The green zone is an integral part of any city or other settlement. It is a territory outside the city limits, occupied by forest parks, forests and performing security and sanitary and hygienic functions. Such zones form a protective forest belt and often act as a place for people to relax.

Main functions and purpose
Classify green zones depending on the structure and purpose of the territory. Inside them, specially protected green zones are distinguished. They also include natural monuments, wildlife sanctuaries, forests around recreation centers and other areas with certain restrictions on nature use.
Such ecological systems perform a number of important functions, including:
- Improving the state of the environment, namely: enriching the air with oxygen, softening the microclimate and radiation regime of the city, reducing the level of dust in the air and the concentration of harmful chemicals in it.
- Recreation. The green zone creates optimal conditions for people to relax in the open air.
- Preventing soil, building walls and walkways from overheating.
Besides hygienic and he alth-improving functions, green areas also have an aesthetic value. Such territories are used for the construction of prestigious residential areas, which indicates their important architectural and planning role.
Green space
Green spaces, which are a collection of trees and shrubs and herbaceous plants in a certain area, are divided into groups of general and limited use.

The first includes embankments, boulevards, squares, city parks, forest parks. The second group is represented by sites of schools, public buildings, sports and children's complexes, residential areas.
Regardless of the category of destination, the green zone plays a leading role in the process of creating optimal conditions for a person. This applies not only to clean the air from pollutants, but also to reduce the level of noise, vibration, and protection from winds. Green spaces in general have a positive effect on the human nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on the life and recreation of the population.
Recreation and recreation area
A person's need for rest always exists, regardless of where they live.

However, the demand for outdoor recreation increases depending on the standard of living of the population. As well-being grows, the requirements for organizing a country holiday grow.
Among the mainfunctional zones are allocated recreational, the task of which is to create a living growing forest that meets the needs of mass recreation of the population. Thus, green recreation areas meet the requirements of a he althy, full-fledged, and therefore with high sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic properties, recreation.
Value of green space forests
Greenzone forests are a collection of forest plantations in the suburban area outside the city limits. Such systems perform an environmental protection role and provide beneficial conditions for recreation. Depending on the intensity of visits by the population, the availability of a transport network, remoteness from the settlement and species composition, the following types are distinguished:
- forest park;
- forestry.
The first includes territories located near the settlement and intended for short-term rest.

The forested part is characterized by picturesque landscapes, the presence of water bodies and transport routes. Also, within this part, separate zones are distinguished: walking, memorial, historical, as well as an active recreation area. The forestry part is located outside the city and performs mainly a sanitary and environmental role.
Legal aspects of suburban areas
Among the main elements of the legal regime of green zones, there are bans on:
- carrying out economic and other activities that negatively affect the performance of the basic functions of these zones;
- hunting and agriculture, development of mineral deposits;
- use of toxic drugs to protect and protect plantings.
Features of forest reproduction, their use and protection are established by the federal executive body. The protection of the green fund involves the organization of a system of measures aimed at the preservation and normal functioning of green zones, ensuring the normalization of the ecological situation and the creation of a favorable environment. Also, the green zone is limited by the availability of certain areas for recreation and mass visits of the population.
Beautification of the territory
Recently, the role of green areas as a resource for recreation has increased significantly. To preserve the positive impact of such territories and prevent the negative impact of the human factor, a thoughtful, carefully planned system of forest management is needed. That is, the important role of the improvement of the territory of suburban areas is obvious. The main task of such improvement is the development of comprehensive measures to ensure the stability and protection of the properties of forest phytocenoses.

Activities include environmental protection activities, regulation of attendance, improvement of recreational green areas. In the territories of mass visiting, conditions are created for the recreation of the population: playgrounds, sports grounds are arranged, a dense path network is being laid, and transport parking is being equipped. In addition, the green zonethe site of which is a place of short-term recreation of the population, requires regular cleaning of dead wood and household waste. Any activities are carried out taking into account the sustainability of green spaces to anthropogenic pressures.
Designation of borders
On the basis of urban planning documentation, the border of the green zone is established. Which, in turn, is carried out taking into account the interests of the population, municipalities and subjects of urban planning.

Zoning of the territory of the suburban zone is presented in the territorial integrated urban planning schemes. Even in the project for the creation and development of forestry, recommendations are being made to justify the boundaries of the green zone. Also, paths, roads, streams and rivers can be used as block boundaries when arranging forests in green zones.
For cities and settlements located in treeless areas, instead of a green zone, protective strips of green spaces located from the side of the prevailing winds should be provided. The width of such lanes is individual for specific settlements.