Scientific knowledge is traditionally divided into several groups depending on the breadth of application: this includes particular scientific, general and general scientific methods. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
Historically, there are only two general methods: metaphysical and dialectical. Moreover, the first began to be gradually replaced by the second, starting around the middle of the 19th century.
Basic general scientific methods have a wide range of applications, which is interdisciplinary. Due to this versatility, they are used in various fields of the scientific sphere of human life.
Private scientific methods, in turn, are a special group that includes research for a specific object or phenomenon. Nevertheless, they contain features of both ways of studying and knowing the world around us, which were considered earlier.
In turn, each of the presented categories has its own classification. For example, general scientific methods include theoretical and empirical, as well as a mixed level of knowledge.
Methods of knowledge at the theoretical level arestudies of the logical or rational component of the phenomenon. This will help to identify connections and patterns between objects and, in addition, to determine the most important and significant aspects of each of them. Consequently, the results of such research are laws, theories, axioms and hypotheses.

In turn, general scientific methods related to the empirical level of knowledge are studies applied directly to real objects that a person can perceive with the help of the senses. The data obtained are accumulated and then go through the process of primary systematization. The result is charts, graphs and tables.
Since the empirical and theoretical levels are closely interconnected, general scientific methods can be placed in a separate group, which in one situation or another can be attributed to both the first and the second. Modeling can be referred to this group as an example. It allows you to recreate a psychological reality that would allow you to determine the behavior of an object in a given situation (the influence of emotionally colored memories and stories on changes in the mood and state of the subject).
Let's take a closer look at some of the most common general scientific methods.

Targeted visual-sensory systematic study of objects and phenomena to acquire skills and scientific knowledge about the outside world. It is characterized by three features:1. regularity; 2. focus; 3. activity. Without the above characteristics, observation becomes passive contemplation.
Empirical description
Recording and fixing information about processes, objects and phenomena that were obtained in the process of observation, using various means of artificial and natural language. However, certain requirements are imposed on this method of cognition, for example, objectivity, completeness of information and their scientific content.
This is a more complex form of observation as it involves purposeful and active participation. In other words, this is a directed change in one variable and a comprehensive observation of its influence on other components of an object, phenomenon or process.