Autumn herbs: description. Grass in the autumn forest

Autumn herbs: description. Grass in the autumn forest
Autumn herbs: description. Grass in the autumn forest

Autumn, like all seasons, is surprisingly beautiful in its own way. Nature at this time dresses in the most colorful clothes, made of colorful leaves: brown, red, yellow, orange and even green. Thanks to the bright sun, although not very warm, everything shimmers with gold. Magnificent autumn landscapes, the smell of amazing freshness - all this attracts, especially in sunny weather. And what happens in the forest and in the fields? There is a sea of bright leaves underfoot, a bunch of oak acorns, as well as plants, and even those that have not yet faded.

What happens at this time of year with trees, herbs, shrubs, flowers? Autumn plants take on a completely different look.

This article will tell about the features of nature during this period of the season.

About autumn

Autumn according to the calendar begins on September 1, for astronomers it comes on the day of the autumnal equinox (September 22). For meteorologists, this is the date when a stable average daily temperature passes through10 degrees to low temperatures.

For phenologists (scientists who study the periodicity of phenomena in the life of animals and plants), autumn comes at the time of a noticeable yellowing of leaves on bushes and trees. Every year this time falls on a different date. Birch leaves usually turn yellow first, followed in order by linden, bird cherry, mountain ash, maple, viburnum.

Autumn grasses and flowers retain their summer green color longer, although among them there are many plants with yellowed leaves and stems, but many even still bloom. Among the latter, some of the plants re-bloom only occasionally, but there are those for which re-blooming has become quite common.

After a warm and green summer, it's time for a cool but golden autumn. Gradually, all the trees and shrubs are dressed in crimson and gold, cranes and other migratory birds cry in the transparent sky. It is not for nothing that A. S. Pushkin was called “the charm of the eyes” at this time.

autumn herbs
autumn herbs

Autumn flowers and herbs

The following plants most often bloom again: meadow clover, fragrant violet, adonis, cuckoo flower, forest anemones, etc. This is facilitated by the peculiar conditions of autumn weather, when a long period of warming comes after a cold snap.

Many plants, especially the so-called weeds, can bloom from early spring to late autumn. These are wood lice (or stellate), yarutka (talaban), etc. In autumn, later forms of plant varieties are also found with blooming flowers: tenacity, eyebright, field violet. They bloom in early summer, then as ifdisappear and bloom again in autumn. Such forms of herbs are not well understood today.

Part of those plants that bloom in autumn are plants that usually bloom in the 2nd half of summer and continue their flowering in autumn. The last to bloom are crow's feet, cinquefoil, chicory, some types of cornflowers, tansy, carnations and others. Blooms in wet places and succession.

There are grasses in the autumn forest that bloom only at this time. First of all, this is autumn colchicum - one of the most beautiful and biologically interesting plants. Also, only in autumn, yellow flowers of sternbergia (amaryllis family) bloom. They are found only in the Crimea and in the Odessa region. Autumn snowdrops, saffron, etc. are also blooming.

Autumn flowers and herbs
Autumn flowers and herbs

Collection of autumn herbs

For all those who prefer non-traditional treatment, autumn is the most important time of the year, as it is during this period that you can stock up on medicinal herbs quite well, which will be enough for the whole year.

To go for the harvest, you should choose environmentally friendly places. Basically, in medicinal autumn herbs, rhizomes and fruits are used for treatment. Usually, by autumn, the upper part of the plants dies off, and the root absorbs all the healing properties.

How to prepare plants for consumption?

The collected leaves and rhizomes of autumn herbs need to be dried. But first, the rhizomes must be thoroughly cleaned of the earth and rotten parts, then rinsed in cool water. After drying, they should be cut and laid out in a thin layer on paper,then leave it all out in the open air to dry. The rhizomes of some not very large plants can be harvested whole.

You can dry them both outdoors and in the oven or oven. Store finished products preferably in tightly closed jars.

Grass in the autumn forest
Grass in the autumn forest

Healing autumn herbs: description

With the onset of autumn, the roots and rhizomes of many herbs are harvested. Here are some of them.

Medicinal angelica is a biennial plant with a very pleasant smell. Erect stem solitary, up to 250 cm high, hollow inside. The alternate leaves are thrice pinnate. The inflorescence is large, in the form of an almost round spherical umbrella (diameter - 8-15 cm), has 20-40 rays. Peduncles densely pubescent in the upper part, and inconspicuous small flowers have a yellow-green color. Used in the treatment of rhizome and stem.

Autumn trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs
Autumn trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs

Medicinal valerian is a perennial plant reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters. The fistulate, erect stem branches closer to the inflorescence. Several stems grow on a single bush. The leaves are either alternate or collected in whorls, pinnately dissected. Fragrant flowers, collected in large axillary and apical branched inflorescences, are small (up to 4 mm in diameter) and have white, light purple or pinkish hues. Roots and rhizomes are collected for drying.

Shepherd's purse is a very prolific weed (also found in gardens). Straight or branched peduncle (height - 40 cm), on whichnumerous brushes with buds. At the top of the plant - flowers, small, white, and at the bottom - triangular seed pods. The latter, having seeds in them, outwardly resemble a shepherd's bag, hence the name of the plant. For medicinal purposes, only the root is used.

Quite a lot of autumn herbs are suitable for the treatment of various diseases, including the following: snake knotweed (use roots and rhizome), blue cyanosis (rhizome and root), burnet (roots with rhizomes), dioica nettle (leaves) etc.

Autumn grass: description
Autumn grass: description

In conclusion - about autumn in Russian painting

For many people, autumn is their favorite time of the year. Painters love it too. And autumn itself is like an artist - very quickly she repaints the trees and autumn grass. The paintings of the painters are the most faithful and accurate transmission of the unique beauty of autumn nature.

Autumn landscapes by famous artists (Levitan, Vasiliev, Polenov, Savrasov, etc.) convey sadness, joy, despondency, and romance. Each mood depends on the choice of autumn period to create a picture. It should be noted that delight is almost always felt in works with golden autumn, since at this time it is possible to use a variety of shades of colors.
