How to clean a baking sheet from soot and fat at home: proven methods and means

How to clean a baking sheet from soot and fat at home: proven methods and means
How to clean a baking sheet from soot and fat at home: proven methods and means

When buying a new baking sheet, its cleanliness and smoothness catches the eye. But after a few months of active use, it becomes dark, it is covered with soot, which is difficult to get rid of. As a result, the question of how to clean the baking sheet from soot is asked by many people.

Folk method using peroxide

Along with strong chemical compounds, folk remedies are also used. According to numerous reviews, they are quite effective. Before you clean the baking sheet from soot and rust, you will need to decide on a cleaning agent. One of the most popular recipes is 100 g baking soda mixed with 1 scoop of standard dish detergent and 2 scoops of hydrogen peroxide.

After the mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. If necessary, it is recommended to increase the concentration of peroxide and detergent. Before cleaning the baking sheet from soot with a folk remedy, it is necessary to apply the mass to the dishes for 15 minutes. Andonly after that, cleaning with a hard sponge begins. In this case, the dirt will come off quickly and easily.

S alt for washing
S alt for washing


Another frequently used folk remedy is based on the properties of soda. To prepare the composition, you will need to soak the dishes in water with an admixture of this substance. For a couple of liters of water, you must use at least 3 tablespoons of soda. To clean a baking sheet from old soot using this method, you will need to soak dirty dishes in water with soda for two to three hours. Next, taking a slightly abrasive composition, you need to start washing dirty dishes.

Ancient recipe

The people of antiquity used their tricks in washing dishes with old dirt. So, they found that fine sand helps to cope with it. And if you use it, you will notice that it is also an excellent cleanser. Today, getting soda has become much easier and faster than sand. For this reason, they began to replace it with this composition. Also in the course is coffee grounds. S alt is able to absorb fat, it can also clean a baking sheet with outdated dirt.

Subtleties of the process

If you put parchment paper on the baking sheet before cleaning the baking sheet from carbon and fat, the work will be easier. It will provide protection against greasy splashes. First you need to make sure that the material from which the dishes are made can withstand harsh cleaning.

Before you start washing a baking sheet with old dirt, you must not only get rid of carbon deposits and fat, but also save the maindish properties. For this reason, it is important to consider the rules for cleaning surfaces.

Cleaning dishes
Cleaning dishes

For example, you should carefully choose sponges. So, metal sponges will not fit glass, enameled dishes. After all, if the surface is scratched, much more fat and dirt will accumulate. The same rule applies to powder detergents - it is better to give preference to liquid detergents. Before cleaning dishes with old dirt, you must first clean them from food.

Which baking sheet should not be cleaned

Traditionally, the baking sheet was made of aluminum. But in recent decades, more and more dishes are made from other materials. They need more delicate handling. For example, silicone, ceramic, Teflon and glass products do not withstand intense friction. For this reason, those who are thinking about how to clean a glass baking sheet from soot need to take a soft sponge, gel. Warm water is recommended, the composition of the detergent should not contain any caustic substances, abrasive particles. If the dishes are heavily soiled, it is necessary to soak them longer. But at the same time, baking sheets made of modern materials are less likely to become dirty, they are less susceptible to soot.

Heat temperature

In order to get rid of stubborn fat, it is best to preheat the dishes in the oven. It is necessary to pour water with soda, detergent into a baking sheet. The last component is replaced with vinegar if desired. If the dishes are heated, the soot comes off much easier. Following this method, you should not leave the baking sheet in the oven for a long time -100 degrees is enough. The water must not completely evaporate.

Washing the baking sheet
Washing the baking sheet

Before you clean the baking sheet from soot, you should make sure that the oven does not have a “self-cleaning” function. After all, if it is, you do not have to resort to the use of any means. It will only be necessary to start the appropriate mode, open the window and turn on the hood. After all, when dirty dishes heat up, the room will be filled with an unpleasant smell.

Special tools

When using the most powerful chemistries, there are a few tricks to keep in mind. Before using detergent, it is recommended to pre-clean the dishes from food residues, fats. It is enough to walk on it with a spatula or paper. The spatula will remove the leftover food, and the paper will remove the fat.

Before you clean the aluminum baking sheet from carbon deposits, it is important to read the instructions for the detergent composition. It is necessary to act strictly according to it, otherwise the action will be ineffective. In this case, the entire procedure will have to be redone.

Powders, gel are spread over the surface with a sponge. After that, the dishes are cleaned with hard sponges, a soft cloth, a scraper, depending on the characteristics of the material. Finally, the baking sheet must be washed with water and wiped.

