How to join the United Russia party? Recommendations

How to join the United Russia party? Recommendations
How to join the United Russia party? Recommendations

In Russian society, there is an opinion that politics is a dirty business. It should not be disputed, since it has a certain basis: it is no secret to anyone that those who want to achieve power and all sorts of privileges are ready to do anything to become a party member, and the use of "dishonest political technologies" for this is quite common occurrence.

How to join the United Russia party
How to join the United Russia party

At the same time, today in our country there is a certain percentage of people who go into politics in order to take an active part in the fate of the country and make life easier for those living in it. However, there are those who want to receive only material benefits from membership in the party - they do not care about the problems of an ordinary citizen at all.

It should be noted that both of them consider participation in the United Russia party as a platform for achieving their goals, primarily because it is the ruling one. Thisa political force, among other things, is also called mass by experts, since its supporters are found in all regions of the country.

Many are wondering how to join the United Russia party. Of course, the activities of the above political force are primarily subject to the law, which imposes certain requirements on candidates who wish to receive a party card of the country's main public association.

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the question of how to join the United Russia party, let's touch on some details of the history of its emergence.

Executive Committee of the United Russia Party
Executive Committee of the United Russia Party

A trip to the past

The above faction was formed in 2001 on the basis of three political movements: "Fatherland", "Unity" and "All Russia". Two years earlier, they competed among themselves for the right to become the winner in the election campaign. At the end of the summer of 1999, the All Russia bloc consolidated with the Fatherland party. In the autumn of the same year, the socio-political movement "Unity" was registered. In the election race, he is remembered as "Interregional Movement - Unity" (abbreviated version - "Bear"). It is this animal that will later become the emblem of the faction. In 2001, the process of consolidating "Unity" and "Fatherland" will begin. In the early autumn of the same year, a social movement appeared under the name "Union "Unity and Fatherland"", which was joined by the association "All Russia". In 2003, ER became the dominant political force in our country.

Requirements forcandidates

Those who want to know how to join the United Russia party should know that only adults can apply for membership. They are also prohibited from being members of other socio-political associations. Candidates who are interested in how to join the United Russia party should also understand that they will unquestioningly abide by the party's Charter and make every effort to achieve its goals and objectives.

Primary branch of the United Russia party
Primary branch of the United Russia party

In addition to the above, a person applying for the right to become a member of the "EP" must be among her like-minded people for at least six months.


Russian law prohibits membership in the United Russia faction for foreign citizens and those who do not have citizenship. It is also forbidden to take part in the political life of the country to persons who are recognized as incompetent.

Things to do

The charter of the United Russia party contains a certain list of rules for those who want to join its ranks.

First of all, you need to write a statement with your own hand that you want to become a member of the above political movement and approve the procedure for processing your personal data. After that, you need to enlist the support of like-minded people, namely: collectively they should give you recommendations that they do not object to you becoming United Russia. After that, the candidate is invited for an interview at the primary branch of the United Russia party at the place of his residence, where, in fact, he andsubmits an application for membership in the ranks of the above faction. At the final stage of the above procedure, a political council is convened (at least once a month), which decides the fate of the potential "United Russia". In case of refusal, this body must inform about the reasons for the decision.

Political party United Russia
Political party United Russia

If the candidacy is approved, then the person is issued a party card, which is produced by the executive committee of the United Russia party, and the newcomer is obliged to pay membership fees.

Of course, no one has the right to forcibly force to be a member of a particular political movement, so anyone can at any time leave the United Russia.

However, you need to know that after such a step, it is possible to replenish the ranks of the ruling faction after three years have elapsed from the date of surrender of the party card.

EP Primary Branches

Many are interested in the question of what the primary branches of the ruling faction are doing, since a huge number of young people aged 18 to 20 years old are striving to get into these structures. It should be emphasized that primary departments work efficiently and harmoniously in the districts of the country. In the above administrative-territorial units, as a rule, there are 5-6 "primary" links. Why are they created?

Charter of the United Russia party
Charter of the United Russia party

Their task is to support and put into practice United Russia initiatives that directly or indirectly affect program goalsconsidered socio-political movement. The primary links are also formed in order to fulfill the decisions that are given "from above". In addition, the above structures monitor public needs and needs in the reporting territory.


It should be noted that the political party "United Russia" gives everyone the right to participate in the economic, political, cultural life of the city and the country as a whole. Today, famous singers, actors, directors, athletes are under its banner. Of course, the party has not only supporters, but also opponents, which is quite natural. But it is impossible not to note the fact that the number of those who support the course of the "power" party is simply enormous. And propaganda plays an important role here.

Ultimately, whether or not to join United Russia, everyone should decide for themselves.
