Sarcasm good or bad?

Sarcasm good or bad?
Sarcasm good or bad?

Existence in modern society presupposes that the individual has a sense of humor - it is easier to "fit" into society. Any topic - from politics to blondes - is impossible to imagine without ironic intervention. Our beloved (sarcasm?) traffic cops and deputies very often become the subjects of sarcastic jokes.

Sarcasm is a stinging statement, often positive, but only negative. Therefore, some and sometimes can not "see" it. Usually, sarcasm is a mockery in which there is a palpable difference between what is said and what is meant. Also, this way of ridicule shows the true attitude of the speaker to the object of ridicule.

sarcasm is
sarcasm is

Sarcasm differs from irony in that the latter is the most cruel. Irony is petty banter, while sarcasm is the deliberate, scathing ridicule of flaws. Moreover, in sarcasm, the external meaning and subtext are very contrasting. Simply put, sarcasm is a poisonous irony. It expresses a high degree of hatred, resentment.

The use of sarcasm in journalism, poetry, prose, oratory, polemics has firmly entered our lives. This technique is widely used in literary criticism. Many writers use it to highlight the negative in social and political events. But one should not assume that sarcasm on their part is open aggression. On the contrary, it can be seen as a method of dealing with the "system".

phrases with sarcasm
phrases with sarcasm

The line between sarcasm and irony is very easy to cross, but the use of the former is justified by the ability to express a thought more clearly. Everyone's favorite Vladimir Mayakovsky and Faina Ranevskaya were masters of the word: people still remember and quote their sarcastic phrases. They opened their eyes to existing problems "with taste." Therefore, the authorities did not like them, therefore they were condemned and tried to exterminate. Because it caught people, because they removed the veil of "decency" and the whole truth, the essence, was revealed.

In modern filmography, the "king" of sarcasm is considered to be Dr. House from the series of the same name. He has no sympathy for patients and pours poison on everyone in his magnificent sarcastic manner.

Phrases with sarcasm are not a humorous joke in which the funny reality is revealed with a share of sympathy and which is endearing. The comedy of sarcasm may not be pronounced, and discontent may be shown quite openly and assertively.

sarcastic phrases
sarcastic phrases

Sarcasm is a good policy of discontent and indignation. In the end, he mightrid people of obscene language and fill indignation with eloquence.

Surprisingly, many are unable to recognize sarcasm. Although it is a caustic mockery, it is often veiled under a positive judgment, so some may take it for a slight irony, or even worse - for praise or a compliment.

The use of sarcastic expressions in literature can be considered reasonable, but in communicating with loved ones you need to monitor the degree of causticity, so to speak. Often in youth circles, ridicule with sarcastic statements is usually the case. But they can humiliate and "trample" the self-esteem of the ridiculed. Therefore, you should not use this technique with new and receptive old acquaintances.
