In every city there are museums where the history of the region is collected. Such premises, as a rule, in themselves represent a work of architectural art. Moreover, the most valuable exhibits are hidden behind their walls, which are worth seeing at least once. The local history museum of Ulyanovsk belongs to such buildings. We will tell you more about this place later.

A few words about Ulyanovsk itself
Ulyanovsk is rightfully considered a historically important city and is jokingly called a city-museum. And all due to the fact that on its territory there is a huge number of cultural monuments, architectural masterpieces and other attractions. Incredibly, it is in this city that a huge number of museums have been collected, many of which have a centuries-old history.
One of them is the sensational Museum of Local Lore (Ulyanovsk). The opening hours of this government agency are so carefullyit is planned that not only schoolchildren, but also university students, and even adults after work can visit it.
An excursion into the history of the creation of the museum
The Museum of Local Lore (Ulyanovsk) named after I. A. Goncharov was of regional importance and was first founded in 1895. At the same time, the Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Simbirsk Scientific Archival Commission opened its doors to visitors. Despite the above date, the Ulyanovsk City Museum was not opened immediately. Its solemn presentation took place a year after its creation. Although December 1895 is considered to be the official opening date of this institution. The founders of this cultural object are members of the Simbirsk Provincial Scientific Archival Commission.

Museum collections at the time of opening
The idea to create a regional museum of local lore in Ulyanovsk was announced a long time ago. But it just didn't work out. Local municipalities were sorely short of funds. It remained only to hope for donations from citizens and help, as it is fashionable to say now, volunteers. Thanks to the collected funds, the museum managers managed to compile a good collection of coins belonging to the amateur archaeologist A. V. Tolstoy and open an exposition dedicated to the architectural masterpieces of the we althy collector V. N. Polivanov.
Moreover, among the volunteers who regularly supply the local history museum (Ulyanovsk) with various antiques, there were the following individuals:
- Local historian and historian P. L. Martynov.
- A. K. Yakhontov.
- B. E. Krasovsky and other lovers of history and nature of his native Simbirsk region.
Combining two museums into one
Not far from the building of the Ulyanovsk Museum, two more similar institutions were created. One of them, presumably, was ecclesiastical and religious, and the second was natural history. However, in the absence of proper funding, both museums were merged into one, which was first called the United People's Museum, and later was renamed the Museum of Local Lore. Ulyanovsk and all its inhabitants took this idea with a bang.

Where was the museum building originally located?
As you understand, the city in which this local history museum is located is Ulyanovsk. Photos of the cultural institution, used as illustrations for the article, confirm that its exhibits will really be of interest to people who want to get to know the history of this region better. It is noteworthy that this object was not always located where it stands now. Initially, the building in which the exhibits were stored could be found almost outside the city. But later it was decided to transfer the collection to the mansion of I. A. Goncharov. Recall that earlier this house was built according to the plan of the architect A. A. Shode (by personal order of the archival commission). At the same time, the construction itself was financed with funds once received through the All-Russian subscription, that is, with the people's money.
This house is located in the city center. Its main façade overlooksfast-moving Volga and offers a unique view of the virgin nature and the heavenly distance.
Starting from 1956, the name of I. A. Goncharov was added to the previously approved name of the museum. Even later, the museum already had several branches. For example, it was the literary museum "House of the Yazykovs" and a whole museum complex, opened right on the territory of the Yazykovs' estate. Also, another building joined the branch network - the Secret Apartment of the Simbirsk Group of the RSDLP, similarly equipped as a museum of local lore (Ulyanovsk). Address of this building: Green lane, building 7. It is located immediately behind a tall and prominent obelisk.
The I. A. Goncharov Historical and Memorial Center-Museum is located on 20 Goncharova Street. Karsunsky district, the village of Yazykovo.
Ulyanovsk Regional Museum named after I. A. Goncharov is located on Novy Venets Boulevard, 3/4.
This is where address confusion can occur.
When exactly can those who wish to visit the Museum of Local Lore (Ulyanovsk)? The opening hours are as follows: daily from 10 pm to 6 pm, except Monday (at this time the building is closed and there are no tours). Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, the building is open from 12 noon to 8 pm.

