmography is huge: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Devil's Rejects, Invitation to Hell, The X-Files, Star Trek and others.
- Javier Botet is a Spanish actor, screenwriter and producer who suffers from Marfan syndrome. This is a rare genetic pathology, accompanied by lengthening of the limbs, fingers, extreme thinness and high growth. Despite this, Javier managed to turn his illness into dignity, which brought him financial independence and fame. The actor was born in 1977 on July 30 and today his height is 2 meters, and his weight is 50 kilograms. Due to his good looks, he has landed numerous roles in alien and monster films such as Mama, Crimson Peak, The Conjuring 2, Report and more.
- Marty Feldman. He also entered the list of the ugliest men in the world as an actor and screenwriter. He is known for his strongly bulging eyes, which became so due to an overactive thyroid gland. He wrote more than 20 scripts for various series, but the fame of the actor came to the man after the release of the series "Marty". He also starred in films such as "Young Frankenstein", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", "Silent Movie" and others.
- Lyle Lovett is an actor, songwriter and American country music artist. Despite his not very attractive appearance, he married one of the brightest actresses in Hollywood - Julia Roberts, although they are notlived together for a long time (only a couple of years). The marriage broke up due to the fact that the spouses could not spend much time together. Light has starred in the following films: Tough Guy, Short Stories, High Fashion, and more.
- Clint Howard is an actor with a not very pleasant appearance, but it was she who brought him fame. Clint starred in many TV shows (for example, Star Trek) and the films Apollo 13, Backdraft. He was married twice, but more in order to prove that appearance does not really matter for a happy family life.
- DJ Qualls. This actor also has a very memorable appearance, which he acquired after radiation therapy and chemotherapy (he was diagnosed with a malignant tumor). Dee Jay is extremely thin. The actor starred in the films: "Tough guy", "Earth's core", "Lost" and others.
- Ron Pelrman. He is rightly called "the most charming Hollywood monster." And not in vain, because it was he who played the role of the Beast in the film adaptation of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" in 1989. A long career is a confirmation of a unique talent. And all this despite a very specific appearance.
- Adriano Celentano is a movie star. His appearance is memorable. He has a lot of talents - he sings, draws, dances, acts in films. No wonder Adriano became the sex symbol of an entire era.
- Michael Jackson. You did not think to see him in the list of the ugliest men? He is rightfully included in this rating. Michael could not become successful and earn world fame if he remained black. As a result, he changed his appearance,which made him look like a cross between an albino and an alien.

Where do the ugliest men live?
One popular American dating site has published a ranking of countries with the most unattractive men. So which country has the ugliest men? The top three included residents of the UK, Poland and Russia. But the most beautiful were the inhabitants of Brazil, Sweden and Denmark.
Socialite Lena Lenina said that Russian men are more unkempt than ugly. They just don't care about their looks.
So you found out which men are the ugliest. Most of them went through ridicule and humiliation, but still remained themselves. Some even have families. If you think that your appearance is terrible, look at these people, smile at yourself in the mirror and say that life is beautiful.