Snow goat: description, habitat, interesting facts

Snow goat: description, habitat, interesting facts
Snow goat: description, habitat, interesting facts

An amazingly beautiful animal lives in the mountains, which belongs to the bovid family. If you are lucky enough to see how these handsome men in white coats jump from cliff to cliff, this sight will be remembered for a lifetime. Such a miracle of nature is called - a snow goat. After reading this article, you will learn many interesting facts about the life of these horned climbers.

Snow Goat Description

The goats living among the rocks are extremely large: the growth of adults reaches 100-106 cm, with a weight of 90-140 kg. Males can be easily distinguished from females by their much larger size, otherwise "boys" from "girls" do not differ much in appearance.

mountain goat
mountain goat

This mountain goat resembles an ordinary domestic goat with its horns, which are not large. They are relatively small, smooth, slightly curved. Horns change color depending on the season. In the warm season they are gray, and in the cold winter they are black.

An elongated head of medium size rests on a powerful neck. The beard has a characteristic beard. The limbs of mountain jumpers are extremely strong, thanks to such strong legs, goats can easily cope with the most steep and dangerous ascents and descents. Black hooves. The tail is so short that due to the lush fur it is almost invisible.

A distinctive feature of these animals is their amazingly beautiful fur coat. It is especially striking in its chic view in the winter. At this time, the white coat is especially thick, long, sagging with a lush fringe.


No heights and rocks are not afraid of such an animal as a bighorn goat. Where this bold creature of nature lives is easy to guess - in the mountains. Unfortunately, the population of these artiodactyls is decreasing. In the wild, such a snow-white mountain goat is found exclusively on the slopes of the rocks of North America. Horned rock climbers are capable of conquering peaks up to 3000 m.

In ancient times, snow goats lived all over North America. But over time, people step by step forced them out of their homes. The animals had to go farther and farther in search of solitude and tranquility.


Snow goats are not herd animals. They can live alone or in small groups (3-4 individuals). They rarely conflict with each other, if an undesirable conflict is brewing, they take a kneeling position, which allows you to smooth the situation. The nature of these animals is calm. They are not very active, inactive, although they have to lead a nomadic life in order to get food.

snow goat where does it live
snow goat where does it live

Moving aroundrocks, white mountain beauties do not like to rush, do not like to make sudden movements and jumps, except perhaps out of necessity. Slowly, like real rock climbers, artiodactyls manage to rise to dizzying heights.

A large powerful body does not prevent the goats from holding their hooves on small stones at all. If, having climbed a cliff, the animal sees that it will not be possible to get off, then it simply jumps down, even from a height of 7 meters. In such a jump, a mountain goat can turn up to 60 degrees. If her hooves don't find a flat landing area, she simply pushes off with them and makes another jump until she is firmly on her feet.


Snow goats, in order to feed themselves, occupy an area of about 4.5 - 4.7 sq. km. In autumn they migrate to the southern and western slopes of the mountains. They do not like to go down into the valleys, they look for slopes that have not yet been covered with a layer of snow.

Mountain animals graze in the morning and evening. If the moon illuminates the area well, then the goat's meal continues after the sun has set. The menu includes all the vegetation available to them: grass, wild cereals, moss, shrubs, tree branches, lichens. Herbivorous beauties dig moss and lichens from under the snow with their hooves. Branches of bushes, leaves and bark are gnawed. In captivity, snow goats' favorite treats are fruits and vegetables.

Mating season

Snow goats are polygamous animals, they do not differ in fidelity to each other. The mating season falls on the cold season: November-December. At this time, the males begin to mark the territory, spreading a special liquid. The specific smell of their marks tells the females about the loving nature of the male. Behind the goat's horns there is a gland that secretes this liquid, so it rubs its horns against rocks and trees, thereby leaving its unusual smell everywhere., movements. First, he sits on his hind legs, while digging a hole in the ground with his front legs. Then, sticking out his tongue, on bent limbs he walks on the heels of his chosen one, showing humility with all his appearance. This whole performance is played out so that the bighorn goat reciprocates. After the horned boyfriend hits the female lightly in the side, and she does not do the same in response, it becomes clear that the couple took place by mutual agreement.


For half a year, a mountain goat bears offspring. She always gives birth while standing, and in most cases one goat is born, which weighs about 3 kg.

bighorn goat
bighorn goat

Newborn babies are very active, from the first days of life they walk quickly and feed on their mother's milk with appetite. After 30-35 days of the milk diet, the kids begin to eat plant foods, graze with their mother and the rest of the group.

Snow Goat: Interesting Facts

The way of life of snow goats is unusual, primarily because of the mountainous terrain where these amazing creatures live.

bighorn goat interesting facts
bighorn goat interesting facts

There are many interesting facts about white handsome men:

  • Snowygoats are not afraid of even fifty-degree frosts with a strong wind. In such extreme weather, animals are reliably protected by thick, lush, warm wool.
  • The hoof split can narrow and widen depending on the situation and need. Thanks to this, the animal is able to move on any terrain with a slope of no more than 60 degrees.
  • Matriarchy reigns in the group of snow goats: the leader is the female.
  • It is impossible to see a bighorn goat in the forest or in the field, they live only in the mountains, sometimes they walk along the s alt licks.
  • In ancient times, the Indians collected wool from the rocks, which snow goats shed during molting. Woolen fabrics were made from goat down.

They are true high altitude movers.
