in September 2006. For none of them, this television acquaintance was not in vain. After all, the majority of viewers, absorbed in the wonderful action that unfolded on the screen every Saturday evening for three autumn months, became fans of figure skating. According to surveys conducted at that time, it turned out that a huge number of parents enrolled their daughters and sons in circles so that the kids could learn the basics of such a difficult, but very beautiful sport.
"I was born"
December 18, 1973 intelligent Moscow family increased by one person. Engineer Izyaslav Naumovich Averbukh and microbiologist Yulia Markovna Burdo gave birth to their beloved boy, the future Honored Master of SportsIlya Averbukh. Who will be little Ilyusha, it was my mother who suggested that since childhood she had been raving about figure skating. While still at school, she knew all the skaters by name. Therefore, many years before the birth of the baby, his life path was very carefully and reverently built, because Yulia Markovna was sure: when she had a child, he would definitely learn to skate.

Ilyushka was only five years old, and he had already taken the first step on the ice of the Avangard stadium. Unfortunately, he was soon expelled from the group, because the coach was sure that the boy was not physically developed enough to start training on the ice. Mom did not give up her dream and did not give up trying. A year later, she again took him to figure skating. Everything repeated again. However, if Ilya's mother had not been so persistent, nothing would have happened.
Hafanana in Kindergarten
When Tatyana Ustinova invited him to her author's program "My Hero", Ilya Averbukh said that his mother, despite the fact that she loved her job (microbiologist), left her and went to kindergarten at the rate of a music worker. She deliberately took such a step so that her son was always under supervision. But the main roles at matinees bypassed him, as a rule, Ilyusha was dressed up as bunnies or snowflakes.
In kindergarten, he did not want to sleep, prevented his classmates from calming down after dinner. In order to at least a little calm the kids and try to maintain discipline, his mother took him to a separate room, whereIlya Averbukh was left to himself for a very short time. "Private room" - that's how he called the assembly hall, where he came off while the rest of the kids were sleeping. Under the song "Hafanana" little Ilyusha arranged a real performance.
First Coach
So, Yulia Markovna still found a coach who was able to consider that her son is a promising and capable student. Zhanna Gromova turned out to be such a coach, who immediately took up the boy very seriously. Mom took Ilya to classes twice a day. It was decided that Averbukh would become a single skater - a single skater. But life put everything in its place: when he turned 13, in one month Ilya stretched out 12 centimeters. Now the young skater had problems with coordination of movements (however, they were temporary) - his jumps were not so ideal. In this regard, Ilya Averbukh was transferred to pair dances. This option turned out to be more interesting for him, and he stayed here forever.
Violinist, soccer player or figure skater?
So, despite the fact that grandparents hoped that their beloved granddaughter would learn to play the violin, the boy became a figure skater. Ilya Averbukh, whose biography has been studied to the smallest detail by his fans, recalls that he would play football with great pleasure. He likes, having worked hard, to get a fairly quick result, the result of his efforts, but in figure skating it doesn’t work like that, you have to work for a very long time. He did not really like attending all the necessary training. He, frankly bored, monotonously and pedanticallypracticed the same movements.

Everything changed after the first world championship held for juniors. Ilya skated in tandem with Marina Anissina. Young people have become winners. From that moment, Ilya realized that figure skating would forever remain in his life.
Anisina and Lobacheva
After Zhanna Gromova, the well-known figure skater and coach Natalia Linichuk became Averbukh's coach. In 1989, he became one of the members of the Russian national team. Over the next three years, his biography in sports was adorned with a victory: skating with Marina Anisina in the junior league, figure skater Ilya Averbukh became a two-time world champion. Everyone was sure that the Anisina-Averbukh couple would have a great future. But why, with such magnificent prospects, did this couple break up? There were frequent quarrels between the partners, and Natalya Linichuk decided to part ways.

When 1992 came, Ilya Averbukh, whose photo appears quite often on the pages of various publications, became a pair with figure skater Irina Lobacheva (and he had known her since childhood). And now he looked at her in a completely different way. Three years later they moved to the United States of America. They lived and trained there until the 2000 Olympics.
Hello S alt Lake City
And now the significant and important year 2002 has come for both of them. In February, the Averbukh-Lobachev tandem performed very successfully: the skaters won silver at the Olympic Games in S alt Lake City (USA). Morethe couple spent one season in amateur sports. They submitted to the European Championship, where they won a significant victory, taking a prize-winning silver place at the World Championships. The return home to Russia took place in 2004. Amateur career was over. They decided not to perform anymore.
"Ice Symphony" and others
Even leaving professional sports, the world-famous figure skater Ilya Averbukh, whose personal life is constantly of inextinguishable interest to all his admirers, did not allow for a moment the thought that he would say goodbye to figure skating forever. The year 2004 has come. Ilya was finally able to breathe life into his old dream - the Ice Symphony show, because it is a wonderful theatrical ice performance. And celebrities of world figure skating, which include world, European and Olympic champions, are the heroes of this project.

So, the dream came true. But Averbukh cannot be stopped now. Two years later, in 2006, Channel One for the first time presented to the viewers the show of a completely new format, Stars on Ice. Along with figure skaters, pop stars, cinema, and athletes participated in it. Ilya Averbukh was the producer and trainer.
The project was a huge success, so after a while peculiar clones were created: "Ice Age", "Ice and Fire", "Bolero" … So that not only residents of the capital could enjoy the performances, at the end of each season in many cities of Russia (also did not go unnoticed near and far abroad) with a hugethe tours of the project participants were a success. The constant leader was, of course, Averbukh.
The figure skater does not deprive the younger audience of his attention either: in 2014, before the winter holidays, the premieres of his ice productions dedicated to the holidays, “Mother” and “Baby and Carlson”, took place.

And the trace of Ilya Averbukh remained in the cinema: 2004 - debut in the family of journalist Ilya Gavrilov in the drama "Time of the Cruel", 2008 - Ilya - producer of the series "Hot Ice", where famous figure skaters were filmed along with actors (Alexey Tikhonov, Povilas Vanagas, Irina Slutskaya and others).
Today, Ilya Averbukh's team has started rehearsing "The New Bremen Town Musicians" - another theatrical performance on ice, which will be released from December 26, 2015 to January 8, 2016. Everything, of course, is kept secret. But it was promised that the audience would be captivated and delighted with pyrotechnic effects, circus tricks, and original scenery. The central roles are given to the "golden" pair of modern ice: Princess - Tatiana Navka, Troubadour - Roman Kostomarov.
Familiar stranger
Back in 1995, in addition to a wonderful pair of skaters, the birth of a family took place: Ilya Averbukh and Irina Lobacheva became husband and wife. Nine years later, in 2004, already in America, their son Martin was born. Everything seemed to be going very well, but after living together for 12 years, they made a mutual decision to part ways in 2007.

IlyaAverbukh, whose personal life is always under the watchful eye of television cameras, fully provides for his ex-wife and son. The division of the jointly acquired property did not occur: Averbukh left everything to Irina and Martin, who at that time were only three and a half years old. Now the former spouses maintain warm friendly relations, and their son can communicate with his dad quite often.