The main task of the St. Petersburg water utility is to provide water to both the largest city and its suburbs. On the ground, the implementation of this function is carried out by district divisions. Data from the water utility of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg is easy to find. First of all, you should go to his official website.
Pushkin Vodokanal
The goal of the organization is to strictly adhere to the current quality standards. Vodokanal of the Pushkinsky district provides the population with water supply and sanitation services.

Employees of the enterprise not only cope daily with their main task - supplying quality water to residents, but also continue to develop a modern enterprise in terms of production and management, take measures to improve the existing life support system in the suburbs of the northern capital of Russia.
Vodokanal contacts
The address of the Pushkin Vodokanal is available to everyone. The organization is located in the city of Pavlovsk, Leningrad region at Filtrovskoye shosse, 7A.
For more conveniencepopulation and prompt resolution of emerging issues related to the operation and maintenance of sewerage and water supply systems, the organization has a landline telephone, which is listed on the official website.
To date, the division, along with the St. Petersburg water utility as a whole, has established effective feedback for timely receipt of information from consumers. The hotline operates around the clock.

Pushkin Vodokanal activities
The main task of the division is to ensure uninterrupted and high-quality work in the region of sewage systems, as well as water pipes.
In recent years, additional attention and strength of educational activities have been paid here. For this purpose, such structures as the "Children's Ecological Center" and the complex called "The Universe of Water", which is a specialized museum, have been created in the head unit for this purpose. The activities of the subscriber department of Pushkinsky Vodokanal are also being improved, which has become more accessible to the population.
The organization as a whole and its branches do not stand still. Over time, new structures and divisions are opened in it, more modern technologies are used, including for the purification of supplied water.
Current cleaning technology
In the course of the work of the Pushkin Vodokanal, as well as the central organization in St. Petersburg, modern and efficient technologies are used.

Yes, within the framework ofwater treatment in the water pipes of the city of Pushkin, the following manipulations are carried out:
- disinfection with sodium hydrochloride;
- flocculation with specialized cationic flocculant;
- water filtration and settling;
- liquid ammoniation;
- coagulation of contaminants;
- filtration using sand bed;
- UV disinfection.
Starting from 2007, a modern system has been put into operation on the territory of St. Petersburg and its suburbs, including Pushkin, which involves the implementation of water purification in two stages. This allows high-quality disinfection of drinking water, supplying the inhabitants of the region with a safe liquid.
During this manipulation, a reagent such as sodium hypochlorite is used, in conjunction with the treatment of the liquid with ultraviolet light.
This combination of physical and chemical action ensures the highest quality of drinking water and its safety.
Residents of the region can be sure that the water supplied to the Pushkinsky Vodokanal system fully complies with quality standards and is safe for he alth.
It is important to note that on the territory of St. Petersburg and the region for the first time began to apply complex ultraviolet treatment in relation to drinking water. At the same time, liquid chlorine has not been used for this purpose for many years, which increases the safety of the liquid for the population.

Features of water treatment
Addresses and phone numbers,e-mail contacts along with certificates of quality and safety, TIN of the Pushkin Vodokanal, can be found on the organization's website. It also presents the latest innovations implemented in terms of water treatment of the liquid supplied to the inhabitants of the region. These include:
- complete refusal to use liquid chlorine during liquid disinfection;
- water in the Neva, which is supplied to consumers, now undergoes not only laboratory, but also biocontrol - live crayfish are used for this purpose (and they, as you know, will not live in polluted water);
- when drinking water is supplied to the end user, Pushkin Vodokanal carries out its full processing by means of ultraviolet radiation, which is a guarantee of its complete safety in epidemiological terms;
- during ammonization, ammonium sulfate is used - a safe substance that does not have toxic properties.
Current state of the enterprise
In the framework of the modern Russian housing and communal services, Pushkinsky Vodokanal, as a division of the head organization in St. Petersburg, confidently holds a leading position relative to other regions of the country. Moreover, in recent years, the parent company and its subsidiaries have received a number of specialized awards. They concerned effective and active work with the population, contribution to the development of the infrastructure of large cities and their suburbs.

Achievements and awards of recent years
Petersburg Vodokanal and its local subdivisions in recent years anddecades have done tremendous work, which allowed us to bring the enterprise to a new level. Now an innovative wastewater treatment system has been put into operation here, and water consumption in the city has been significantly reduced.
Components of the integrated water treatment system are regularly updated, new equipment is installed.
To date, St. Petersburg has managed to solve the problem inherent in any large metropolis associated with the destruction of the sludge formed in the system.
As noted above, another major achievement of the St. Petersburg water utility is the use of an innovative system for treating drinking water using ultraviolet radiation. It is a safe and effective method with excellent results.

Work towards environmental education of people
In addition to the main areas of its work, Pushkin Vodokanal, as part of the parent organization, is actively involved in educating the population on environmental issues. Everyone should understand that in the modern world, the ecological consciousness of the public is of exceptional importance. Under the current conditions, a consumer attitude towards the environment and causing damage to it is categorically unacceptable.
To convey this idea to the masses, several additional divisions were opened on the basis of the organization. Among them is a modern complex called "The Universe of Water", as well as an environmental center that works with children.
Activitythe water utility of St. Petersburg and its subdivisions in the suburbs is becoming increasingly important. Employees of the organization make every effort to improve the quality of service. Now, if problems arise, you can contact not only your territorial division, but also the hotline, which accepts applications throughout the region, and then distributes them locally.