Blue morph - a piece of the sky

Blue morph - a piece of the sky
Blue morph - a piece of the sky

Butterflies are amazing creatures that have always attracted people with their lightness and beauty. And the blue morph is no exception. Today, this winged miracle can be kept at home. About biology, about the content and about how long the blue morph lives in nature and in captivity, we will tell in this article.

butterfly morph
butterfly morph

General information

The blue morpha butterfly (Morpho peleides Kollar) is a representative of the Lepidoptera order of the Nymphalidae family. These insects got their name in honor of the ancient Greek hero Achilles Peleid, who was also famous for his beauty. From ancient Greek, morpho means "beautiful". And in the homeland of butterflies, in the tropical forests of Central and South America, they are called "particles of the sky that fell to the ground." The Indians believe that blue morphs are the souls of dead ancestors who strive upward.

These are diurnal butterflies with a wingspan of up to 15 centimeters. They owe their extraordinary blue color to the optical effect of light refraction in the scales that cover the surface. Along the edges of the wing are lightslings. On the underside they are brownish-brown. The oral apparatus of the sucking type with a pronounced proboscis.

Representatives of the blue morph (there is a photo in the article) have pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are larger, with more pronounced wing coloration.

Caterpillars are pubescent. Painted in a complex pattern of brown, purple, yellow, black, white spots or strokes. Pupae are green, teardrop-shaped.

butterfly colony
butterfly colony

So colorful

Under different angles of incident light, the wings of this butterfly can be bright blue, light blue and even green. This effect is achieved thanks to lens-shaped scales that cover the entire surface. The upper part is transparent, and the lower part contains the melanin pigment. Light passes through the transparent part, and then is reflected from the colored part and refracted many times (interference effect). This is how the metallic sheen of butterfly wings and an unusually beautiful color appear. And if the insect folds them, it can simply disappear from view, and then appear out of nowhere.

What do they eat

These diurnal butterflies in their natural habitat feed on rotting fruit, flower and tree sap. They are not averse to feasting on rotting remains of animal origin. When kept in captivity, rotten fruits and a solution of honey serve as a diet.

Caterpillars feed on foliage, they eat plants of the legume family well. Development from egg to adult (adult butterfly) lasts about 2.5 months. In nature, insects live up to six months. In captivity with good care - up to 2.5 months.



The female is ready for mating immediately after leaving the chrysalis. After fertilization, the blue morph butterfly lays almost transparent eggs on the leaves of plants. Caterpillars come out of the masonry, painted with warning colors and with an edge. Birds prefer not to touch them, because in addition to unpleasant hairs, caterpillars secrete mucus with a repulsive odor.

Cocoons of pupae most often look like the fruits of tropical plants. Interestingly, they emit ultrasounds when touched.


Given the size of these Lepidoptera, a large insectarium is needed to keep them. Blue morph butterflies are fed with sugar syrup and fruits, which are pre-cleaned. Feeding is carried out 1-2 times a day.

The biggest problem is maintaining humidity. In too dry conditions, the legs, antennae and wings of the butterfly will break. The optimum temperature for the life of an insect is 23-38 degrees Celsius. Under cooler conditions, butterflies become inactive and sleepy. And at a temperature of 15 degrees, they die altogether.

The average price for such butterflies in Russia is from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.

blue morph
blue morph

And you can buy dolls

But it is much more interesting to watch how the winged beauty emerges from the chrysalis. To do this, you can purchase a turnkey kit, which includes:

  • Butterfly (doll house).
  • Chrysalis.
  • Growing instructions.

Butterfly is a glass container, on the bottom of which pebbles are placed andwater is poured. Inside there is a stick to which the pupae are attached. All this is covered with a breathable fabric.

If all conditions are met, butterflies will appear within 2 weeks. They can fly freely around the apartment. However, remember that other pets and open windows are a direct threat to their existence.

Butterflies and people

This species has no economic value in nature. Local Indians have long used butterfly wings to decorate masks. Today they are used to make jewelry.

But still, they are most of all used in meeting the aesthetic needs of a person. They are kept in insectariums and bred for holidays and unusual gifts. And what wonderful photos they come out with! But the most beautiful pictures are obtained when the butterflies are gathered in groups. There is nothing surprising in this.

During drought, they can gather in groups on wet ground or on tree trunks. The infamous episode from Bones, in which butterflies sat on the burial site of a corpse, is therefore quite explainable.
