Green areas of St. Petersburg: Piskarevsky park

Green areas of St. Petersburg: Piskarevsky park
Green areas of St. Petersburg: Piskarevsky park

For the first time, attention to the problem of the preservation of green spaces in Russia was paid back in the second half of the 18th century by the Russian Emperor Peter III. He even issued a decree that forests are recognized as one of the most important we alth of Russia, and raised the issue of caring for them. However, at present, the issues of the preservation of forests, especially within large cities, are particularly acute. Green areas are being destroyed for profit - "development", on the construction of which construction companies profit.

Thus, the state of Piskarevsky Park in St. Petersburg has recently become more and more sad. But this is one of the most famous historical parks in St. Petersburg.

Appearance of the park zone

For a long time on the territory of the estate of the merchant Piskarev, in whose memory this historic district of the city was named, there was a fairly long forest. Mostly pine. Even after the sale of the Piskarevsky lands, the forest was not cut down for dachas. part of the forestwas destroyed in connection with the founding of the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery in Leningrad during the years of the blockade, and after the war - for urban development. Remained untouched is not too large array, which in 1962 was ennobled. One of the few forest parks in the city was set up here.


Memorial near the park

A memorial in memory of 900 days of the siege was opened near the eastern border of Piskarevsky Park in St. Petersburg, which over time was taken away from it by residential development.

Piskarevsky cemetery was not originally planned as a memorial zone. Due to the huge number of deaths among the townspeople due to blockade hunger, cold, disease and bombing, it became necessary to allocate a new site for burial. The old cemeteries were sorely lacking. Everyone who was dying in hospitals, at factories and in apartments, who died on the street and near machine tools in factories, was taken to Piskarevka. Everyone, from young to old - both old and young.

Piskarevsky cemetery
Piskarevsky cemetery

There are also some more reminders of the terrible war years: trenches and dugouts. Nothing remains of the runway for military aircraft, organized here during the years of war and blockade. And the mass graves of Soviet soldiers, like the German cemetery nearby, have already disappeared from the face of the earth. But the memory of these wartime realities lives on.

Sports and recreation areas near the forest park

In the place where the German cemetery used to be, the Zenith Sports Games Palace and high-rise new buildings are now located.

Complex"Zenith" was built near Piskarevsky Park in 1975 on Butlerova Street as a training base for the Leningrad football team "Zenith". At that time it was a modern building, built of glass and concrete and surrounded on the second floor by a spacious open balcony. In the years of perestroika, the palace, in order to "survive", rented space here for a clothing market. And on the field at that time teenagers were playing football. Next to the field were organized training areas with small then still simulators. And service and internal areas were also rented out.

DSI "Zenith"
DSI "Zenith"

Next to the "Zenith" on the right there are small ponds that can hardly be called ponds. They are never cleaned, and therefore today they are very swampy. To the left of the complex, about ten years ago, on the site of a modern residential microdistrict, there was a pond, among the locals called "Doggy". This place, which the townspeople used for recreation and recovery, was dangerous: the water was heavily infected with bacteria, dogs were bathed here, there were no toilets nearby, and therefore the pond completely replaced them. And this place was also a criminal one: the police repeatedly caught security violators from the water.

Meaning of the forest park for citizens

Many residents are trying to capture a variety of mass events organized by the district administration in Piskarevsky Park in the photo. Moreover, the forest park is of great importance for the inhabitants of the surroundings. This is a favorite place for walking in the summer under the canopy of foliage and coniferous paws, in wintersnowdrifts and ski tracks. Here, in sunny summer weather, lovers of dark skin and ultraviolet hunters roast in the sun. Dogs are also walked here, because you can always find a clearing to play with your pet and train it "in the open". And right behind the forest park from the side of the cemetery there is a specially equipped dog playground where professional trainers work.

Dog training ground
Dog training ground

For a long time, the local population in the summer used Piskarevsky Park as a place for a picnic and fried shish kebabs right on the fires, baked potatoes. Every summer, firefighters came here on a call. Then the fires were replaced by barbecues, but the fires did not decrease. And now here you can meet lovers of outdoor recreation, but more and more with sandwiches. They also like to relax under the canopy of trees and local drunkards, who can often be seen sweetly snoring under a bush.

Piskarevsky forest park
Piskarevsky forest park

State assessment

Residents of the area leave different reviews about Piskarevsky Park: both positive and negative. Unfortunately, in recent years, ordinary citizens have become less and less willing to go to the Piskarevsky forest park for a walk. Everything here requires paying special attention to the state of the park, which spontaneously overgrows and begins to look like a forest with windbreak, heaps of garbage and broken earth, plowed paths.

Dirt in the forest park
Dirt in the forest park

But you have to cross the territory of the forest park - then go to the Kalinin base for groceries, then the kids from school to a rally onRemove the Piskarevsky memorial. And in winter, in the evenings, it’s better not to meddle here at all: you will need help from a dashing person - you won’t shout!
