Holy place - Lake Svetloyar

Holy place - Lake Svetloyar
Holy place - Lake Svetloyar

Lake Svetloyar is lost between the Kerzhenets, Vetluga and Kerzhensky forests. It gained wide popularity due to a fairly common legend about the invisible city of Kitezh, which once, in order not to be captured by the enemy, sank to the bottom of this reservoir.

The name "Svetloyar" means "deep and bright waters". Indeed, the waters of this lake are distinguished by purity, and its depth in some places reaches thirty meters.

lake svetlyar
lake svetlyar

According to legend, in ancient times, before the advent of the Tatars, the city of Kitezh was located on the site of the reservoir. Six churches towered majestically in its center.

Batu, having come to Russia, heard about Kitezh and rushed to him with his army. Having broken through to the walls of the city, they were amazed, since the inhabitants did not build any fortifications and were not going to defend themselves. Only the ringing of bells was heard - people prayed for salvation. And then a miracle happened. The city of Kitezh disappeared, and Svetloyar appeared in its place - a lake striking in its beauty.

The origin of the reservoir. Hypotheses

There are several different opinions about the appearance of the lake. Some believe that Svetloyar is of karst origin, others- what is glacial, others say that it was formed as a result of the merger of two very deep faults in the Earth's crust. There is no consensus yet. Lake Svetloyar continues to keep its secrets.

Svetloyar lake
Svetloyar lake

You can get to it along a birch alley sprinkled with white sand. The sand itself was brought back in the seventies, when there was a pioneer camp not far from the reservoir. The natural soil around Svetloyar is clayey, it was difficult to walk on it, especially after rain. The sand path goes up the hill. Recently, it has been called the Batu trail. You can always see tourists walking along the alley. For a person who goes to a holy place, Lake Svetloyar opens unexpectedly, exactly at the time when he finds himself at the highest point of the trail.

Water from the lake is collected in bottles. Many say that it can be stored for a long time, does not deteriorate at all and does not bloom. In addition, she is considered a saint. In summer you can see how people in long shirts enter Lake Svetloyar and get baptized.

Laboratory studies of water, which were carried out back in 1969, showed that it was of a hydrocarbonate type, slightly mineralized. Also in the lake there is hydrogen sulfide of biogenic origin. Not so long ago, an analysis showed a high content of copper - a natural antiseptic. It is its presence that explains the unusual properties of waters. Near Svetloyar, you can find rare plants and lake plants listed in the Red Book.

lake plants
lake plants

If you turn left along the path, you can go up tomountain. The lake can be seen from it at a glance. Many Svetloyar strikes with its ideal oval shape. Hundreds of people visit this holy place every year. There are many Old Believers, pilgrims, as well as tourists, schoolchildren, environmentalists and just curious people.

The most massive visit can be observed on the day of Ivan Kupala. During the day, people celebrate, and at night they go around the lake with candles, let out wreaths and arrange pagan games in the forests and fields.

Lake Svetloyar is one of the most amazing and unusual places in Russia. Coming to him, a person receives peace and peace of mind. The path here is open to everyone!