Often they are cleaned with the same compounds as other dishes - pans, pots, stove. It is best to give preference to environmentally friendly formulations. With any choice, it is best to wash dishes with special gloves.

Delicate way

If there is no serious pollution, in order toto save dishes, it is best to give preference to this gentle method. You will need to stock up on a soft sponge, cleaning agent, warm water. Wash the baking sheet carefully without pressing it. This option is suitable for Teflon, ceramic products - during such cleaning the surface is not scratched.

Teflon baking sheet
Teflon baking sheet

Gel is best. If the dishes are made of silicone, it will be easy to use - the food will not stick, it will be easy to clean the baking sheet. Use a mild detergent to clean it.

If the soiling on the Teflon tray is difficult, cleaning will be done in more than one step. Before cleaning a baking sheet made of such material from soot, it is necessary to scrape off the remnants of food from the surface, and then sprinkle the dishes with s alt. For 10 minutes, it must be left for a better effect of the substance. During this time, the s alt will absorb the fat. Wash it off very carefully: the substance can leave scratches on the surface.

Wetting a soft sponge in hot water, you will need to drop the gel here, and then wash the dishes. To avoid this multi-step cleaning, it is best to follow the rules for using Teflon cookware.

Other content

Careful actions should be taken when interacting with a ceramic, enameled baking sheet. Soak it in soapy water first. It is recommended to start washing immediately after cooking. Soaking time is determined by the degree of contamination. In cases where soapy water does not help get rid of grease and soot, you need to fill the dishessoda or mustard, boiling water. The dishes are soaked in this composition all night.

parchment on dishes
parchment on dishes

In the morning, you will need to wash the dishes with ordinary detergent. Dirt will come off easily. To make cleaning even more intense, it is recommended to add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide here, increase the concentration of detergent.

Mechanical cleaning

How to clean aluminum pan from carbon deposits? Such dishes are the least susceptible to aggressive action, and virtually any detergent can be used with it. For example, it is permissible to wipe it with a hard rag with soda. Steel and aluminum are recommended to be cleaned with coffee grounds. The dishes are treated with it, leaving it in this state for 15 minutes. After start cleansing with hard brushes. If the result is not visible, the coffee grounds must be reapplied and left for a longer period.


It is necessary to wet the baking sheet with water, sprinkling it with soda. After adding vinegar, detergent here, you need to put the dishes in the oven for 20 minutes. It will be enough to warm it up to 100 degrees. While the solution is boiling, you need to make sure that it does not evaporate completely.

After the dishes have cooled, it will be very easy to remove dirt if you use the most ordinary kitchen sponge.

Using a baking sheet
Using a baking sheet

Coca Cola

A very famous answer to the question of how to clean a baking sheet from soot is the use of Coca-Cola. This drink is able to quickly rid the dishes even of outdatedpollution. It is necessary to fill them with a baking sheet, and then begin to boil. Carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures promotes the breakdown of fat, corrosive soot. In advanced cases, Coca-Cola is poured over the dishes at night.


Do not forget that it is much easier to ensure the cleanliness of the dishes if you take care of the timely prevention of pollution. It is best to use a baking sheet to cover it with parchment paper. It is on it that fat and soot will remain. It is best to wash dishes immediately after cooking. If this is not possible, you need to fill it with water with a few drops of detergent. After that, it will be easy to clean it.

Sheet selection

Silicone cookware requires the most delicate handling. Next in this indicator is the Teflon surface. The easiest way to handle aluminum baking sheets, stainless steel utensils. In relation to such surfaces, you can use any compounds, washcloths.

Professional products

Reluctant to waste time preparing folk remedies, many people turn to professional detergents. They are able to cope with pollution of any kind. There are many manufacturers of them, and it will not be difficult to find a product with the optimal composition.

Professional tool
Professional tool

One of the most popular products is TM Amway liquid. It is suitable for both Teflon and glassware. Each tool comes with a brush. Using it, it will not be difficult to easily get rid of fat and soot.

Domestic remedy "Shine"also very popular. This is a thick gel that is applied to a baking sheet and left for 20 minutes. After the gel is washed off with warm water, the surface is wiped with exceptionally soft sponges.

Due to the fact that many products have a strong corrosive composition, it is recommended to work with them only with special gloves. In addition, a number of products must be pre-applied and soaked, and some just need to wipe the surface. For this reason, you must carefully study the instructions.
