In modern society, one of the main values is human life. A large number of activities supported by the rulers of almost all countries of the world are aimed at improving its quality and duration. To coordinate their actions, as well as to perform many other functions in the field of maintaining and improving the he alth of the population, the World He alth Organization (WHO) was created, which is currently one of the most authoritative and influential organizations in the world.
The start and purpose of WHO
It started in 1948. It was then, on April 7, that the charter was ratified and the first commitments were made, in particular, for example, the development of an international classification of diseases. In the future, WHO continued to take responsibility for the implementation of large-scale programs around the world. ATOne of the most important achievements is the campaign to eradicate smallpox, which was successfully completed in 1981. The spheres of influence, directions of activity and functions of the organization are determined by the charter and lead to one goal - the achievement of the highest level of he alth, which is only possible under these conditions, for all the peoples of the world.

WHO Principles
The constitution of the World He alth Organization defines he alth as a state of well-being on a physical, mental and social level. And he separately explains that if a person has no illnesses and physical defects, then it is too early to say that he is he althy, since the state of mental balance and the social factor are not taken into account. WHO Member States, by signing the Charter, agree that every person has the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of he alth, and any success of the state in the field of he alth is of value to all. In addition, there are some principles that are also fundamental, and they are adhered to by all who have adopted the bylaws. Here are some of them.
- He alth for all is fundamental to peace and security and depends on the degree of cooperation of individuals and states.
- The uneven development of he alth care and disease control measures in different regions of the world is a common danger.
- Child's he alth is of paramount importance.
- Providing the opportunity to enjoy all the achievements of modern medicine is a necessary conditionthe highest level of he alth.

WHO Functions
To achieve its intended purpose, the charter specifies the functions of the organization, which are very extensive and varied. To list them, the World He alth Organization used all the letters of the Latin alphabet. Since there are a lot of them, here are the most important ones. So, the WHO functions are as follows:
- to act as a coordinating and directing body in international he alth work;
- provide necessary assistance and technical assistance in he alth activities;
- encourage and develop the work to combat various diseases, and support the maintenance that may be required;
- promote a change for the better in the medical and he alth professions;
- set and promote international standards for food, pharmaceutical and other products;
- develop the protection of motherhood and childhood, take measures to harmonize life.
WHO work
The work of the organization is carried out in the form of annual World He alth Assemblies, where representatives from different countries discuss the most important issues in the field of public he alth. They are led by a CEO selected by an executive committee that includes representatives from 30 countries. The CEO's job is to provide the organization's annual budget and financial statements. He has the authority to receive the necessaryhe alth-related information directly from government and private institutions. In addition, he is obliged to keep the regional offices informed of all territorial matters.

WHO units
The WHO structure includes 6 regional divisions: European, American, Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, Pacific and African. Decisions are almost always made at the regional level. In autumn, during the annual meeting, representatives from the countries of the region discuss the pressing problems and tasks for their area, adopting appropriate resolutions. The Regional Director, who coordinates the work at this level, is elected for 5 years. Like the general, he has the authority to directly receive information in the field of he alth protection from various institutions in his region.

WHO activities
Today, there are several most important activities carried out by the World He alth Organization. Millennium goals - this is how various media characterize them. They include the following activities:
- assisting the elimination and treatment of diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis;
- help with campaigns to improve conditions for pregnant women and children;
- detection of factors in the development of chronic diseases and the prevention of their development;
- promoting mental he althpopulation;
- collaboration in activities aimed at improving the he alth of adolescents.
The systematic and constant work of the organization in these areas has been going on for a long time, and, of course, there are achievements. But it is too early to talk about their successful completion.

WHO Achievements
Among WHO's already recognized accomplishments are:
- world smallpox eradication;
- significant reduction in malaria;
- vaccination campaign against six infectious diseases;
- HIV detection and control;
- creating primary he alth care services.
An important activity of WHO is the development and improvement of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). It is needed in order to be able to collect, systematize and compare data received from different regions over a long period of time. Since 1948, the World He alth Organization has led and supported this work. The 10th revision of the ICD is currently in force. One of the main achievements of this revision is the translation of disease names into alphanumeric form. Now the disease is coded by the letter of the Latin alphabet and three digits after it. This made it possible to greatly increase the coding structure and reserve empty spaces for diseases of unknown etiology and conditions identified in the course of research activities. The modern WHO classification is used when conducting forensic psychiatric examinations,as it is required under the laws of the Russian Federation.

Statistics and norms
An important functional part of the organization is the statistical monitoring of the he alth status of the population and drawing up, based on the results, standards that determine the living conditions for people around the world. For comparability and reliability of data, they are grouped, for example, by age, gender or region of residence, and then processed according to a special methodology developed by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Eurostat and other UN bodies, including WHO. The definition of a norm is based on its statistical content, that is, it is a certain range of values within which most of the data characteristic of a certain group of people is located. This helps to objectively assess the he alth status of the population and make appropriate decisions.
It should be noted that WHO standards are periodically reviewed due to new conditions or errors in research. So, 9 years ago, the tables of norms for the weight and height of the child were revised.
Child's weight and height
Until 2006, data on child development were collected without taking into account the type of feeding. However, this approach was recognized as erroneous, since artificial nutrition greatly distorted the result. Now, according to the new WHO standards, the height and weight of the child is compared with the reference parameters of children who are breastfed, because in this caseensure the best quality food. Special tables and graphs help mothers around the world to correlate their performance with the standards. On the official website, the World He alth Organization has posted the WHO Anthro program, by downloading which you can evaluate the weight and height of the child, as well as examine his nutritional status. Deviation from the normative values is a reason for consulting with your doctor.
The problem of maintaining breastfeeding is given quite a lot of attention. WHO's publishing activities include brochures, posters and other materials promoting natural child nutrition. Printed materials are used in medical institutions and help young mothers to breastfeed for a long time, thereby ensuring the most correct and harmonious development of the child.
Breastfeeding Management

Children's complete nutrition is impossible without mother's milk. Therefore, helping the mother in the proper organization of feeding is one of the important tasks of WHO. Breastfeeding recommendations are as follows:
- the first time to attach a baby to the breast is necessary within an hour after birth;
- do not bottle feed a newborn;
- in the hospital, mom and baby should be together;
- breast on demand;
- do not take off the breast before the baby wants to;
- keep night feedings;
- do not solder;
- enable to completely empty one breast beforethan to give another;
- do not wash nipples before feeding;
- do not weigh more than once a week;
- do not pump;
- do not introduce complementary foods until 6 months;
- keep breastfeeding until age 2.
Individual norms
If for some reason it is not possible to establish breastfeeding, it should be remembered that artificial children gain weight somewhat more than infants. Therefore, when comparing normative indicators with your own data, you need to take this nuance into account.
In addition, there are some hereditary parameters that do not fit into the standard picture. For example, height at birth. Most likely, short parents will have a child with an underestimated level of growth, while tall ones, on the contrary, with an overestimated one. A slight deviation from the norm should not be a cause for concern, in which case an additional consultation with a pediatrician is simply necessary.
The World He alth Organization believes that genetics does not have much influence on the developmental norms of babies up to a year old. The main reason for weight deviations is an unbalanced diet.