Surprisingly, Kolpino is not only a district, but also a city within the federal city of St. Petersburg. Developed industry and social infrastructure provides residents with fairly good living conditions.
General information
Intra-city municipal formation - the city of Kolpino, is the administrative center of the eponymous district of St. Petersburg. It is located on the Neva lowland, on the banks of the Izhora River (the left tributary of the Neva). The historical center of St. Petersburg is located 26 km to the northwest. The railway line Moscow - St. Petersburg passes through the district. The population of Kolpino in 2018 is 145,721 people.

A significant part of St. Petersburg's industry is concentrated in Kolpino. The city-forming enterprise is Izhora Plant, which manufactures equipment for the nuclear industry and the petrochemical industry. In addition, more than 30 industrial enterprises operate in the city.
Pre-revolutionary times
Founded Kolpino in 1722 as a working settlement at a sawmill (processing plantwater-powered wood). In 1912 it received the status of a city, in 1936 it became the center of the district of the same name.

There are several theories about the origin of the name. Common, scientific - from the word "kolp", as the wild goose was called in the B altic-Slavic languages. The second version is an urban legend popular among the population of Kolpino. Tsar Peter, when wandering in this area, stumbled over a pine stake, the second part of "pino" is considered to have come from the Finnish word - "swamp".
The first reliable data on the population of Kolpino date back to 1852. Then 5,621 people lived in the village, of which the majority were Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Mohammedans (Muslims) also lived. Industry developed rapidly in the city, thanks to the presence of rivers, on which, by the 19th century, 6 saw mills had already been installed. The population grew rapidly, mainly due to the peasants who arrived here from the central provinces of Russia. According to the latest data from the pre-revolutionary period, in 1910 there were already 16,000 people living in the settlement.
Recent Times

Two wars had a severe impact on the city, by 1920 the population of Kolpino had decreased to 11,000 people. Soviet industrialization had a beneficial effect on the main enterprise of the city, Izhora Plant expanded, mastered the production of new products, including the first Soviet bloomings. At the beginning of the war, the city had 59,000 inhabitants. During the years of the blockade, in 1944, only 2,196 people lived in the area. Afterlifting the blockade, evacuees began to return, and in 1945 there were already 7,404 Kolpintsy.
The pre-war population recovered only by the end of the 60s. In 1970, the population of Kolpino reached 70,178 people. All subsequent years of Soviet power, the population grew both due to natural increase and due to the migration flow from other regions of the country. In the last Soviet year (1991), 145,000 people lived in the city. From 1993 to 2002 the number of inhabitants was declining, which is associated with the crisis of industry. Further, the population grew, mainly due to natural increase. The maximum population of 145,721 was reached in 2018.
Employment of the population

The Kolpino Employment Center is located at Pavlovskaya st., 1/21. The city has a rather low unemployment rate, due, among other things, to the workload of Izhora Plant with state orders. Jobs currently offered by the job center:
- low-skilled workers, including an auxiliary worker, a security guard, a janitor, with a salary of 17,000–20,000 rubles;
- middle-skilled workers, including a labor rationing engineer, manager, system administrator, optician, fiberglass molder, joiner, carpenter, with a salary of 35,000–40,000 rubles;
- highly qualified workers, including a surveyor, a carousel turner, a boring turner with a salary of 50,000–60,000 rubles.