The city of Kamyshlov is located on the banks of the Pyshma River, at the mouth of its tributary Kamyshlovka. It is 135 kilometers away from Yekaterinburg. In terms of numbers, this is a small town in which about 26 thousand people live, but it is an amazing settlement in Russia culturally and historically. The city of Kamyshlov, Sverdlovsk region, is an ancient city founded in 1668. What is its history and destiny? How does the city live now? What sights have survived to this day?

History of origin of the name
There is a legend about the origin of the name of the city, which tells that once a highway passed through the city of Kamyshlov. The city was located in the valley of the Pyshma River, where a lot of reeds grew. Prisoners were driven along the highway, who, at the sight of a happy opportunity in the form of reed thickets, as soon as they approached the city, arranged shoots and hid in the reeds. The escorts were forced to catch them in these thickets, that is, it turned out - fishing in the reeds, since then the settlement was nicknamed "Kamyshlov".
Historical background
The city of Kamyshlov was founded in 1668, when a prison was built here to protect against attacks by nomads. A small settlement soon formed around the prison, originally called Kamyshlovskaya Sloboda.
Since 1781, the settlement has become a county town of the Yekaterinburg region.
In 1856 there was one church, 335 houses, and 45 shops in the city.

By the end of the 19th century, it became a merchant's shop, and there were already about 20 shops selling bread and bakery products. There were distilleries, tanneries and candle factories, there were four mills. District and religious schools, a women's gymnasium, a library, a printing house, an icon-painting workshop, and five churches were built. Two large fairs were held in the city - Pokrovskaya and Tikhonovskaya.
In 1885, a railway was laid through the city of Kamyshlov.
During the Great Patriotic War, new manufacturing enterprises were opened in Kamyshlov: a bakery, a repair and mechanical plant.
In February 1946, the city of Kamyshlov was separated from the Sverdlovsk region of the Kamyshlov region and assigned to cities of regional subordination.
In the post-war period, a garment factory, metalworking and electrical plants were built here.
Born in the city: Naumov A. - historian, Gridnev P. - breeder, Shchipachev S. - poet.
Educational institutions of the city of Kamyshlov
The city has always paid great attention to education. Men's and women's gymnasiums(currently school number 1), this is one of the most feared schools in the city of Kamyshlov, which has the status of "School of the Year".
At the end of the 80s, a new school No. 3 was opened, designed for 1176 places.
The city has a 70-year-old teacher training college.
City attractions
There are about 12 monuments of architecture and history in the city, 5 of which are under special state protection.
In the city of Kamyshlov, numerous buildings of merchant houses, both wooden and stone, have been preserved, many of them are under special state protection and are architectural monuments of the 19th century.
The main attraction of the city is the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the stone structure of which was built in 1814. Consecrated in 1821. During the years of Soviet power, it was closed and resumed its spiritual activities only in 1990. The temple is currently active.

The next interesting building, in terms of architecture, is a two-story building of the former orphanage and the Church of Mikhail Chernigov. The buildings were built at the expense of the merchant Mikhail Rozhnov. The orphanage housed cripples and orphans. The merchant built a temple and a shelter to atone for his guilt before his wife, who instead of him went to hard labor in Siberia. The building currently houses the College of Education.
In the city of Kamyshlov there is a mass grave in which the executed sailors from the battleship Potemkin are buried. In honor of them, at the place of their burial standsmonument.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Pavel Bazhov and his wife lived in Kamyshlov. Before the 1917 revolution, he taught Russian at the city religious school. And in 1918 he was elected mayor. In the 1920s he worked as the editor of the local newspaper Krasny Put. Two houses in which he lived have survived to this day.
There is a local history museum in Kamyshlov, whose expositions tell about the nature, history, temples of the region and the city.
The building of the railway station, which was built in 1885 and is also an architectural monument.

Not far from the city there is a sanatorium-dispensary "Obukhovskiy", known for its healing springs.
Near the city of Kamyshlov there are two pine forests Nikolsky and Kamyshlovskiy, with vegetation unique for these places.
Historical Museum of Local Lore, the collection of which is considered one of the richest in the Sverdlovsk region. The museum was founded by Naumov A., a teacher of natural sciences. The museum was closed in 1950 and only resumed its work in 1974. Currently, the museum's expositions are located in 6 halls.
There are a lot of cultural institutions in the city: the Central City Library (it has a huge book fund), an orphanage of creativity, several art schools, children's sports and art schools.
Interesting and topical issues from the life of the city are covered by the local newspaper Kamyshlovskie Izvestiya, which began working in 1918 and a television studio operating incity since 1994. The newspaper holds an annual competition "The best photo of the city of Kamyshlov", in which all interested citizens and tourists can take part.
City Architecture
The buildings in the city of Kamyshlov are predominantly wooden. Architectural monuments of the 19th century have been preserved here: the Intercession Cathedral, the buildings of the former men's gymnasium and others.

The features of a merchant settlement of the late 19th - early 20th centuries are well preserved in the building and planning of the city. Brick buildings, overgrown squares and small estates - this is now the look of the city center.
Temples and monasteries
Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God (Pokrovsky Cathedral), in 1821 the last building of the cathedral was built. This is a functioning temple, which is a two-story building. In 1833, the vaults of the church collapsed and services in the church ceased until 1855. After the reconstruction, the upper part of the building was the Temple of Tikhon of Amaphunt, the lower part (lower floor) - Pokrovsky. In Soviet times, it was closed in 1932, services were resumed only in 1990.
At the Intercession Cathedral, the Intercession Convent was opened in 1998, it is small in number, it does not have its own temple.
Church of Mikhail Chernigov at the orphanage. The temple was founded in 1893, is currently a brick two-story building of the church, which existed at the orphanage. There was a church on the second floor, classrooms were located on the lower floors. The temple was consecrated in 1894. After the revolution in 1919year the church was closed. In 2011, crosses were installed on the temple. The issue of transferring the church building to the Orthodox Church is currently being resolved, but the issue has not yet been resolved.
There were three more churches on the territory of the city, but they suffered a tragic fate and they have not survived to this day:
Alexander Nevsky Church, was built in 1882, was closed in Soviet times in 1929, the building was destroyed;

- The Church of All Saints, built in 1816, was closed in 1938, the fire of 1943 completely destroyed the decoration of the church, in the post-war years the building was demolished;
- Cemetery church in the name of St. Nicholas, consecrated in 1909, closed in 1935, after the war the building was demolished.
City Day
In 2017, on August 5, the city celebrated its 349th anniversary. The festive program of the Day of the city of Kamyshlov was very eventful. A jazz festival was held, in which performers from Russia, the USA, and Poland took part.

Excursions to the historical places of the city were organized for tourists, citizens and guests of the holiday. Gift Fair has passed.
August 9, a motocross took place on the city's motorway, in which riders from all over the country took part.
The Strawberry Jam Festival was held, where a cake with strawberry jam about 10 meters long was baked, and a sand sculpture festival was held, in which students of the art school took partKamyshlov.
All major events were organized with the participation and assistance of the administration of the city of Kamyshlov and took place on Karl Marx Street from noon to midnight.