Susan Boyle: how a housewife became a world celebrity

Susan Boyle: how a housewife became a world celebrity
Susan Boyle: how a housewife became a world celebrity

The name of this housewife from Scotland was heard even by people far from the world of music. Overnight, she became a world-class star. For this, Susan Boyle had one song at a talent contest. Why did she become so popular and what is this unique person doing now?

Biography of Susan Boyle

The future star was born on June 15, 1961 in a large family from the city of Blackburn. The girl had a hard time in childhood - she was the youngest of ten children. Due to the fact that her mother was already at a fairly mature age, and the birth was not entirely smooth, the girl was born with some brain damage. She was strange, so her peers did not want to be friends with her and gave her the nickname "stupid Suzy." More than once she was ridiculed by classmates and even teachers. The only consolation for the girl was singing in the local church choir. Her vocal skills were highly acclaimed and she attempted to enter several music competitions. But her excitement blocked her way to the stage in the 90s.

Susan in the park
Susan in the park

After the death of her father, she began to look aftersick mother. Susan Boyle devoted several years to this occupation, and when it came time to say goodbye to the second parent, she experienced a strong shock. She never married and had no heirs. She continued to live in her parents' house with an old cat and helped the elderly as a volunteer. Two years after her mother's death, she went to Britain's Got Talent to sing the song and pay tribute. She didn't expect a warm welcome-she just wanted to take part. At the age of 48, the woman had already lost all hope of becoming a singer and did not indulge herself with unrealizable dreams.

Susan Boyle's first performance

Before going on stage and performing the song, the woman was interviewed by the hosts. She said that she was determined and would win applause. Her dream is coming true, because since the age of 12 she has been singing and always wanted to perform in front of a huge audience. But no less interesting was her statement that she had never even kissed. The legendary show has never seen such contenders for participation. Susan was visibly flustered and tried to mask her embarrassment with crude jokes. When it was time to go on stage, she pulled herself together and went to conquer the hall.

Britain is looking for talent
Britain is looking for talent

Appearing before the judges and spectators in a simple dress, without hair and makeup, she caused laughter and puzzled looks. Fortunately, the woman had an excellent sense of humor, and she conquered the judges even before the start of her performance. Susan talked about how she would like to repeat the success of Helen Page, and this is her chance. The audience looked at each otheramong themselves, and the judges were embarrassed by her enthusiasm. Frankly unattractive appearance, age and strange behavior completely erased all chances of fulfilling a dream. No one knew yet that she would hit a real jackpot soon.

Susan Boyle
Susan Boyle

Total surprise

When the melody from the musical "Les Misérables" began to play, and Susan began to sing, the judges opened their mouths in surprise, and the audience began to applaud furiously. After the first two lines, she was greeted with a standing cheer, and the cries of delight did not stop until the last note. The shocked spectators and three experts could not believe the reality of what was happening. The woman had not just a great voice - she sang like a professional singer. No one else laughed - all attention was riveted on this eccentric woman with an incredibly beautiful voice. It was a real high point.

First performance
First performance

After finishing her performance, she blew a kiss and headed backstage. But she was stopped - the judges had something to say about her talent. In the three years of the show's existence, no one has been able to surprise and shock the top three professionals so much. They admitted that her heartfelt and sensual performance was the biggest shock for all the time that they spent in this room. Even Simon Cowell, who is famous for his tough temper and impartiality, could not help but express his admiration for this amazing woman.

Boyle wax figure
Boyle wax figure

The hard way

Susan Boyle's performance was posted online and the video was quicklycollected over 100 million views. The woman was shown on television in many countries. In an instant, she became the most talked about person in 2009, surpassing even the newly-minted President Barack Obama. But no one knows how difficult this glory was given to her. Already during the competition, her mental state began to deteriorate. Finally, after so many years, she was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. She reached the final and had every chance to win, as the people's love for this housewife was simply incredible. But before the final performance, she lost her nerve. Too much responsibility fell on her shoulders, and the already recognized singer Susan Boyle took second place. Immediately after the competition, she underwent a course of treatment and took up a career. A nervous breakdown prevented her from becoming a winner, but did not put an end to the future.

singer Susan Boyle
singer Susan Boyle

Fame and success

In the same 2009, the first album was released, which was bought by more than 14 million people. Susan Boyle's songs were a huge success with listeners, and for this she was nominated for a Grammy in 2011 and 2012. She did not receive a prize, but she proved that even at the age of 48 you can become a popular singer. Already on the show, her appearance was radically changed, and now she looks no worse than most Hollywood stars of her age. Madame Tussauds could not pass by such a colorful figure and made a wax figure of Susan. Many believe that she became successful only because of her first performance and the effect produced. Perhaps this is actually so, but 9 years have passed since that moment, and interest in her person is stillhasn't faded away yet.
