The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the road to heaven is paved with bad intentions?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the road to heaven is paved with bad intentions?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the road to heaven is paved with bad intentions?

A person lives for himself, tries not to do anything reprehensible in life, for which it would be a shame. But good deeds, if possible, seeks to do more. And not for putting a tick on yourself, so that in the next world (if there really is one) to get a “test”, but according to your sincere desire. Time passes, but for some reason his good sideways comes out. And then he begins to realize: indeed, the road to hell is paved with good intentions…

the road to hell is paved with good intentions
the road to hell is paved with good intentions

And the point here is not at all in human ingratitude and not in the fact that justice does not exist, it's just that the world is imperfect. The reason is in the person himself, who naively believes that he is doing good deeds.

Pity - good feeling or bad? It would seem that compassion helps humanity survive. But it’s not for nothing that they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or maybe humanism also helps the human race to degrade?

Do you know the situation when a parent's darling grows up as a person unadapted to life? He does not seem to notice that the "childhood holiday" has long ended and it's time to get busydeed. In order for the “continuation of the banquet” to last, he needs easy money … Who is to blame for this? Can parental love really lead to imprisonment of their beloved child? Maybe! They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

What should the wife of an alcoholic do? He does not give life, he drinks away all the money, and he also began to take out things from the house. And growing children need decent clothes, we don’t live in the post-war period… But it’s a pity for him, he’ll disappear completely… Here again it turns out: the road to hell is paved with good intentions - the whole family goes along it!

well-intentioned road to hell
well-intentioned road to hell

What happens when a teenage musician is beaten up in a back alley by gopniks? Is it bad? Undoubtedly. But the boy, despite being busy, also signed up for the sports section. He grew up to be a strong and self-confident person. He will remember that cruel lesson all his life, however, without much anger, because that incident even helped him in some way.

Can we say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the road to heaven is paved with bad intentions? Look, what conclusion suggests itself, but this is a mistake! Such a judgment will justify bullying and cruelty, it will untie the hands of non-humans … Moreover, the scale of delusions can be global. Remember the recent past: they wanted to enrich the culture of the peoples of the earth, but came to fascism. By the way, Hitler painted good pictures as a child, and if he had been admitted to an art school, maybe there would not have been a hyper-ambitious politician, and would the tyrant have realized himself differently?

Where is the justice? How can a simple little person understand what to do?And the truth is right in the middle. None of the extremes lead to good. Everything in a person's life should be, but in moderation. Both love and rigor. Then only harmony is possible. Reckless love does not increase good at all, but gives rise to idleness and evil. Excessive severity will lead to cruelty and violence.

the road is paved with good intentions
the road is paved with good intentions

To ensure that the road to hell is not paved with good intentions, you need to properly educate children. What is the relationship? Let's find out.

We all come from childhood. Whether the person we see or think of is a bad person, or a good one, he was shaped by the environment and events of long forgotten days. The future of children, of course, is in the hands of their parents. It depends on their worldview and objective understanding of life. And also on whether they understand that it is impossible to live autonomously in human society. If we now turn a blind eye to someone else's misfortune, our children, as adults, will face this unresolved problem, manifested as the cruelty of the outside world.
