Igor Shuvalov is the first deputy prime minister in the Russian government and is trusted by President Vladimir Putin. Currently, he oversees the entire government economic bloc, is actively working to promote Russia's interests abroad, primarily in China and the countries of Southeast Asia.
The beginning of life's journey
A native of the Magadan region (but not a native Siberian - his Muscovite parents were there to work), Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov, after graduating from a Moscow secondary school, worked in 1984-1985. in the laboratory of one of the capital's research institutes, and then in 1985-1987. served in the army. In those years, the young man, and even the former conscript, really had all the ways open. Therefore, Igor Shuvalov first enters the labor faculty (for those who are still young and do not remember Soviet realities, we explain that this is something like a preparatory department, but completely free), and then to the law faculty of Moscow State University, which he successfully graduated with a diploma legal lawyer in 1993.
Career start
Young and personable IgorShuvalov (the photo below confirms these characteristics), which is important for his job, becomes an adviser in the Department of Legal Affairs of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

After meeting a potentially interesting private employer, well-known entrepreneur Alexander Mamut, at work, Igor Shuvalov, after not even a year in the Foreign Ministry, goes to work as a senior lawyer in his consulting firm ALM, a member of the British Association of Law Firms. In 1995, he became the director of ALM and worked with him until 1997. It should be noted that well-known Russian oligarchs like B. Berezovsky and R. Abramovich used the services of his company.
Igor Shuvalov very successfully combined his legal activities with participation in business projects in the field of wholesale trade, production and sale of consumer goods, and real estate activities. At the same time, he was the founder of several trading, manufacturing and financial enterprises.

Main Life Choice
From 1997 to 1998 Shuvalov Igor was the head of a department at the State Property Committee, and then in 1998 he joined the Russian government of Viktor Chernomyrdin, first as Deputy Minister of State Property, and a little later, in the same year, he became Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund. In this position, he outlived four prime ministers: Sergei Kiriyenko, Yevgeny Primakov, Sergei Stepashin, Vladimir Putin. With the appointment of Mikhail Kasyanov as prime minister on May 18, 2000, Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich wasappointed head of government staff.

Milestones of the state career
From the end of May 2003, Igor Shuvalov began to work as an adviser to President Putin, and from October of the same year - as deputy head of the presidential administration. Together with Dmitry Medvedev, he developed forward-looking national projects to promote the upbringing of the younger generation, the he alth of the nation, agriculture, road construction and housing. He was also an active participant in negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO.
On May 12, 2008 was appointed by Prime Minister Putin as one of the two First Deputy Prime Ministers in his cabinet, along with former Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov.
After the resignation of Alexei Kudrin in September 2011, Igor Shuvalov briefly took over the official duties of the Minister of Finance. Since then, while remaining the first vice-premier, it is Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich who supervises the government's economic block. The photo below shows him in his latest activity.

Family and personal life politics
Even while studying at Moscow State University, our hero met his chosen one Olga, who also studied at the law faculty, and since then they have not parted. This marriage can generally be classified as super happy. Judge for yourself: Igor and Olga Shuvalov have three children - a son and two daughters. By the way, the son of Eugene, following the example of his father, served as a Marine in the Pacific Fleet, although he could go to study not just anywhere, but inOxford.
Current challenges and prospects
Igor Shuvalov is undoubtedly one of the leading figures in the Russian government, especially after the transfer of such large state managers as Igor Sechin and Sergei Sobyanin to work in structures outside the government itself or the presidential administration.
And Igor Shuvalov fulfills the trust placed in him by the political leadership of Russia, at 100%. All the major undertakings of Russia in recent years concerning the development of international cooperation and trade, primarily with the countries of Asia, take place under his direct supervision. A striking example of such work was the APEC summit in Vladivostok in 2012. Shuvalov put a lot of effort into organizing its preparation and overseeing the construction of major facilities, including the Far Eastern Federal University, as well as the famous bridges, which today have become a real hallmark of Vladivostok as the capital of Primorye.
In January of this year, Shuvalov represented Russia at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and this is already the level of the first persons of the state. After all, neither the Russian prime minister nor the president could take part in this event.

And Igor Ivanovich honorably represented our country at this major international event. In June, he brightly and convincingly speaks at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, and already in September he takes an active part in the preparation and holding of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok and Beijing.forum. As soon as it is over, Igor Shuvalov, at the head of a large government delegation, again goes to Beijing and then to Singapore to negotiate the integration of the Russian economy into the emerging pan-Asian economic community. Currently, he is increasingly focusing on managing the development of the Far East, which, according to the decisions of the leadership of the Russian Federation, is a priority for the country.