Journalist Irina Petrovskaya constantly acts as an ordinary TV viewer, defending the right to acquire complete and impartial information. In publications, the television critic reveals new ideological trends in the broadcasting of central TV channels.
Creative path
Irina graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1982, majoring in TV. In 1985, she presented herself as a television critic in the periodical The Journalist. In 91-92, she worked at Ogonyok, where she specialized in reviews and short reviews of television programs. At 92-95, he was a columnist for TV Nezavisimaya Gazeta, where there was a separate thematic page “Television”. The newspaper allocated space for a column heading, which Irina Petrovskaya began to write.
The biography of popularity came to the analyst while working at Izvestia, where she stayed for fifteen years. The unchanging heading "Television week with I. Petrovskaya" was shown on a separate spread of the publication. Irina Evgenievna is the owner of the main award of Russian journalists. The sources analyzed the weekly material between 2003 and 2010. The result is: 297articles contain consideration of the past ethereal content. The analysis showed: the number of texts with a negative assessment was 85%, positive - 15%.

The method made it possible to highlight the terms of the conclusions of the author of a particular television program, to determine the veracity of criticism in reasoning, to recognize the originality of the author's publications.
Style features
What attracts the analyst, why do journalists remember Irina Petrovskaya? The main thing that is noted is the relevance, the coverage of the complexities of today's state broadcasting. The main issue addressed by the journalist is that the creators of programs and creative teams have a moral obligation to the viewer and society for the creative product.
Irina Petrovskaya constantly carries out a mini-examination to compare television stories and life. The life that is shown on TV is not very similar to everyday life. Hence the conclusion: an invented television appearance is imposed on the audience, which is clearer and more attractive than everyday life, explains Irina Petrovskaya. The photo captured a master class at the School of Economics.

In the articles, the journalist tries to convey to the audience the idea that the viewer is deliberately distracted, and the real problems remain unresolved. Manipulation of consciousness is used as a tool to influence people for obvious purposes. The critic explains to whom and for what such a method of fooling the masses is beneficial, what goals are pursued.
The second secret of journalistic stylePetrovskaya lies in the fact that she is not limited to evaluating TV projects and tries to correlate each of them with the trend of television. The analyst highlights the further development of the central channels as a platform for entertainment, scenes of violence and cruelty in films as the main direction, and the demonstration of dubious documentaries about famous personalities as a priority.
Clear citizenship
Petrovskaya argues that providing the political direction of the President of Russia with television federal channels is a fundamental direction. Company directors make it impossible that there is not even a hint of condemnation of government policies. Irina Petrovskaya is sure of this. The journalist points out unfavorable trends in publications with a hint of political overtones. This indicates that the journalist has a clearly defined civic position, courage and courage. Not everyone will be able to speak about the problems of society today.

Irina Petrovskaya, speaking about television, in her introductory paragraph focuses on the events of the past week. The theme that was identified at the beginning determines the main direction.
Studying the publications of an analyst presents the situation of the current Russian television, points out problems: the ethics of journalists and TV show authors, the superiority of the entertainment model of the message that has been adopted on the country's TV channels. The critic tries not to miss the television premieres that they advertise, to research the content, to think about the effect thatTV show will produce on society.
A danger that not everyone understands
Trends pointed out by I. E. Petrovskaya:
- Increasing the time for entertainment programs in order to distract the viewer. A person who thinks is unnecessary and dangerous. Attractive resting everyman with chips in front of the TV screen. Petrovskaya is sure that showing entertainment programs mostly in the evening will lead to the fact that the viewer will gradually ignore other genres and demand only spectacles.

- Irina Petrovskaya finds out in her articles who, according to TV, is “the hero of our time”. A man of the people is not considered as such. These are the stars of show business, psychos, bandits. The increased interest in negative characters is accelerating the emergence of similar models among the television audience. Viewers who take a television picture for real life are in a difficult position. This means that the behavior of on-screen idols is not scary to adopt and copy.
Petrovskaya is a professional, an expert in her field. Such people are needed for the correct orientation in this many-sided world.