Krasnodar Territory is rightfully considered one of the most prosperous regions of Russia with a developed economy, good climate and long-standing spiritual traditions. Since ancient times, Cossacks have lived on its territory, who fought hard for these lands. And where there are Cossacks, there is spirituality and monasteries. The Krasnodar Territory is no exception. The construction of monasteries in the Caucasus intensified only after the USSR ceased to exist. The construction of monasteries and churches began in large cities of the Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory.

Spiritual tradition of Kuban
The first Orthodox churches and monasteries of the Krasnodar Territory began to appear in the 15th century, when the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus began to be actively developed by Russian settlers from other regions of the empire.
However, most of the current monasteries are reopened after the fall of Soviet power. Some monasteries in the Krasnodar Territory were rebuilt, some occupied already finished buildings, and one was restored on the site of an ancient monastery that existed in the Kuban already in the 15th century.
It is worth noting that the majority of Russianpopulation, and with it temples with monasteries, appeared in the Kuban in the XlX century, when, as a result of the Caucasian War, significant areas along the southern border of the empire were liberated. However, the Cossacks, although they were religious, preferred to lead an active secular lifestyle with household chores, large families and large households, so the monastic way of life was not very popular in southern Russia.
Monasteries of the Krasnodar Territory. List
Today there are ten male and female monasteries in the region. For example, the Holy Spirit Monastery in Timashevsk was opened in 1992 through the efforts of its founder and first rector Father George, who was widely known outside the region. Numerous pilgrims visited the monastery in search of prayer help, guidance and remission of sins.
The full list of monasteries in the Krasnodar Territory is as follows:
- Holy Spirit Monastery.
- The Monastery of the Icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall".
- Feodosia of the Caucasian deserts.
- The Convent of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", located in Krasnodar.
- Cross men's deserts.
- Trinity-Georgievsky Monastery.
- Assumption convent in Korenovsk.
- Metochion of the Krasnodar monastery of the icon "The Tsaritsa" in the village of Plastunovskaya.
- Catherine-Lebyazhskaya hermitage.
- Convent of St. Mary Magdalene.
Men's monasteries in the Krasnodar Territory are represented by a monastery inTimashevsk and Krestovaya male desert.

One of the largest and most famous monasteries of the Caucasus is the convent in Krasnodar, consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa". The history of this monastery began in 2001 with the construction of the temple.
From the very beginning, the cross-domed type of the temple in the pseudo-Byzantine style was chosen as an architectural solution. Later, a copy of the "All-Tsaritsa" icon, made by Greek monks especially for the new temple, was brought to the monastery. As of autumn 2017, four nuns, seven nuns and three novices live in the monastery.
However, the first monastery opened in the Kuban after more than a seventy-year break was the Dormition Convent. Before the dilapidated two-story building was transferred to the ownership of the local diocese in 1991, it housed a school, and before the revolution, a merchant bank and a gymnasium. However, the reason for the creation of a monastery in this old house was the presence of the Holy Assumption Chapel in it.
By 2017, the monastery was fenced off from the city of Korenovsk with a high stone fence, it had its own prosphora, as well as a font. The nuns lead an active social life, supporting the pupils of the psycho-neurological boarding school, and on Sundays for adult residents of Korenovsk, classes are held on the history of Orthodoxy and the Gospels, the Bible is read with explanations from the clergy.