The city of Vladimir is known for its numerous churches and sights. There are many museums in the city, the most interesting of which is the Museum of Baba Yaga. Its visit is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. The museum is located in the premises of a souvenir shop, and to get into it, you first need to walk through the malls.
How to get to the Baba Yaga Museum in Vladimir

As mentioned earlier, the museum is located in a small souvenir shop. The institution is intended for people who have always dreamed of visiting a fairy tale. The place just fills with good mood and positive. But first things first!
The Museum of Baba Yaga is located in Vladimir on one of the central streets. It has two entrances: both from the street and from the gift shop. After the tour, it is simply impossible to resist buying some souvenir. Most likely, this is the idea of the creators of this amazing place.
Cashiermuseum is in the shop.
Opening hours of the Baba Yaga Museum in Vladimir: from 10:00 to 22:00 daily.
So the museum

The entrance to the museum is decorated in the tradition of Russian folk tales. The visitor gets the impression that he got into a hut on chicken legs. A person who enters the room finds himself in an absolutely incredible fairy-tale world, he is met by Babusi-Yagusi's girlfriend - Kikimora. This fairy-tale character begins to make funny sounds: shouts, grunts, squeals. Thus, the exhibit expresses its joy to new guests.
Then the visitor is led through different halls, the main character of which, of course, is the figure of Baba Yaga. Guests of the institution have the opportunity to visit a fabulous disco, get a surprise from a jug, chat with a magic ball and much more. But first things first.
Baba Yaga figurines

The museum has a huge collection of fabulous old ladies. They were brought here not only from different cities of the Russian Federation, but also from different countries. The figurines are made from different materials. These are porcelain, pumpkin, wax, straw, fabric, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, etc. Many figures are interactive. This means that they can scream, squeal, shake their arms and legs, amusing visitors.
Project author

The author of this project is Irina Filatova. It is worth noting that the exhibits of cheerful old women are the work of Irina, she has been making fairy-tale characters for a long time. A year before the opening of the museum in herthere were 60 models of grandmothers in a private collection, and by the time the fabulous institution opened, their number had increased to seventy. Visitors can safely touch the exhibits, take pictures with them, the main thing is not to take anything with them. In general, everything is possible in this museum, because the atmosphere of a real fairy tale and approaching miracles reigns here.
In addition to the exclusive collection of Irina Filatova, there are dolls brought from Bulgaria, as well as grandmothers made from corn cobs. The collection is complemented by Marina Chirkova's dolls. This woman is a well-known puppeteer in Vladimir, she gladly agreed to take part in such an intriguing project. One of her dolls is wearing a miniskirt, the other is wearing a fashionable hat. In fact, connoisseurs of puppetry should definitely visit the Baba Yaga Museum in Vladimir.
Who else lives in the fabulous museum

In addition to the main character, many other fairy-tale characters settled in the museum. As mentioned above, going into the room, you can see Kikimora swamp - Baba Yaga's girlfriend. The creators of this wonderful place have not forgotten about the grandmother's best friends: Zmey Gorynych and Koschei the Immortal are also regulars of the establishment. The figure of the Serpent Gorynych is crocheted, three heads are wearing the same hats with earflaps. The protagonist of Russian folk tales - Koschey the Immortal - is dressed in a beautiful shimmering cloak and chained. Koschey, in accordance with Russian folk tales, is languishing over his untold riches. But, unlike fairy tales, in reality it gives its visitors the opportunity totouch your treasures, hold "diamonds and diamonds" in your hands.
There is also a Ukrainian Solokha in the museum - the heroine of Gogol's stories. She sits with her head resting on her hand. An interesting exhibit is the newlyweds Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal.
From which countries the exhibits were brought

Under each exhibit in the museum is signed the country from which it was brought. The exhibits of the Baba Yaga Museum were brought from Italy, Ukraine, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Holland. Adults, looking at these exhibits, often try to jokingly compare them with their acquaintances in real life.

