Proverbs and sayings are a concentrate of wisdom that our ancestors collected bit by bit. No wonder they are passed down from generation to generation. There are a lot of them, therefore, for almost any situation, you can pick up the appropriate smart thought. In this article, we will consider the following expression: "The grave will fix the humpbacked grave." Everyone knows the meaning of this proverb. But is it so unconditional, or are there still exceptions to this rule?
The origin of the saying
There is a saying in the Bible: "A crooked thing cannot be made straight." There is an assumption that the saying "The hunchbacked grave will correct" is a transformation of biblical wisdom.

In terms of meaning, these two expressions are really similar. Just as the crooked cannot straighten up, so the hunchbacked person cannot acquire a straight back in life.
There is also a version that Joseph Stalin made popular the phrase "Humpbacked Grave"

During the Second World War there was a general named Gorbatov. He was not distinguished by loy alty, was straightforward, enterprising and often annoyedGeneralissimo. Once, the above phrase was said to him, which later became winged.
In Dahl's book, which contains Russian proverbs, there is such a saying: "The grave will correct the hunchback, but the stubborn club." This is the full version of the saying.
The meaning of the saying "The humpbacked grave will fix it"
The human hump is not always considered only in the literal sense. In a figurative sense, it can symbolize some sins and shortcomings that burden life and prevent a person from spiritually improving. A hump is a kind of cross that a person carries through life.

Disadvantages vary, such as addiction to alcohol, obnoxious temperament, gambling, inability to compromise, etc.
What does the proverb “The humpbacked grave will fix” mean? She says that, unfortunately, a person does not change. Why does the grave correct the hunchback? Because after the death of a person, it doesn’t matter what he was. In death, everyone is equal, both hunchbacked and slender - everyone finds one refuge.
Is it really so? Is it really impossible to change a person? In most cases this is true. However, there are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes things happen in people's lives that change their minds. There are many examples when, say, after an accident, people become completely different, start a new life.
Similar sayings
In addition to this expression, there are other well-known sayings that reflect the essenceestablished tendencies that are difficult to eradicate. For example: "You can't wash a black dog white." In French, there is also a saying that literally means the following: "He who drinks will continue to drink." In this particular case, we are talking about alcoholism. However, this proverb is perceived in a broader sense, not only in relation to drunkenness. It characterizes bad inclinations and character traits that cannot be corrected.
The essence of the saying, of course, reflects reality. However, this does not mean that you should not believe in the best. Of course, if a person himself does not want to change, nothing will force him. However, if the desire to become better arises in the person himself, and it is strong enough, everything is possible. There are many examples of this. Usually, people are forced to reconsider their life views by some serious trials, which, probably, are sent to us in order to improve. Life does not teach everyone, and not everyone draws the right conclusions, but there are people who can cross out their past and start everything from scratch.