Housing policy of the city of Moscow

Housing policy of the city of Moscow
Housing policy of the city of Moscow

In June 2011, the law of the city of Moscow was updated, in which the housing policy of the capital received new goals and objectives, and the authorities changed the main directions of activity in order to ensure the rights of citizens to decent housing. State support is being provided to citizens living in Moscow; this assistance has also taken on new forms. Particular attention is paid to the use of all residential premises for their intended purpose. In addition, the renovation program of old stock housing is gaining momentum; the housing policy of the capital is aimed at improving its quality. Since this topic is very relevant, one might say - burning, it will be given special attention in this article. Let's start with it.

housing policy
housing policy


The purpose of the renovation is to take care of the residents of Moscow, whose houses are gradually, but quickly enough, becoming uninhabitable. The housing policy of the authorities of the capital is aimed at demolishing emergency and dilapidated five-story housing and at relocating Muscovites to new, beautiful, modern houses. As part ofof this program, all those who move from five-story buildings intended for demolition will receive comfortable apartments of equal value in the same area where they lived.

There are, of course, residents who are not too happy with the beginning of the renovation, they believe that the housing policy department has prepared some kind of trick for those who are moving, perhaps more than one. However, the government answers all, even the most tricky, questions. And any Muscovite can voice a topic that worries him, with no doubt that the answer will be given immediately. One has only to visit the website of the Department of Housing Policy. In every district of Moscow, all conditions have been created in order to receive absolutely any information.


During the period of industrial housing construction, five-story buildings in Moscow were erected in huge numbers, and this happened over a period of twenty years, starting in 1957. But there are many in the capital and much older buildings, even the Stalinist period - from the beginning of the thirties. They vary in height from two to four. They are built very high quality, with regard to walls, roofs, foundations. But even if you change the communications in all apartments, this will not help, because the centralized pipelines have worn out and cannot cope: sewerage, water supply, gas pipeline, heating complex.

It is for this reason that living in such houses is associated with constant overcoming of difficulties, about which the Department of Housing Policy of the City of Moscow notifies the population. Most of these buildings are not designed to operate for more than twenty to fifty years. Deadlines expire, but somewhere already expiredfor a long time. Little by little, renovation has been going on in the capital for a long time - since 1988, the old houses of the demolished series are being removed, people are being settled. More than one hundred and sixty thousand families have already received new housing under this program.

department of housing policy
department of housing policy

Unbearable episodes

In Moscow, a huge number of five-story buildings built in the fifties, but not included in the list of demolished buildings. These houses are more durable, however, upon their detailed technical examination, it became clear that they are already very close to being included in the list of emergency housing. Already today, Muscovites point to the unsatisfactory condition of such houses, since the residents living in them do not feel not only modern comfort, but often also security.

The renovation program - the resettlement of such five-story residential buildings - was created to update the housing stock of the capital of Russia. Indeed, it is better not to wait until the five-story buildings begin to collapse. This city is the face of our country, therefore, not only convenience and safety for citizens are important (but this is the housing policy of the city of Moscow above all else), beauty is also important. Probably, in no other city in the country there are so many tourists from all over the world. Dilapidated and gray "Khrushchev" five-story buildings cannot decorate our capital in any way.

department of housing policy of the city of moscow
department of housing policy of the city of moscow

Preparatory work

The Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow promises under the renovation program to all those living in old five-story buildings modern and excellently comfortableapartments. Now the preparatory work is going on. First of all, the opinion of contractual tenants (social tenancy) and apartment owners regarding their desire to include this building in the renovation project is clarified. Voting in progress.

Vacant sites are being selected for the construction of new starting houses. The city budget allocates funds to ensure that the program runs smoothly. The Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund determines the mechanisms for attracting investments, since the budget funds will be clearly insufficient for the full implementation of this program. Since February 2017, the government of the capital has come to grips with solving these difficult tasks. To help him - the adoption of a federal law approving the renovation program.

New apartments

The housing policy of the city has always used a certain "Moscow" standard for providing apartments to those who are resettled from dilapidated housing. The main conditions are as follows. The apartment in the new building will definitely be equivalent. This means that the number of rooms will be the same, the living area will be no less, but the common areas are much more spacious - these are kitchens from ten square meters, and not five and a half, as in "Khrushchev" houses, as well as an entrance hall and a corridor, bathroom and toilet - all this will meet the modern requirements of convenience.

The new apartment will be provided on the territory of the same district where the house being demolished is located, as regards the Central Administrative District, TiNAO, and Zelenograd. Apartments are provided in the property - and completely free of charge. However, those who wishremain a tenant of social housing, may well get a new apartment under such an agreement. If there are people on the waiting list among those relocating from dilapidated housing who are waiting for improvement in their living conditions, they will definitely get a new apartment, taking into account housing standards. This means - already with an improvement, that is, you won’t have to wait and move a second time. It remains to be added that the new apartments will be finished with "comfort" class, not "economy", and in all quarters the renovation program provides for high-quality amenities and excellent infrastructure.

housing policy of the city of moscow
housing policy of the city of moscow

What worries residents - answers to questions

The Department of Housing Policy of Moscow is concerned, first of all, that all information concerning the renovation program reaches Muscovites in a timely and accurate manner. On the website of the Government of the capital, any questions from residents are answered immediately. Most often, Muscovites want to know the details of the upcoming changes.

