To solve some social problems, social projects are created, within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what it is. What are the characteristics of those that are aimed at young people? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or projects aimed at seniors? For example, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation already?
What is a social project?

A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a specific social problem or aimed at improving some aspect of social life. But in addition to the idea, he must offer more ways to implement it, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, who will be the main target group of the project. To help you understand what it is, an example of a social project, which will be published below. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to solve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). There are usually 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by the project participants from their own funds or sponsorship fromentity with large financial opportunities.
Social projects include proposals to reform the system of social security, social protection, he alth care, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are set immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they do not differ much in the general mass, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).
What are the features of projects aimed at young people?

The most important feature is that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation to be improved should be described in detail, as well as any specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.
What should the project be about?
The project must meet the following conditions:
- There should be no contradictions in the ideas put forward and methods of implementation.
- Should be feasible under the given conditions.
- Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. It can be said aboutsocial projects for schoolchildren, their examples should be able to interest these restless guys.
- Should give an answer to the social order that arose in society.
- The implementation plan must be effective and in such a way that it will achieve the goal.
- It should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, will be of interest to young people.
How should a social project be designed?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. He alth, creativity, demographic issues, he alth improvement, scientific or cultural enlightenment, promotion of sports or a better relationship with other people can be chosen as a field of work. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the specific goal could be the popularization of radio electronics, design, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a logical thought club or an astronomical circle.
After defining goals, you need to think about tasks - the most concentrated goals. Examples of tasks might be: instilling the qualities that will enable difficult teenagers at risk to settle into life as a normal citizen, or helping to find a place to study / work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives are determined, then an action plan and implementation timeframes should be discussed, as well as a place where all the developments will receive life. The action plan shouldcontain the most detailed list of actions, which will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of what is required of you, check out four social projects for young people.
Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects in the school. Let the examples be not very large-scale, but they will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is desirable to involve a school psychologist in the work.
Example of a social project for youth 1

Direction: young people's marital relationship.
Goal. Reduce the number of people who get divorced after marriage by preparing and clarifying the responsibilities and rights of prospective spouses.
- Explain what marriage is, what duties and rights each spouse will have.
- Help distribute future responsibilities now so there is no lapping later.
- Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine if they understand what it means.
We need a step-by-step plan that outlines all the actions and their sequence.
Implementation period: indefinitely.
Place of implementation: city such and such.
Youth example 2

Example of a social project suitable for a school or youthcompany.
Direction: support for motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.
Purpose: to provide charitable assistance to refuseniks and underage orphans who are being treated in the hospital.
- Raising public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
- Raising funds, material assistance, toys and medicines for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore he alth to refuseniks and underage orphans.
- Raising funds from the state budget or from charitable foundations to improve refuseniks or orphans who are in medical institutions.
- Paying attention to the problem of children without parents in order to convince people to adopt children.
Detailed plan detailing fundraising and transfer details.
Implementation period: June 16, 2015 - July 7, 2016.
Place of sale: Children's regional hospital of the city of Samara.
Example for youth 3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth company.
Direction: social adaptation of young people with congenital disabilities and disabilities in universities.
Goal: To achieve socialization of physically distinct students.
- Promoting the usefulness of the socialization of project participants.
- Interaction with organizations that carry outsocial security for such people.
- Help in social and cultural life.
- Help to overcome spiritual and physical loneliness.
- Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards young people with special needs.
- Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
- Implementation of creative rehabilitation.
- Search, test and implement new methods of rehabilitation.
Detailed plan.
Implementation period: indefinitely.
Place: University of such-and-such city.
Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them you can choose to help disabled children who study in regular schools.