How to get to the museum building?
You can get here not only by car, but also by public transport. So, those wishing to visit this cultural institutioncan come by tram number 2 or number 4. Then you should get off at the stop "Ploshchad Lenina". The building itself is located near the monument to Karl Marx and Karamzin.
Local History Museum (Ulyanovsk): 2017
Over time, the museum has undergone a series of reorganizations and upgrades. Today it is a fully equipped and outwardly attractive building, which, as local residents say, was erected on the day of the centennial anniversary of the famous writer and native of the glorious city of Simbirsk.
This Art Nouveau building is considered one of the brightest local attractions. A majestic corner tower flaunts at its top.
Both local residents and guests of the city often visit the Museum of Local Lore (Ulyanovsk). The history of creation to children and adults is told from year to year the same. However, this does not detract from the interest in this wonderful place, where the history of the region still lives.
The state municipal institution is a kind of museum within a museum. On the first floor of the building you can visit expositions dedicated to the life and work of Ivan Goncharov, and on the second floor - the historical and cultural complex of Ulyanovsk.
Modern expositions and valuable exhibits
The depository of the Ulyanovsk Museum has over 142,000 different exhibits. Among them are successful archaeological finds, elements from the collections of paleontologists, culturologists.
Here you can learn the history of the creation of the city, weaving skills, information about various crafts, including sewing traditional folk costumes, making coins, weapons, photographs. Amongunique copies there are various authentic documents, photos, drawings, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, personal belongings of the Decembrists and much more.

Which departments and expositions are open?
When visiting the museum building, you can visit the departments dedicated to:
- History of the region (ancient and medieval times).
- Cultural development of the region in the XVII-XVIII centuries.
- Socio-economic development of the region in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
- Social development of the Simbirsk Territory in the 19th century.
- Formation of the Simbirsk province (early period of the peasantry).
- Economic development of the region in the XIX-XX centuries.
- Development of the region during the First World War, as well as the February Revolution, etc.
In addition to the large halls, which house a variety of expositions and valuable exhibits, there are also such departments in the room:
- Two halls of nature, as well as a room opened in honor of S. A. Buturlin.
- Fund Department.
- Halls designed to work on educational programs.
- Marketing and advertising departments.
- Rooms to work with private museums in the area.

What tours are offered?
The following tours take place in the building of cultural and historical significance:
- Overview.
- Educational 1, or thematic (only in the department dedicated to the nature of the native land).
- Training 2 (by department, wherethere are expositions dedicated to the history of the region).
Sightseeing tour, as a rule, allows you to get a general idea of the Simbirsk region. During it, children and adults can learn more about their hometown, get acquainted with the oldest and most valuable exhibits, get information about the nature and development of society during the formation of the region.
During a study tour of the department of nature, schoolchildren, university students and other visitors will be able to get comprehensive knowledge about the relief, minerals, the development of the organic and animal world in the region. It will also be useful for young naturalists to learn about the rules for the protection of natural objects, behavior in the forest, in open areas.
During the second thematic excursion tells about the primitive communal system and Volga Bulgaria, the peasant wars of the XVII-XVIII centuries, the life of the Decembrists of the region, the formation of the province and the war of 1812. Students of schools, universities, as well as guests of the city and others who wish can visit this and other thematic excursions.

Additional facilities and services
On the territory of the museum, in addition to the main halls with expositions, there is a large cinema hall and a spacious lecture hall. It is in these rooms that you can watch educational films and documentaries, listen to lectures, hold a presentation and even an open lesson.
There is also a shop and souvenir shop nearby. Not far from the building, visitors can stay overnight in the comfortable rooms of a local hotel. If desiredfor a bite to eat, there is always the opportunity to look into cafes and restaurants, which are also within walking distance from the institution.
For an additional fee, representatives of the museum are happy to organize an excursion around the city. In this case, the group is accompanied by a guide and sometimes a professional photographer.
What attractions and buildings are nearby?
There are other attractions not far from the Ulyanovsk non-profit institution. So, if you wish, in addition to the museum, you can visit the building of the regional library, the house of the former Noble Assembly or the modern Book Palace, the Agricultural Academy, the State University and the Park. Karamzin.