Despite the fact that the total area of apartments received in exchange for dilapidated housing will be much larger than the previous one (mainly due to premises not included in the living area - kitchen, hallway, etc.), pay extra for an increase in the number of square meters will not be necessary, as many are worried about, especially older people who rely only on their pensions.

department of housing policy and housing fund of moscow
department of housing policy and housing fund of moscow


New houses will be built from the best materials - either solid or panel, but panels are notlike the old ones, these are new technologies. In addition, modern projects include freight and passenger elevators, spacious entrances with beautiful and expensive finishes. The ceilings in the apartments will be high, the sound insulation is much better than in "Khrushchev".

Everywhere, including the entrances, there will definitely be modern double-glazed windows. Any redevelopment in all apartments is possible. Everything is supposed to be made convenient for residents, even the entrance to the entrance and the elevator hall are designed on the same level so that wheelchair users or people with babies can easily move and climb the floors.

Appearance and content

Moscow's housing policy concerns not only apartments. Each built house will have a non-standard and bright facade, which will certainly affect the appearance of the city, and therefore will create a good mood for its residents and guests. But it's not just about beauty. Instead of demolished five-story buildings, buildings will be erected that can serve for more than a hundred years, and if they are overhauled in time, and their maintenance is proper, these buildings will stand for many more than a hundred years.

Does the housing stock, especially the dilapidated part, not concern the housing policy of the city? Of course, the existing infrastructure already exists there, people are used to it. However, nothing will prevent a comprehensive development of each quarter, while simultaneously erecting additional social facilities in accordance with the norms of legal acts of the Russian Federation and Moscow. The infrastructure in each specific territory is provided in a much larger volume,than it was presented in the old five-story building.

department of housing policy and housing fund
department of housing policy and housing fund

What exactly

Beautification standards in all renovation quarters will be applied the most modern - these are bike paths, and the preservation and creation of small local parks, and public sports, playgrounds, a variety of leisure infrastructure. Green spaces will not decrease at all, on the contrary, they will increase.

The best domestic and world architects, specialists in urban studies, experts in the design of urban infrastructure will be involved in the projects of new quarters. Transport occupies a special place in the plans. Residents won't change neighborhoods, so there won't be much change in terms of accessibility. Unless there will be more routes and, perhaps, they will be more branched.

Equivalent and equivalent apartments

These two similar-sounding words do not mean the same thing at all. A new apartment, which is identical in market value to the old one, is equivalent. No other parameters may match here: neither the number of square meters, nor the area, nor the floor. But the equivalence is determined by completely different characteristics, the most important thing here is its consumer value: the number of rooms, area, area. It is at least the same as the old one, but more often than not it is better. Of course, due to the fact that it is new. The cost of a new apartment will be twenty to thirty percent higher than the cost of "Khrushchev".

What kind of housing awaits Muscovites as part of the renovation program -equal or equivalent? Of course - the most profitable. Getting an equivalent apartment is always preferable. If only because a square meter in new buildings differs significantly from the cost per square meter in a five-story building, new houses are much more expensive. Those who, despite the beginning renovation, made expensive repairs in their "Khrushchev" will be a little upset. They will not receive compensation. But in the new place, residents are waiting for apartments with a fine finish of the "comfort" class and high-quality (not cheap) plumbing.


Citizens with permanent registration in the capital should be provided with the right to housing. Therefore, the entire housing stock depends entirely on the housing policy of the city of Moscow. The right of citizens is ensured by providing residential premises in city ownership in the manner prescribed by legal acts and laws of Moscow. Housing is also provided through assistance and assistance to citizens in the construction or acquisition of premises using their own or other funds and in the ways provided for by the legislation of Russia and specifically Moscow.

The main goal and main objective of Moscow's housing policy is the affordability of citizens to acquire ownership of premises. For this, conditions are created and assistance is provided. It is also important to improve living conditions. The real estate market functions constantly and quite effectively, the spheres of services for the repair, maintenance and management of the housing stock are developing. Mortgage lending is being developed for the purchase of apartments inproperty, city budget funds are used to improve the conditions of Muscovites, subsidies are provided for the construction or purchase of premises.

city housing policy
city housing policy

Housing policy of the city in addition to renovation

Citizens are provided with housing for social hire, for contractual hire, as well as for free use. All contracts are drawn up in the manner and on the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts. Construction is being stimulated, conditions are being created for the development of the housing policy fund of the city of Moscow. Self-management in multi-apartment buildings is being improved, and more and more owners of premises are involved in this.

Protection of the rights of citizens in relation to the consumption of services - utilities and maintenance of the housing stock of Moscow. Control is provided by the department of housing policy regarding compliance with the law in the city. State control is also ensured over the safety and use of the fund, over the compliance of the premises with the technical and sanitary standards and rules established by law. The Department of Housing Policy ensures that the premises comply with all requirements of Moscow legislation.