The Baba Yaga Museum is an amazing place where visitors are invited to walk through four halls. The museum maintains twilight, which makes it even more mysterious. In the first room there are figures of the marsh Kikimora and Koshchei the Immortal, chained. It is worth noting that the door to the museum is rather low, apparently, the idea is that, in accordance with Russian fairy tales, you need to bow in front of the hut on chicken legs.
After the first room, visitors enter the second hall. Here is a magnificent collection of various grannies. Here they are presented in all their glory. Each exhibit is accompanied by a description. You can see a flirtatious grandmother with a broom from France and an urban grandmother in an apron. Baba Yaga from Cuba treats visitors with various sweets, and three girlfriends brought from the Czech Republic delight guests with a cheerful mood. Moreover, the tour guidetells many interesting stories.
Dolls, in fact, a lot. Each exhibit deserves attention and careful consideration. Many of them are based on the prototypes of fairy-tale grandmothers. For example, Babka Yaga from the fairy tale about brownie Kuzya.
Grandma's Hut
The next room that museum visitors enter is the hut. Here reigns a fabulous twilight. The hostess herself is sitting at the stove, apparently, she is waiting for guests, because the stove is flooded. Feelings of fire in the furnace are given by special illumination. Grandma is cooking dinner. Or maybe not? Maybe he brews a love potion or wants to lead a traveler who has lost his way in the forest? Let it remain a mystery.
There are pots of refreshments on the shelf. Looking closely, visitors understand what kind of treat is there. The guide always offers to put your hands into the bowlers and feel for some kind of worm or eye there.
There is a magical magic ball in the room, when communicating with which a person can make a wish. As the guide promises, it will surely come true.
The photo of the Baba Yaga Museum is located in the article.
Babushka Yaga has her own disco bar. Cheerful music plays here, the room is lit with mischievous cheerful lights. A guy is sitting on a haystack. Probably Russian Ivan. A girl dressed in a Russian-folk dress is dancing near him. She has a scarf tied around her head. The girl's hand is raised up, a smile on her face. You can see that the youth are having fun. Baba Yaga is brewing a magic potion here, apparently trying to enchant a guy and a girl. Little bunnies run around (orrabbits), frolic in the hay and small pigs. This room is the most fun part of the museum tour. Here visitors can dance along with the exhibits, listen to the guide's funny story.
Last room
After visiting the disco, the tour comes to an end and visitors are escorted to a room with a variety of jugs. In fact, the idea of the creators of the museum is quite interesting, because the jugs contain a variety of locally produced homemade wine. Visitors are offered to taste the drinks. If a person liked a drink, he can buy it and take it with him. Most museum visitors do.
Souvenir shop
Of course, none of the visitors can resist the variety of souvenirs offered by the souvenir shop. The store offers dishes to visitors. For example, pots for cooking in the oven are presented here in a variety of colors and styles. Here you can also buy real cast-iron dishes and dishes of the old style, as well as vases, ashtrays, plates, cups, spoons and much more. Paintings, shelves, Russian folk costumes, etc. - all this can be obtained here. You can also try on a Baba Yaga costume and take wonderful photos as a keepsake for free.
Last leg of the tour
The last stage of the tour is a visit to a cafe located opposite. Here, visitors to the Baba Yaga Museum in Vladimir are offered a free tasting of sweets and confectionery. Of course, if the treatIf you like it, you can buy it and take it with you.
Museum reviews

The Museum of Baba Yaga, which houses a huge collection of fairy-tale characters, was visited by many people. Every guest of the city of Vladimir strives to get here on an excursion. Reviews about the Baba Yaga Museum in Vladimir are so positive that you want to immediately see this miracle with your own eyes. Not only children, but also adults are delighted with the institution. This is not surprising, because everyone is talking about the fabulous atmosphere of this place.
Many visitors admire the interactive exhibits of the Baba Yaga Museum. What is so amazing about them? Guests of the institution say that all the exhibits are happy to communicate with their visitors, move, speak "their own language". The collection of dolls from different countries is simply amazing in its diversity. Models are made not only in the classical Russian style, but also in the fabulous styles of other countries. Many dolls also move and make various sounds. Guests of the institution say that this is not just a museum, but a real fairy tale. After all, absolutely all the exhibits here can be touched. But in other museums, such actions are strictly prohibited.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the Baba Yaga Museum in Vladimir is a unique institution. After all, such museums can be counted on the fingers. Having learned about this amazing place, I want to immediately go there. A huge collection of author's dolls is striking in its diversity. This is how much fantasy does the author of models Irina Filatova have? In addition to their owncompositions, Irina gathered a huge collection of not only Russian puppeteers, but also from all over the world. The dolls were brought from Holland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and other countries. The location of the museum is very well chosen, as visitors can buy souvenirs, take beautiful photos and taste local wine, as well as go for a free tasting of sweets and confectionery.