Beauties of the Caucasus: recognizable style, southern beauty, type, character traits, behavior and upbringing

Beauties of the Caucasus: recognizable style, southern beauty, type, character traits, behavior and upbringing
Beauties of the Caucasus: recognizable style, southern beauty, type, character traits, behavior and upbringing

The Caucasus is a culturally complex region with a large number of different nationalities living on its territory. But, despite this, there is still some cultural continuity and unity between them. For example, everyone knows about the special beauty and culture of Caucasian women. So what are they, the beauties of the Caucasus?

Features of the region

The Caucasus is inhabited by many peoples. The most common are the Circassians (Adyghes, Circassians and Kabardians), Ossetians and Balkars. The identity of the peoples of Dagestan allows them to be united under a common name - Dagestanis. The same can be said about the inhabitants of Chechnya and Ingushetia. Beautiful girls of the Caucasus get their own special charm and demeanor due to certain features of upbringing and norms adopted in their culture. For all peoples, the following common features can be distinguished:

  • Developed sense of national pride, self-respect.
  • Commitment to following traditions and habits, great value of family ties.
  • Emotional character, desire for self-presentation.
  • Persistence in achieving your goals.
  • Emphasized respect for elders and people with a higher position in society.
  • Striving for leadership among other ethnic groups, community.

These features of upbringing and perception of the world are more noticeable in the behavior of Caucasian men, but, of course, leave their mark on girls.

External Features

Girls of different nations
Girls of different nations

There is no single type of appearance characteristic of all the beauties of the Caucasus. Many nationalities living independently and independently of each other create many types. Armenians differ from Azerbaijanis, Chechens from Ossetians, and more than a hundred nationalities live in Dagestan alone, each of which has its own external features that distinguish them from others. But there are also common features that distinguish the beauty of the Caucasus from the girls of other nations.

These features include a wide open face, angular features, a long and wide nose, a sharp chin. All these signs are almost invisible in young children and appear with age. Looking at the photos of the beauties of the Caucasus, the following external features can be distinguished: the correct symmetrical face of a narrow shape, graceful features, big eyes.

This beauty has one significant drawback - age-related changes overtake the inhabitants of the Caucasus quite early. This happens due to the fact that the angular features of the face become more prominent with age, and the type of chin, characteristicfor Caucasians, prone to sagging. Therefore, with age, Caucasian women may appear older than their peers with a different type of appearance. Fortunately, cosmetic procedures and products help to preserve beauty. Many Caucasian beauties know how to keep themselves in order and maintain their beauty for a long time.

Character traits

Caucasian girls, brought up in the traditions of their country, are distinguished by a special charm and charm. The image of the proud, submissive and homely beauty of the Caucasus was formed for a reason.

As a rule, Caucasian girls are hardworking and do not know discouragement. From childhood, they are taught that one should not be discouraged by troubles, and a smile is the best way to heal a sick soul. There is even a saying in Georgia that says if your barn is on fire and you can't do anything about it, you should at least warm your hands.

National wedding dress
National wedding dress

Caucasian beauties are famous for their femininity. In traditional Islamic society, there is no place for masculine clothing on the fair sex, tattoos and piercings.

Raised in a special environment, they tend to be quiet and submissive. A Caucasian woman believes that her task is to provide a rear for a man, to protect the hearth. Therefore, she will not take on male duties, interfere with the male upbringing of children. It brought up respect for the elders and more privileged, and a man in Islam is higher than a woman.

girl in hijab
girl in hijab

For women of the Caucasus, the concept of honor is very important. To lose honor in all respects is worse thanaccept death. This leaves its mark on their demeanor.

Caucasian beauties tend to be more practical and less romantic than European ones. They have no illusions about marriage and understand that after marriage they will have to take care of maintaining the home. Raised in this way, they are ready for marriage, children and the concerns of family life.

Clothing style

Dagestani singer Laura Alieva
Dagestani singer Laura Alieva

In clothes, modern girls of the Caucasus, as a rule, prefer skirts, dresses, heels. They prefer branded, high-quality and beautiful things. Caucasian beauties treat their image with trepidation, skillfully combining various styles and things. In cities, girls, as a rule, do not wear hijabs, so they pay great attention to make-up and styling, sparing no expense on beauty salons if possible.

Daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov
Daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov

Religious girls who live in a conservative environment or, as often happens, voluntarily want to isolate themselves from the world with a headscarf, can also afford elegant clothes combined with covered hair. Women in Chechnya are the most conservative in matters of clothing. But even they always strive to choose beautiful closed clothes.

Priorities in life

Girl with a child
Girl with a child

Even in the 21st century, Caucasian women prioritize family and children. But the pace of time leaves its mark on life in the Caucasus and upbringing: girls strive to get an education, find a goodhigh paying job. The Caucasian peoples have a special attitude towards we alth - they love prosperity and the attributes of an expensive life. Nowadays, it also happens that Caucasian women prefer a career to their family. In this case, the lady will certainly strive to quickly climb the career ladder and achieve success in the chosen field - due to diligence and perseverance.

Reflection in culture

Many people know about the beauty of Caucasian girls. She is sung in poems and songs, captured in paintings (for example, portraits of Ivan the Terrible's wife, Maria Temryukovna). A lot of songs are dedicated to the beauties of the Caucasus. And who does not know the Shamakhan princess? And by the way, Shamakh is the name of one of the cities in the Caucasus.


The girls made themselves famous not only for their modesty and beauty, but also for their ability to dance. Today, the beauties of the Caucasus and the Lezginka dance, and modern dances with the same grace and grace.
