Flowers are the most beautiful gift given by nature itself. There are about 270 thousand species on Earth, and how many mankind has not yet discovered in the untouched corners of the planet. All flowers are very different, some bloom almost the whole year, while others - only a few hours, and it is considered a great success to see such a phenomenon. Therefore, I don’t even want to make some kind of rating, because absolutely all flowers are beautiful, but you can still highlight some, unique ones.
A flower called kadupul, unique in its beauty and features. It is found very rarely in the forests of Sri Lanka. Locals call this plant "Queen of the Night". By the way, this name reflects the features of the flower more. The uniqueness of the kadupula is that its flower blooms exclusively in the middle of the night and blooms for only a few hours. For this reason, "Queen of the Night" is never ripped off, there is no point.

People who were lucky enough to see this unique phenomenon say that the flower has a very subtle and pleasant aroma. The petals of the bud are white and somewhat reminiscent of bird feathers, only ruffled.
LocalThere is a myth among the inhabitants that on the night when the kadupula blooms, the demigod Nagi descends to the ground, picks a flower and presents it to the Buddha.
The plant has a very short life, but what a beautiful one.
This is the only representative of its kind, however, includes about 50 species that have unique different colors. It grows in South and Central America, and because of its beauty, the flower becomes popular in Europe.

The flowers of the plant are asymmetrical, quite large and can reach 8 centimeters in diameter. Color from yellow to red, bright. Only very rare species have a snow-white color.
Smolevka of Gibr altar
This beautiful flower belongs to the tar family and grows only near Gibr altar. For some time, this plant was considered irretrievably lost; since 1992, not a single botanist has been able to find it. However, after 2 years, climbers discovered the plant. Today, the flower is grown in the botanical gardens in Gibr altar and London.
Ghost Orchid
Perhaps the most beautiful bouquets of flowers are obtained with orchids. There are a lot of plant species, but the ghost orchid is a unique and beautiful species. The roots of the plant resemble a web, a stem without leaves. The orchid is attached by its roots to other plants, so it is very difficult to determine where its roots are. It is the absence of leaves that does not allow the plant to feed on its own, therefore the plant feeds at the expense of others on which it is attached. A flower grows inFlorida and Cuba, as there are ideal conditions for him.

In botany, this flower is called the leafless orchid Dendrophylax - Dendrophylax lindenii. The flower was first discovered in 1844, the orchid has been cultivated recently, and now it can be seen in the botanical gardens of the world.
Chocolate Cosmos
Cosmos atrosanguineus is one of the most beautiful flowers in Mexico. Its name is due to the fact that the aroma of the plant is chocolate. The color of the bud is rich red, up to a brown tint. It blooms at the end of the summer season, only in the evening.

Today this plant is recognized as endangered, plantations with chocolate cosmea are protected by law.
This is one of the most beautiful flowers on the planet, it is also called "Bird of Paradise". The buds of the plant resemble the plumage of birds from tropical forests. Grows naturally in South Africa. Now the plant is actively cultivated in other parts of the planet as a home.

The flower has large and bright petals. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of a bird of paradise, which hid in the greenery of the leaves. In length, the leaves of the arrow can reach 45 centimeters. The plant itself is never higher than 90 centimeters in height, very rarely, if the growing conditions are favorable, it can stretch up to 1.5 meters.
Parrot's beak
Not many people manage to bring a photo of beautiful flowers from the Canary Islands, namely a photograph of a spotted lotus (botanic al title). The plant is protected by law, since the birds that pollinated the flowers have disappeared, and there are no others that could replace the nectary. Those plants that are growing now are obtained by artificial pollination. But the spotted lotus is quite successfully bred by gardeners, so it can be found in flowerbeds in warm countries and on the windowsills of residential buildings.
The petals of the buds of the plant are very similar to the beak of a parrot. Flowering occurs in the spring, naturally, if the weather is already sunny.
Peter Van de Werken's Rainbow Rose
Of course, in no case can not ignore the rose. One of its species can be called the most beautiful flower with a beautiful color - this is a rainbow rose. The variety was obtained through the efforts of Dutch flower masters and is named after the creator Pieter Van de Werken.
This flower contains all the colors of the rainbow, there are even shades that are completely unusual for nature, these are purple and blue.

However, although the flower is not a consequence of the work of the Photoshop program, it still does not turn out naturally. The stem of an ordinary white rose is divided into several tubules, and water with dyes of different colors is let through them. The cost of one such flower is around 10-15 dollars / 600-900 rubles.
Dicentra is gorgeous
This flower has many different names - "Shoe of the Mother of God", "Flower of the Heart" and so on. And each country has its own myth about this plant. Botanical name -Lamprocapnos spectabilis, part of the poppy family.
Natural habitat - Far East, North Korea and China. It prefers the edges of deciduous forests and highlands, therefore it is most often found at an altitude of about 2500 - 2800 meters above sea level.

The flowers are double-sided, heart-shaped. On one racemose inflorescence up to 15 buds. The outer color of the bud is pink, sometimes white. Inside the petals are white, veins may be present, yellow or reddish. The stamens are like petals, very wide.
The official symbol of Japan is sakura. The country has a holiday dedicated to this flower, it starts on March 27, but every year the date is adjusted, depending on weather conditions and the beginning of flowering.
Sakura is a very fragile and short-lived flower. The name refers to a whole tree, from the genus Prunus serrulata cherry. Today, 16 plant species and about 400 varieties are known. These trees are grown not for the sake of obtaining fruits, but solely for aesthetic pleasure. It is found not only in Japan, but also in Korea, China and even the Himalayas.

It is a little-known fact that these flowers are the closest relatives of bird cherry. Sakura blooms for no more than 7 days, and the color varies from white to bright pink. The flowering process begins to be monitored in advance, and the Japanese, who do not have the opportunity to do it with their own eyes, follow the developments on TV.
By the way, even in the Korean series "Boys Over Flowers" in many episodes they show cherry blossoms and other unique flowers, magnificent landscapes, because a huge amount of money was spent on the creation of the series. Sakura is sung in many poems and poems, especially by Japanese authors.
This tropical plant has very beautiful flowers, each with white petals (5 pieces). Inside each bud has a yellow color, very rarely other shades. The uniqueness of this plant is that the flowers exude a strong aroma at night, very similar to the smell of citrus fruits mixed with jasmine. The plant is completely unpretentious, it needs only the sun and a little moisture.
Plumeria belongs to the genus of the Kutrovye family. It grows naturally mainly in Thailand, the Caribbean and other Pacific islands, Mexico and South America.