Gurov Alexander Ivanovich, whose biography is taken as a basis in the stories of the writer N. Leonov about the famous operative Lev Gurov, is a co-author of Yuri Shchekochikhin. He took part in writing sensational publications in "Literaturka" about the formation of organized crime, en titled "The lion jumped".
After these articles, his name has become quite popular among various segments of the population.
Begin biography
Gurov Alexander Ivanovich was born on November 17, 1945 in the Staroyuryevsky district of the Tambov region, the village of Shushpan-Olshanka.
After graduating from high school in 1964, he was called up for military service. After demobilization, he went to work in law enforcement structures as an employee of the escort police regiment of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate. Gurov went from private to deputy head of the convoy.

In 1970, he came as a detective to the department of the criminal investigation at Vnukovo airport. As a junior lieutenant of the militia, Alexander Gurov came to the attention of journalists because of the incident with the pet lion King, who was kept in the Berberov family. The lion who took partin the filming of "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia", attacked a man and was shot dead by Gurov, who happened to be nearby.
After studying at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, in 1974, he joined the Criminal Investigation Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
On the front against organized crime
In 1978, Alexander Gurov became a researcher at the All-Union Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, where he later rose to the rank of head of a unit studying the problems of combating organized crime.
In 1979 he defended his Ph. D. thesis.
In 1988, he headed the Sixth Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was created to organize the fight against organized crime, drug trafficking and corruption.

In 1990, Gurov was invited as a consultant to the shooting of the movie "Beyond the Last Line".
From 1992 to 1994, he was the head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, First Deputy Head of the Center for Public Relations, a consultant in the Regional Department for Combating Organized Crime, and headed the Research Institute for Security Problems in the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation.
Participation in elected bodies and further work
From 1990 to 1993 Gurov Alexander Ivanovich, whose photo could be found on the pages of many publications writing about crime, was elected a people's deputy. He joined the committee of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which oversees the rule of law, law and order and the fight against crime.

Soon Gurov Alexander Ivanovichbecame a doctor of law. The topic of the dissertation was organized crime in the Soviet Union.
During this period, "Literaturnaya Gazeta" published two articles on the intensification of organized crime, prepared by journalist Shchekochikhin and Gurov, which brought them both wide popularity.
Gurov Alexander stood at the origins of the creation of a new structure, which later became known as the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Russian Federation.
Since 1994, in connection with the reorganization of law enforcement agencies and the liquidation of the research institute on security issues, he retired with the rank of major general of counterintelligence, after which he headed the security service of the Moscow TEPKO-Bank. In 1995, he took the position of vice president of Infoservice.
Return to service
Since 1998 Gurov Alexander again returned to law enforcement agencies and headed the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. He also served as an adviser to the head of the Russian government.
1999-19-12 Gurov again joined the State Duma of the Russian Federation. He was third on the federal list of the "Unity" electoral bloc. Sergei Shoigu headed the list. It also contained the name of multiple Olympic champion wrestler Alexander Karelin. From the Unity faction, Gurov headed the State Duma Committee on Security Issues.

In the next fourth convocation of the State Duma in December 2003, he passed from the United Russia party. From this faction, he againjoined the Duma Security Committee.
In the fifth convocation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in December 2007, Lieutenant General Alexander Gurov was also on the federal list from United Russia. He re-entered the security committee, and also became the head of the mandate commission of the State Duma.
Deputy activity
A. I. Gurov showed considerable activity as a people's choice.
1991-12-12 in the Supreme Council he supported the proposal to ratify the agreement signed in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, as a result of which the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
In 1991, he joined the commission of the Supreme Council, which investigated the "Case of 140 billion".

Voted for the proposal to suspend the sixth constitutional article, which secured the leading party role in public life.
In 1992, he joined the Civil Society parliamentary group, which united radical democrats who stand in opposition to Boris Yeltsin and Yegor Gaidar.
Gurov was given a sanction to conduct an investigation into the case of Istok, a company led by A. Tarasov.
Work on the law "On Police"
Gurov is a member of the group of authors who developed the law "On Police". In 2010, in the fall, in an interview about this law, he said that people in uniform should work in the police, guided only by public interests, and not by their own pocket. He told a reporter,that you should not pay attention to the costs of implementing this law, if only there was a benefit. Among the people, the police have somewhat discredited themselves, so renaming it to the police should be a real step towards reforming the police department, which is essential for the development of the modern Russian state, Gurov believed.

According to him, in order to avoid the complete collapse of public order, the collapse of national security, as well as the accelerated disintegration of society and the onset of the historical end of Russian statehood, a serious reform of law enforcement structures should be carried out.
About positions, titles and awards
Aleksandr Gurov, lieutenant general of militia, is a member of the National Civil Committee, which interacts with representatives of law enforcement, legislative and judicial bodies, being a member of its presidium.
He is an honored lawyer of the Russian Federation. He was awarded a number of state awards, in particular, the Order of Honor and the Order of Friendship.
In view of his outstanding merits and great personal contribution to the development and strengthening of the Russian statehood, in 2003 Gurov was awarded the Order of Peter the Great, first degree.
For his outstanding contribution to the security of the country in 2002 he was awarded a gold medal and the title of laureate of the Andropov Prize.
In 2001, he was awarded a golden badge of public recognition.
A. I. Gurov is a member of the Russian Union of Writers, has over one hundred and fifty monographs,teaching aids and scientific research. They have published several books. In 1995, he released The Red Mafia, a book about organized crime families during the collapse of the USSR.