Our capital is rich in sights and memorable places. Many of them have become reserved. They contain the whole history of our people, country. In this article, we want to introduce you to the most interesting Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, which is located almost in the very center of Moscow.

Most recently, it was an ordinary park where residents of neighboring districts walked, in the Church of the Mother of God of Kazan they got married, baptized children, celebrated church holidays.
Today, the Kolomenskoye Museum occupies a vast territory - 390 hectares. It has more than thirty architectural monuments, fifteen natural monuments.
From the history of Kolomenskoye
More than 2,5 thousand years ago, on a hill with a flat top, a settlement arose - Dyakovo settlement. Archaeological research suggests that people lived here even earlier - many monuments located near Dyakovo Hill date back to the 5th - 3rd millennium BC. e.
The village of Kolomenskoye was founded by the inhabitants of Kolomna, who fled from Batu Khan. It was first mentioned in the XIV century, in the letters of Ivan Kalita.
Starting from the XIV century, the village turns into a summer estate of Moscow princes. The architectural ensemble of the estate took shape over two centuries (XVI-XVII centuries) as a summer royal residence.

In 1532, Vasily III, father of Ivan the Terrible, built the Church of the Ascension on the high bank of the Moskva River. Since 1994, it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. For more than a century this temple was the home church of almost all Russian tsars.
Its height is 62 meters. From the observation deck, located in the church, offers a magnificent view of the Moscow River, as well as a magnificent panorama of the city.
Church of the Beheading
This temple is as old as the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, although not everyone who visited Kolomenskoye knows about its existence. The church is often called the Forerunner. It is located away from the main monuments. Many consider it mysterious, keeping many mysteries. However, none of them has yet been solved.
The church is located on a hill, at the foot of which there is an immediate sense of mystery. The stream that goes around the hill does not freeze even in severe frosts. A steep wooden staircase leads to the temple. The church can only be seen from the top steps of the stairs. To enter it, you need to go through the main gate. Everyone who crosses them gets not just into the temple, but also into the ancient cemetery. Surprisingly, it does not cause gloomy impressions.

The church amazes everyone who sees it for the first time with its grandiose dimensions - the central octagonal pillar 34 meters high and four tower-shaped aisles 17 meters high. The whole building is connected by a bypass covered gallery. It is built on the same foundation. The church is made of brick, plastered and whitewashed. It is believed that the Church of St. John the Baptist is the prototype of the Moscow Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, which was built later. There was a version that the authors of both structures are the same people. However, this version has not been scientifically confirmed.
In 2009, the restoration was completed here, the church is in excellent condition, but despite this it seems "forgotten" and lonely.
Museum "Kolomenskoye" - history of creation
In 1923, the architect-restorer P. Baranovsky organized a museum of wooden architecture on the territory of Kolomna. Wooden buildings that had historical and architectural value began to be brought here. As a result of this activity, the house of Peter I, delivered from Arkhangelsk, the mead factory brought from Preobrazhensky, the Mokhovaya Tower of the Sumy prison and many other valuable exhibits appeared in the museum.
Palace of Alexei Mikhailovich
Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was very fond of resting in these places. During his thirty-year reign, the village flourished. Initially, the young ruler came to these places for falconry, but over time he turned the village into a luxurious royal residence. In 1668 (in just one year!) a luxurious wooden palace with 270 rooms was built.
After the capital was moved to St. Petersburg, the estate fell into disrepair, and under Catherine II the dilapidated palace was dismantled. In its place, in 1767, Prince G. Makulov erected a new, four-story palace. The two lower floors of the building were made of stone, and the upper ones were made of wood. Above the other buildings of the ensemble, a second floor was also built on and later used as a kitchen. Later, the palace was dismantled and rebuilt several times. The last time this happened was in 1872. We must pay tribute to the masters of that time, who previously took the necessary dimensions and made drawings of the historical structure. It was according to them that in our time the palace was recreated, which is available today for visiting tourists.

