Which countries have the death pen alty? The realities of modernity

Which countries have the death pen alty? The realities of modernity
Which countries have the death pen alty? The realities of modernity

Crime and punishment - these two words were relevant even at the dawn of human history, because there have always been those who grossly violated generally accepted norms of behavior. This caused considerable inconvenience to the surrounding people, as a result of which it was decided to introduce certain pen alties. And the more serious the offense, the tougher was the responsibility for it. Throughout the pages of the Bible, history tells of such a system of regulation. Take, for example, the Law of Moses: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an ear for an ear, and a life for a life. Which countries have the death pen alty today and what does it look like?

The origin and abolition in some latitudes of capital punishment

In ancient times, this was a fairly effective deterrent for those who tried to encroach on individual human integrity. However, with the beginning of our era and the coming of Jesus Christ, the Law of Moses was abolished and replaced with just a few basic commandments. Despite this, many Eastern and other cultures continue to use the death pen alty as a punishment. Moreover, they have it allowed by law. What are these countries and how do they go about this process? This will be discussed below.

Countries that have not abolished capital punishment

Europe has a rather progressive, so to speak, view on this issue, because in almost all of its countries the death pen alty has been abolished and is considered a relic of the past. However, there is still a state that sees the benefit in this harsh measure of punishment - this is the Republic of Belarus. In addition to it, there are still quite a few countries in the world that believe that the death pen alty is an excellent deterrent against serious crimes.

Which countries use the death pen alty?

To the surprise of many, there are quite a few countries that have not abolished this measure of punishment. Compared to the Middle Ages, the list has been reduced, but still significant. So which countries have the death pen alty? This list still continues to be: United States of America, Israel, Libya, Guatemala, Lesotho, Yemen, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, India, Botswana, Japan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ghana, Angola, Uganda, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Belize, Chad, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Jamaica, Bahamas, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Belarus, Tajikistan, Guinea, Jordan, Gabon, Singapore, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malaysia, Somalia, Thailand, Ethiopia, North Korea, Sudan, as well as some oceanic islands.

Which countries have the death pen alty
Which countries have the death pen alty

As can be seen from the above list, the African continent is the leader in the number of countries wherethe death pen alty. It is noteworthy that the norms of international law do not prohibit the highest measure of punishment, they simply define the minimum standards for carrying out this operation. For example, execution by guillotine was widespread during the French Revolution, but was abolished in 1977.

In which countries the death pen alty is allowed, we already know, but in each of them such a sentence must be absolutely legal and issued by a competent court.

Which countries use the death pen alty
Which countries use the death pen alty

Where most criminals are executed

But even today, some developed countries allow this ultimate punishment. Which countries have the death pen alty? China will be the first on this list, since it is there that these cases occur with “enviable” regularity. The main methods accepted in this area are lethal injection or shooting. The law provides for about 70 types of offenses, as a result of which a similar punishment follows.

Should the world be affected by which countries use the death pen alty? Time will tell.

Which countries allow the death pen alty
Which countries allow the death pen alty

Unlike the above country, the number of executions and their types are clearly hidden under a veil of mystery and disinformation in Iran. However, it is reliably known that to this day stoning, execution by hanging and shooting are applicable here. Be that as it may, Iran has by far the highest rate of executions. Some skeptics claim thatoften the execution is carried out away from public scrutiny, i.e. confidentially.

The reader now knows which countries have the death pen alty. It may seem inhumane, but it is reality.

Islamic world is the leader in the number of executions

In what countries is the death pen alty particularly active? This is the East. In Iraq, the situation with the death pen alty is somewhat different. Hanging and firing squad also apply here. This country is heavily influenced by the traditions of Islam and, together with Iran, carries out more than 80 percent of the world's executions.

Which countries have the death pen alty?
Which countries have the death pen alty?

As an Islamic country, Saudi Arabia also punishes serious offenses with death. Here, little is different from Iran and Iraq, with the exception of beheading. Often, the death pen alty in these latitudes is applied to foreigners, so you should be extremely careful when visiting these lands so as not to violate local traditions and not get into such a very unpleasant situation.

Which countries have the death pen alty? We only know official statistics. Everything else is a mystery.
