The meaning of the word "flattering" is familiar to anyone. Every person uses this technique every day, sometimes we say pleasant, though not entirely truthful, words so as not to offend a person, in another case we want to please and impress, and it happens that these words become the main weapon in the hands of a swindler and villain.

When meeting old acquaintances, we are more likely to give a compliment than we will focus on the minuses of appearance or other negative characteristics. Unfortunately, flattery is the norm of modern communication. If, in this situation, you begin to express your opinion and reproach for shortcomings, they will think of you, to put it mildly, as a boorish person. It turns out that society itself imposes standards of "ethical" communication on us and forces us to lie and satisfy the vanity of the opponent.
Another case is when a person flatters in order to please and win over. This may be out of fear of rejection or in order to quickly fit into someone's environment. More often than not, this method does not work.insincerity is visible. Weakness of character or selfish goals make flattery the most important weapon of many people. If you do not fight this habit, then the liar will soon not be able to be natural and truthful. Flattery is a swamp that draws you into a whirlpool. The more often a person uses these dirty

tricks, the more he forgets about pure relationships and the less he believes in himself. Each of us met on our way those who meekly listened to speeches, and then “sang” odes to them. Some feel sorry for such people, they annoy others, and still others attract them to themselves and take pleasure in amusing their pride.
The world remembers such famous heroes and people as Sonya the Golden Handle and Ostap Bender. They amaze everyone with their ability to deceive and flatter. More than one man fell for the sweet speeches of the swindler Sonya, but at the same time she still remains a legend and has her fans. In her mouth, flattery became a boon and the art of eloquence. For her, fraud and deceit were the meaning of life and the only craft. If only her gift was used for good! One can only imagine how many good and great deeds she would have accomplished.
Associated with such a concept as flattery, quotes have been passed from mouth to mouth for many centuries, because people consider it a sin, for which it is worth asking forgiveness from God. But still, there is nowhere to hide from her. Social events, business acquaintances are built on flattering and "smiling" communication.

Flattery is evil, whatever motivates people to resort to it, we keepthe answer is just in front of you. Everyone's business is to be an honest and strong person or a sycophant. It is not necessary to say offensive words, you can just remain silent or emphasize real advantages. It seems that it is better not to open your mouth at all than to be a liar who is looking for words in order to win over a person. Everyone should strive for excellence - to be strong, truthful, honest and kind. Our life should be spent not in striving for goods, but in striving for spiritual well-being. If a person tells a lie and does it regularly, then you should think about his spiritual development. Life is short. We leave it “naked”, and only the memory of us remains on earth. Everyone chooses their own path every day and every hour, and let the road be bright and clean, and not built on lies. Flattery is a vice that must be fought.