How tall is Putin? Interest Ask

How tall is Putin? Interest Ask
How tall is Putin? Interest Ask
how tall is Putin
how tall is Putin

Surely all those who are now over twenty remember very well the touching moment when, on New Year's Eve, already quite sick and tired President Boris Yeltsin announced that from now on it would not be he who would preside, but his "right hand" - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The camera in the reporter's hands swung down sharply, and the audience saw a modest short man who smiled discreetly and correctly answered questions. Many years have passed, and the current president of Russia has proved that, in fact, it doesn’t matter how tall you are, if you can effectively look down on those who do not have your mind or managerial talent … However, ordinary people are still worried question about how tall Putin is.

Rise of politicians

Funny thing: all the more or less outstanding personalities were either very tall or rather short. By the way, "normal", that is, average, male height is considered to be 175-185 centimeters, and if you look at the historical and political picture of the world, it appears as follows:

- Peter the Great - 202 centimeters.

- Winston Churchill - 166 centimeters.

-Napoleon Bonaparte - 169 centimeters.

How tall is Vladimir Putin
How tall is Vladimir Putin

How tall is Putin? Various articles have been written on this subject. To some, his height seemed too small, especially compared to really tall people, others believed that the President of Russia was of normal average height. So who do you believe? And how tall is Putin really?

Interesting question

In fact, in view of what is happening now in the world and, in particular, in the neighboring fraternal country, few people are interested in the question of how tall Putin is. But someone who follows all the events exclusively with the help of the Internet and television, and who thinks that everything that happens, is nothing more than a skillfully staged political thriller, can be worried about various personal details. Everyone knows that Vladimir Vladimirovich is in perfect physical shape. Despite the fact that the president was already in his seventies, no one would give him more than forty-five years. Putin himself only smiles reservedly at all questions about how he manages to look so young and fresh, or jokes reservedly that he has found the so-called elixir of youth. But interest in his personality is only growing, and despite the fact that he has been "familiar" to us for quite a long time, the question "how tall is Putin" continues to be relevant.

putin vladimir vladimirovich height weight
putin vladimir vladimirovich height weight

How tall is the president?

Putin is really not tall - many people who spoke with him personally say that his height is about 169-171 centimeters. However, an excellent athletic physique, a springy gait and a strong direct look more than compensate for this "lack". And to the American reporters who ask the half-ironic question: "How tall is Vladimir Putin?" - you should look back and look at your politicians: George W. Bush and Barack Obama are tall and stately. But this only says that they are tall and stately, and nothing more. Only Abraham Lincoln was a truly outstanding personality of high stature. There is simply no political figure worthy of Putin in the West.

The one who asks questions like: "Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich: height, weight?" looks funny. Just as funny are those who look with interest at the powerful shoulders and athletic figure of Viktor Yanukovych. This is not the main thing now… Not at all.
