In what year was the warmest winter in Russia? Periodicity and localization of a natural phenomenon

In what year was the warmest winter in Russia? Periodicity and localization of a natural phenomenon
In what year was the warmest winter in Russia? Periodicity and localization of a natural phenomenon

To be fair, it is worth recognizing that the climate in most of the territory of the Russian Federation continues to be quite harsh, especially with respect to the European "neighbors". The weather is typical for the Russian winter months - frost, biting wind and a lot of snow. Despite this, abnormally warm winters continue to be a phenomenon that periodically occurs throughout the world, judging by regular meteorological observations from 1981 to the present day. Nevertheless, the warmest winter in Russia is the weather achievement of the 21st century. Perhaps the main "horror story" of scientists, global warming, may become a reality in the near future.

Temperature measurements: who and why decided that the weather has become warmer?

The history of Russian meteorology dates back three centuries - from the moment the first meteorological stations appeared in our country. The maximum development of this science falls on the years of the Soviet Union, when their number reached 455 units - approximately from the 50s to the 80s of the last century. Despite the fact that now there are just over one hundred and fifty operating facilities, regular information about the data obtained during weather research is received monthly by Roshydromet, and also replenishes the international climate monitoring database. The information obtained serves as the basis for determining the average monthly and average annual temperature both in the country and around the world. Thus, the conclusions of scientists about any deviations in weather conditions are always confirmed by instrument readings.

The first statements by experts about warming date back to 1976, when the World Meteorological Organization released data on the threat looming over the world climate due to the recorded rise in water and air temperatures.

the warmest winter in Russia
the warmest winter in Russia

How often does a warm winter happen in Russia?

Analyzing the entire period of regular meteorological observations, we can say that the warmest winters in the history of Russia have been recorded more often since the second half of the 20th century. An anomalous increase in temperature is especially distinguished: 1960-1961, 1961-1962. - at this time, winter held a "temperature record" for a long time. The following warming events have already been observed today: 2006-2007, where the average readings exceeded 0.7 degrees, and, of course, the cold season of 2014-2015, which “pleased” the Russians not so long ago. – so far this is the warmest winter in Russia. It is possible that this winter of 2016, according to the results of average annual temperature calculations, will take a leading place in this list.

If we talk specifically about the years when I wasthe maximum average monthly temperature is recorded, then we can recall February 1998, January 2007 and February 2002.

Where is the warmest winter in Russia?
Where is the warmest winter in Russia?

The warmest winter according to the Russian Hydrometeorological Center

Today, meteorologists unanimously assign the title of "the warmest winter in Russia" to the last winter of 2014-2015. According to the Hydrometeorological Center, the average annual temperature during this period increased by as much as 2 degrees. Outwardly, this figure may not look too serious, but for comparison, the previous temperature record, related to the winter of 1961-1962, was only 0.5 degrees.

By the way, the climate anomaly affected not only our country. The states of the Eurasian continent, North America to the Mexican territories recorded an anomalous increase in temperature readings up to 7 degrees - this was the warmest winter in these territories. In Russia, the average temperature readings are significantly reduced due to the northern regions.

the warmest winters in the history of Russia
the warmest winters in the history of Russia

A place where there is no frost: which part of Russia has the warmest weather in winter?

Despite the warnings of scientists about the imminent global warming, winter in most regions of Russia often continues to be a season of ice, snow and frost. Of course, not everywhere - the vast territory of the state covers several climatic zones, which means that there are regions where the "Russian winter" does not happen at all. The cold season here is more like spring or autumn.

Places where the warmest winter in Russia is not solot. The leaders in the amount of sun, light and high temperatures, even in the winter months in our country, have always been the regions on the Black Sea coast. Crimea and the resort towns of the Krasnodar Territory are places where there are practically no severe frosts. They differ from other regions of the country with a mild subtropical climate and a long swimming season.
