In Russia, hunting has always been and is very popular. She is loved by all social classes. And it's still a good business these days. Indeed, in the Russian forests there are many fur-bearing animals and other game.
No less favorite trophies are birds, especially ducks and pheasants. In this activity, hunters often use special dogs and birds.
Hunting in the suburbs can be carried out:
- With the use of birds of prey. These are golden eagles, falcons and hawks.
- Using dogs. These are hounds and greyhounds.
- Hunting with weapons. It's just crazy in demand. The reasons lie in its democratic prices and the possibility of catching both animals, birds and fish.
Russian hunters after the legalization of hunting began to unite in communities. The first such association was formed in 1859. It was called "Moscow".
Today the most famous clubs of hunters and fishermen in Moscow and the region are "Carabiner", "Safari", "RybOkhotSoyuz","Kurzhaar II", "Trapper" and many others. The activities of the clubs include not only the organization of hunting and fishing, but also training in these crafts, assistance in processing documents (for example, a hunting license), renting bases, etc.
Most popular bases
Today, hunting in the Moscow region is carried out by different communities. They provide a chance to hunt both debutants and hardened hunters.
Hunting places in the Moscow region are the territories of different bases and farms.
The largest farms here are:
- Dolgorukovskoe.
- April.
- "Dyatlovo".
- "Kulikovo VIP".
- Bronnitskoe.
Dolgorukovskoye economy

Its distance from Moscow is 65 km.
Types of prey here: ducks, hazel grouses, foxes, hares, wild boars.
Hunters can live in cabins. The whole family is allowed. The husband can hunt. And the wife and children - to pick mushrooms and berries.
April farm
Its main feature is its location in places that are saturated with a variety of animals.
It is located in the south of the region. The number of Jaeger points here is 9.
Prey Types:
- hoofed (boars, elk);
- "fluffy" (martens, hares);
- feathered (ducks, hazel grouse).
Dyatlovo Base

It attracts hunting enthusiasts by the following factors:
- Types of prey: noble deer,roe deer, moose.
- There are options for relaxation at the base: a karaoke bar, a billiard room and a sauna.
Stand shooting championships are also often held here.
Base "Kulikovo VIP"

It attracts fans to hunt with guns. Here you can get ducks, wild boars, carps. For pleasant leisure there is a swimming pool, a billiard room, a banquet hall, a sauna.
In winter, hunters get skis. For deeper trips, snowmobiles are available.
Bronnitsky economy

Its remoteness from the capital is 40 km. The calculation comes from the Ryazan highway.
Varieties of loot here:
- ungulates: moose, wild boars, deer;
- furs: martens, foxes, hares, minks;
- feathered: drakes, black grouse, hazel grouse.
The feature of the base is an artificial reservoir. Its parameter is 2 ha. There are such fish here: pikes, perches and carps.
Pheasant fishing

Hunting in the suburbs allows you to get such graceful birds as pheasants. As a rule, these birds are raised by farms. And during the season they are released. Their number is strictly limited in a certain area.
Hunting for pheasants in the Moscow region is characterized by average price tags of 4,000 rubles.
The types of weapons allowed to be used are: shotguns, crossbows and bows.
Hunters also receive trained dogs (drathaar and spaniel breeds). After all, thisthe best way to hunt these birds.
The cost of this fishery includes:
- The work of rangers (escort, maintenance).
- Filling out the necessary documentation.
- The trophies themselves. The carcass of the bird is received by the hunter who has obtained it. The parameters of the trophy do not affect the price tag in any way.
- Conclusion from the veterinarian.
Usually a group of at least 5 people is recruited. Hunting is organized on weekends. Its interval is 6 hours, from 10 am to 4 pm. Pre-registration is required. Participants can get to the hunting grounds on their own, using their own transport. Transfers may be available.
Questions on nutrition are agreed with the group. It can be a centralized format or an individual one, that is, everyone arranges a meal for himself. For this type of hunting, housing is usually not provided. How many pheasants are allowed to be caught? Each participant can catch no more than two birds. For each subsequent trophy, an additional payment of 1,000 rubles is implied. After the hunt, everyone can taste their prey or take it home. At the base, professional chefs will qualitatively process and cook the bird. Processing price - 10 rubles, cooking - from 500.
If the hunt is canceled due to weather or other significant reasons, the participant receives 100% of the payment back.
If people want to hunt in the complex (both pheasants and other game), it is reasonable to settle in special houses.
You can hunt pheasants and other animals on favorable terms at the Safari Park base
Duck fishing

Hunting in the suburbs is also famous for hunting ducks. It is important here to respect the law and cooperate with any legal farm in the region.
Duck hunting in the Moscow region is allowed from spring, from March 1. Allowed weapons: shotguns with smooth barrels.
You can hunt with dogs. Also, if necessary, the hunter can be provided with an inflatable boat.
You can also rent towers and paddocks. But this is a condition for a group of at least 8 people.
The pricing policy here is as follows:
- Day Service per member - 3500 (average price tag).
- 3,000 need to pay for escort - 1 huntsman.
Separate payment is for the use of dogs, the rental of pens, decoys, decoys and additional operations. These operations are:
- Checking weapons: 1 unit - 500 rubles.
- Plucking one bird's head – 240 rubles
- Cut carcass into portions: 1,000 rubles
- Loot package: 1st place – 100 RUB
Boar fishing

Hunting for wild boar in the suburbs is provided by almost all operating farms. The pricing policy is formed as follows (average values are presented).
- A boar with an age of 1.5 years costs 16,000 rubles
- Female over 2 years old with offspring - 85,000 rubles. Single female – 30,000 rubles
- A non-trophy male costs 30,000 rubles
- less than 20 kg - 4500 rubles;
- more than 20 kg – 7500 RUB
- from 18 to 21 cm cost 45,000 rubles;
- from 21 to 25 cm - 55,000 rubles;
- more than 25 cm - 55,000 + 1000 for 1 mm.
Season and legality
The hunting season in the Moscow region has the following calendar framework: March 1 - June 16. This is the season for catching feathered trophies.
You can't shoot pheasants in the spring. This can only be done in special areas with significant restrictions on hunting methods and the number of trophies.
Spring season is open for 10 days (according to the calendar). You can hunt ducks, geese, capercaillie, etc.
The start and end of hunting seasons in this region are determined by the relevant organizations.
In the south of the region, you can hunt animals from April 14, in the north - from April 21.
Requirements for hunters:
- Hunting license. It must contain a designation of the successful result of special tests regarding the rules of hunting and criteria for handling weapons. There should also be a mark on the payment of state duty.
- The presence of a special permit and permission from the police department to carry and maintain weapons.
- Agreement or license if the person intends to harvest licensed animal varieties.
About contributions
Also, a member of each community must make certain contributions. When joining the community, you need to pay 2000 rubles. This applies to people who have the right to hunt, and dog breeders without such a right. There are also membership fees. For legitimate hunters, they amount to 1,400 rubles. For dog breeders - RUB 1,000
There are morecontributions:
- Special: for fishermen and dog breeders - 600 rubles, for hunters - 1,000 rubles.
- For contracts: 1000 rubles for all participants, including beneficiaries.
Private benefits apply for:
1. Disabled 1-2 groups with the right to hunt: payment only for entry.
2. Senior Citizens (with this right): Entry and membership fee.
3. Veterans of wars (with the right): the same payment terms as in paragraph 2.