The famous artist of the Russian Federation Lyubov Uspenskaya gave birth to her daughter, Tatiana Plaksina, rather late, after 30 years. That is why she always loved the long-awaited child very much and, despite the age of her daughter, continues to take care of her.
Soul Traveler
Tatyana was born and spent her entire childhood in the United States of America. Later, the girl moved to Costa Rica and lived there for quite a long time. A not very pleasant incident is connected with this place near Plaksina. The girl said that once, swimming in the ocean with a strong current, she swam far and could not resist the elements. Fortunately, the girl was saved by a local Argentinean, to whom, as a token of gratitude, Tatyana presented a huge cake made of sweet cookies (this is how it is customary to thank people there - with sweets).
Daughter of Lyubov Uspenskaya Tatyana Plaksina loves to travel and tries to regularly change her surroundings and place of residence. After Costa Rica, France was next on the agenda. In a city called Lyon, the girl met and began dating a local artist, who not only instilled in Tatiana a love of art and painting, but also taught her how to draw. And, despite the fact that the couple soon broke up, Plaksina did not lose interest inart, and she continues to improve her drawing skills to this day.

Love for art
Then Tatyana Plaksina lived for some time in Thailand and India, gaining new experiences and getting to know the culture and way of life of the locals. In May 2017, she came to Moscow to visit her mother.
Here, in the huge mansion of Lyubov Uspenskaya, Tatyana spent most of her time painting - the girl dreamed of opening her own exhibition, for which she was then preparing. After some time, the exhibition really took place and received a lot of positive feedback from critics and media representatives. Tatyana also said that she was going to move from her mother's mansion, and noted that although Uspenskaya's house is very cozy and spacious, she still wants her own personal space, albeit not so luxurious and large.

Work and hobbies
Tatiana Plaksina is a spiritual person. She believes that it is necessary to devote enough time to her inner component and develop in every possible way. The girl is fond of spiritual practices, loves yoga and meditation. She even met for some time with a healer from Germany, who was engaged in various spiritual and tantric practices, and managed to teach her a lot. Then, despite the relationship at a distance, the girl noted that such a phenomenon was quite acceptable for her. And being next to each other 24 hours a day is not necessary, you need to relax alone sometimes. Another interesting fact: the 28-year-old daughter of Uspenskaya nevertheless admitted that she was already thinking about creating her own family and having children.

In July of this year, Tatyana Plaksina posted a photo on her Instagram profile with a new lover: he turned out to be a fashion expert Gosha Rostovshchikov, known in the fashion circles of Moscow. Love tries not to interfere in her daughter's relationship and supports her in any creative undertakings.