Exotic flowers: beauty and originality in the home

Exotic flowers: beauty and originality in the home
Exotic flowers: beauty and originality in the home

The world of flora is very rich and diverse. Mankind is constantly interested in plant life. Exotic flowers receive a lot of attention. They amaze with their beauty and sophistication. More recently, people knew only a few names of flowers, and at the present time, stores offer the consumer a huge selection of interesting plants.

Chic bouquet

exotic flowers
exotic flowers

Girls and women are very fond of flowers, this is the best gift for the soul and heart. They delight the eye with their presence, fill the house with freshness and beauty. When exotic flowers are present in the bouquet, it becomes even more chic and original. Allows a person to see a piece of another continent.

Now it is not difficult to find any plant in flower shops. Florists can talk about them, tell you how to make a composition correctly, advise which flowers will look best, with which you can express your feelings. Such a gift is perfect for people who are hard to please. This isunusual, bright and unforgettable!

Plants of Mexico and Africa

names of exotic flowers
names of exotic flowers

Not many people know the name of exotic flowers, they choose them simply by their appearance: color, shape. You can buy original bouquets both in stores and via the Internet. The most diverse assortment is offered with a full description of the plant.

Flowers of Mexico:

- Echinocactus Gruzoni. Requires proper care: the brightest possible lighting at any time of the year, moderate temperature and watering. The plant has the shape of a ball, the flowers are yellow up to 5 cm in size.

- Spreckelia. Genus Amaryllis, leaves are flat green. The flower is usually one, red. The plant is picky about air humidity, but requires a lot of light. He likes warm settled water, it is important to pour it into the pan without getting on the bulb.

Exotic flowers native to Africa:

- Lithops or "living stones". They belong to the Aizoon family, of which there are more than 60 varieties. You need constant sunlight, the roots do not tolerate a lot of liquid. In summer, it is better to place them outdoors.

- Gudia. The height of the shrub is about one meter, the stems are surrounded by thorns. Root flooding should be avoided and does not require water at all in winter.

Original plants can improve the atmosphere of the room

exotic indoor flowers
exotic indoor flowers

People always strive to learn new flowers, to grow them in their homes. Exoticism attracts lovers as much as possible, the unusual shape and smell of the plant generates interest. All in storesexpanding range of colors. Bright and unusual plants from India, America, China and other overseas countries are in good demand. Home exotic flowers, to the best of their ability, improve the air in the room, moisturize it, fill it with freshness and a pleasant smell.

Palm, citrus and coniferous plants help to get rid of harmful substances in the house. The air is purified, the microclimate is normalized. For example, anthurium is a flower native to Central and South America. Reduces the content of microbes in the indoor air. Several varieties of anthurium are known, all have different bud colors: pink, red, white and burgundy. The plant does not tolerate cold and direct sunlight, it is best placed on a window that faces southwest or southeast.

Pachistachis yellow at home

Many breed exotic on their balconies and terraces. This gives beauty and a sense of nature to the apartment. It also creates an atmosphere of relaxation, helps to touch the world of flora of foreign countries. Some exotic flowers require special care and attention. Others, on the contrary, are completely picky and quickly adapt to any conditions.

In indoor cultivation, pachistachis yellow is very common. It originates from Tropical America. The shrub can grow up to one meter, has oval dark green leaves. The flowers are white, they quickly fall off, but bright yellow or orange bracts remain. The plant requires abundant watering on hot summer days. Ideal location - east or west window, needs bright lighting.

Cyclamenhome or alpine violet

home exotic flowers
home exotic flowers

In general, people like plants that are easy to grow, disease resistant and easy to settle into a new place. Exotic flowers in pots are now not uncommon, they are easy to buy in salons. Very popular among the people is domestic cyclamen, it grows in Turkey and the Middle East.

The height of the plant itself reaches 30 cm, large flowers of orange, white, lilac, pink and red. In the summer, cyclamen rests, in the fall it releases new leaves and buds. In winter, the plant begins to bloom, therefore it is very often a gift for the New Year holidays. Cyclamen does not like heat very much, so you should keep it away from a heat source (fireplace, radiator). It is desirable to water in the pan, if water gets on the plant, rotting may begin.

Jasmine: beautiful scent

Everyone likes a pleasant smell in the room. Exotic indoor flowers are sources of amazing aromas. When choosing a plant for the house, we try to combine beauty and pleasant smell as much as possible. Jasmine is a prime example, it belongs to the olive variety, more than three hundred species are known. The birthplace of the flower is Asia and Australia.

exotic flowers in pots
exotic flowers in pots

The following species are suitable for home breeding:

- jasmine officinalis;

- hololithous;

- sambac;

- multi-flowered.

In winter, the plant should not be flooded with water, and in summer, during the period of growth and flowering, on the contrary. Jasmine is very afraid of drafts,loves light and fresh air.

All flowers, especially exotic ones, need proper care, it is advisable to first ask about their preferences.