The Sovereign Court, and now the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, was surrounded by a stone and wooden fence. Front entrance - The front or Palace gates led to the royal estate. The rear or Spassky Gate was an economic entrance.
Peter I's house
When you visit the Kolomenskoye Museum, you can see an interesting exhibit. This is the house of Peter I. It was built at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River. Peter I lived in it for about two months in 1702, during the construction of a fortress in Arkhangelsk. In 1930 the house was moved to Moscow. According to historical documents, the interior of that era was recreated in the house.
Kolomenskaya bell tower
This is a beautiful and rather rare example of a Russian bell structure from the end of the 16th century. With her clear lines, she emphasized the splendor of the Temple of the Ascension of the Lord.
Near the bell tower you can hear a thin and melodious ringing. This is the sound of the original musical instrument "beat", which was perfectly mastered by local performers. On a specially made frame, thin plates of bell bronze are fixed. Wonderful melodies are played with special hammers.

Vodovzvodnaya tower
The tower served two functions - with the help of mechanisms it raised water into tanks and piped it for its intended purpose, and in addition, it was used as a passage gate leading to the Voznesensky Garden and the village of Dyakovo. Now the water tower, like other service facilities, is not in operation.
Ascension Garden
The Kolomenskoye Estate Museum is famous not only for its architectural monuments. The magnificent landscape, the most beautiful nature attract Muscovites and guests of the city here. One of the favorite places for vacationers is the Voznesensky Garden. This is one of the most ancient gardens in Moscow. Its area exceeds five hectares. It became part of a large "old" garden in Kolomenskoye. About 900 trees grow here, mostly apple trees, which fill the air with a divine aroma in spring.
No less valuable are the Kolomna oaks, which are over 400 years old. According to the legends, the future Emperor Peter I was studying to read and write in their shadow.
Kolomensky Park
Museum-Park "Kolomenskoye" is a huge territory where it is pleasant to spend time in any season. Here you can have a great rest without leaving the capital. The park stretches alongEmbankment of the Moscow River. Its landscape is diverse - ravines, meadows, forests.

The Kolomenskoye Estate Museum is not just a park, but a nature and landscape reserve. It is part of the association of Moscow reserves, which includes Lefortovo, Izmailovo and Lyublino.
Various cultural events have often been held here. The Kolomenskoye Museum, for example, has become a permanent venue for Russia's largest honey fair. In addition, there are amazing exhibitions of sand sculptures. Masters from different countries of the world take part in it. Every year the museum hosts the Times and Epochs festival.
Voices ravine
In ancient times, it had other, more appropriate names - Kolomensky Stream, Tsarsky ravine, Palace ravine, etc. It is not known how the modern name appeared. It stretched for more than a kilometer. A small stream flows along its bottom, flowing into the Moscow River.
At the bottom of the ravine, you can see two sandstone boulders of very impressive size, which are natural monuments. There is a legend that George the Victorious in this place overtook the Serpent. In the fight against him, the horse of the warrior died. His remains symbolize these stones.
In addition, there is a "Maiden Stone". According to legends, he grants wishes and heals from diseases.
Apothecary's garden
As already mentioned, the Kolomenskoye Museum is famous for its natural monuments. One of them is the apothecary's garden, a prototype of today's botanical gardens.
Kolomenskoye Museum -vacancies
If you are looking for an interesting and well-paid job in the Kolomenskoye estate, then you should go to the official website of the company. Here you can find a job - a guide, an assistant to the organizer of events, a security guard, a museum caretaker. Shift work is possible.

How to get to the estate
All tourists visiting Moscow should visit the Kolomenskoye Museum. How to get there? There is nothing easier. On the "green" line of the Moscow metro there is a station of the same name - "Kolomenskaya". From it to the park you need to go straight about 200 meters.
For many Muscovites, the Kolomenskoye Estate Museum is a favorite vacation spot. Families come here to walk in the old park, ride bicycles (you can rent them here). And for children on the territory of the complex there is an excellent playground of attractions - "Amusing Sloboda". At the pier on the banks of the Moscow River, you can jump on inflatable trampolines.
You can visit the Kolomenskoye Park any day from 10.00 to 17.00 (except Mondays), and in summer the park is extended by two hours.
Moscow is famous for its unique historical monuments. The Kolomenskoye Museum is one of them. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come here to see the priceless creations of Russian architects, to admire the beautiful nature of these places.