25 February. Holidays, significant events, name days

25 February. Holidays, significant events, name days
25 February. Holidays, significant events, name days

Every day in world history is significant, it's just that most people do not know what events are associated with this date, what celebrities were born, who to congratulate on Angel Day. This article contains useful information about the twenty-fifth of February, including the characteristics of the date in the context of world and Russian history, a description of the corresponding zodiac sign and other interesting information.

A day in history

25 February is an important date in the context of world history. In 1721, on this day, Peter I approved the creation of a new governing body - the Synod. His appointment was to control the functioning of the church, to resolve issues regarding the structure and discipline of the Christian denomination in the Russian Empire.

Also on February 25, but already in 1836, S. Colt received a patent for the production of his famous and world's first automatic revolver. His first model was called "Paterson", but it did not last long. A decade later, it was replaced by a new improved rapid-fire model, which immediately after the release entered service with the US Army.

25 February
25 February

1977 brought news of the tragedy to the capital of our country -the Rossiya Hotel, one of the largest and most popular in the city, burned down. After this sad event, the hotel ceased to exist. In its place, the authorities of the metropolis plan to create a park.

Zodiac sign

Under what zodiac sign are people born on February 25th? This sign according to the eastern horoscope is Pisces. Pisces are self-critical and know how to laugh at themselves. From other people, they demand due seriousness. They have a very valuable quality - the ability to adequately assess their own strengths.

The flaw in the Pisces character is fickleness. It manifests itself in the regular change of point of view, the frequent failure to keep promises, as well as petty lies with or without any reason.

February 25 sign
February 25 sign

Pisces can seem helpless in solving any problems. In part, this impression is misleading, as the representatives of this sign are simply too lazy and dreamy to concentrate on reality.

People born on February 25th are full of contradictions. On the one hand, they can be weak and defenseless, and on the other, they can be strong and independent. It all depends on the specific situation.

As a rule, both Pisces men and women are rather soft-bodied and weak-tempered to, for example, raise children, so they subconsciously strive to find a stronger partner who would surround them with care, protect them from all life's adversities. Pisces who achieve success in their careers can be called lucky rather than purposeful, because they can adapt better than other signs of the zodiac.surrounding reality and go with the flow.

Famous people born on this day

February 25, many famous personalities were born who influenced the course of world history. So, 100 years before the start of World War II, the world-famous sculptor, painter and graphic artist Pierre Renoir was born in France.

February 25 name day
February 25 name day

In 1943, J. Harrison, the famous rock musician and lead guitarist of The Beatles, was born. In addition to performing in the legendary musical group, Harrison was a composer, writer and producer.

In 1912, the very famous Soviet actor Vsevolod Sanaev, the grandfather of the contemporary screenwriter and writer Pavel Sanaev, was born. Vsevolod Sanaev presented the audience with many bright and memorable roles: Colonel Lukin, Major Zorin, Siploy and others.


Every person has an Angel Day. February 25 is no exception. Name days on this day are celebrated by Anton, Eugene and Maria. Let's give a description of each of them.

Anton from childhood has a charm that attracts the people he needs throughout his life. At school, Anton usually has some difficulty in studying. He, as a rule, is interrupted from three to four during all 11 classes. At the university, everything changes dramatically, and Anton becomes one of the best students. The talent for learning contributes to the rapid advancement of the career ladder. Bosses are usually pleased with them.

Eugene has a lot of attractive qualities and skills. He is dreamy, romantic, can quickly learnforeign languages and apply logic to solve problems. Eugene is most often a wonderful husband and father who helps his wife in everything.

Maria is very kind and open, gentle and affectionate with others, so she easily gets along with children. She responsibly fulfills all the instructions of her superiors, as a result of which she can build a successful career in business or medicine.

Holidays on this day

February 25 holiday
February 25 holiday

It should also be said what events are celebrated on February 25th. The holiday in honor of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God is one of them. At present, the icon is in the Athos Monastery in Greece. According to legend, the apostle Luke himself created it.

Another important event on February 25 is the holiday of the State of Kuwait. In 1961, the country was officially recognized as independent from Great Britain.
