Rhinoceros is one of the largest representatives of mammals. In size, it is surpassed only by an elephant, a little less than a rhinoceros - a hippopotamus. The main difference between the animal is the horn located on the nose. Hence the name - rhinoceros.
Where does a rhino get a horn from?
Scientists are not exactly sure when the rhino horn appeared. The origin of this part of the animal's body lies in the multimillion-year history of its existence. All rhinoceros fossils found have traces of the presence of a horn. This outgrowth is not a bone, it resembles horny tissue in structure, but actually consists of keratin. Keratin is the material, the basis of hair and nails. In appearance, it seems that the horn of a rhinoceros is a plexus of a large amount of thick hair. The first, large horn, grows from the bone of the nose, and the second, small, from the skull. These formations grow throughout the life of the animal.

Rhinoceros horn size
In modern times, five species of rhino are known. They all have horns. The average growth size of the most common rhinos - white and black - is from forty to eighty centimeters. The record for size was broken by the length of the horn of a white rhinoceros -one hundred and fifty eight centimeters! This is the largest process recorded in modern representatives of this species. The horn of the woolly rhinoceros, which became extinct during the Ice Age, was larger. Its average length ranged from sixty to one hundred and fifty centimeters. What is the role of the horn in life? Why did nature reward the animal with such a process?

Rhino horn - a symbol of power
Many centuries ago, people worshiped rhinos as deities. In ancient drawings, this animal can be found, its horn is depicted as unnaturally large, decorated with flowers. Once upon a time, people believed that the rhinoceros horn was its decoration and a sign of power. They made dishes from it - containers for drinking and storing liquids. It was believed that this attribute has healing properties and gives the owner incredible power and strength.

A horn as a weapon
Rhino is a very large animal. On the face of it, he seems to be clumsy and slow. This is not true at all. The rhinoceros is capable of reaching speeds of up to forty-five kilometers per hour, but this is not enough to escape from a predator. Many believe that the horn of the rhinoceros is his weapon against the attack of hungry carnivores. This is also not entirely true. The rhinoceros has no enemies in the world of predators. His appearance is so formidable that few lionesses and hyenas dare to pounce on him, trying to catch him as food. If, in the most hungry time, there is a brave man trying to attack a big man, then the rhinoceros should once shake his horn in the direction of the encroacher onhis life, and the predator flees. There is also an opinion that rhinos use horns to fight other males. In the mating season, when everyone wants to attract the attention of the he althiest and most beautiful female, rhinos begin to fight for advantage. But to prove their strength, they do not use horns at all, but teeth. Males attack each other, biting the enemy and knocking them down with their whole body. And the fact that a rhinoceros can put a person on its horns is generally from the realm of fantasy. This is the most peaceful and calm animal. He avoids meeting with a person, and if they meet, he will rush to run away and hide, very rarely attacks. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for humans. They are the main enemy of the rhinoceros, exterminating the species.

Horn for marks on the territory
In nature, you can see a picture of a rhinoceros rubbing its horns against a tree, after which huge scars remain on the bark. So the animal marks its territory, leaving traces and smell. Rhinos are loners. They do not like the company of their relatives. If on the way of the animal a tree came across that has the smell of another rhinoceros, then this will be a reason not to linger in this area for a long time. In a pair of rhinoceros, you can see only in one case - this is a mother and a cub. The female raises the baby until two years old, and then they part.
Why hunt rhinos?
Poachers are always chasing prey, profit. So, through the fault of the hunters, more than one thousand elephants died, the tusks of which are valued in the market. It is a valuable material from which variousjewelry, figurines, dishes. But why did people like the horn of a rhinoceros so much? In order to get this growth, thousands of animals are exterminated every year. The thing is that since ancient times, people believe in the miraculous properties of a powder made from a rhinoceros horn. Allegedly, by adding this powder to food and drink, you can be cured of many diseases. The most common indication for use is impotence. All over the world, men believe that medicines based on horn powder can restore their former strength. They also make anti-aging creams, which attract many female consumers. It is said that rhinoceros horn is able to restore youth and give a long life. Ancient traditions have been preserved in Yemen, according to one of which young men who have reached the age of majority are given a dagger, the handle of which is made of rhinoceros horn. But all the properties attributed to these horns are just a myth. Science has not proven the healing and rejuvenating effects of the powder, but the price of the product is growing, and people are buying it. In many countries, the price of a horn is such that you can buy a luxury car or a house. In South Africa, one copy costs more than two hundred thousand dollars. Such is the price for the life of a huge disappearing beast.