Nationalities of Dagestan by number: list

Nationalities of Dagestan by number: list
Nationalities of Dagestan by number: list

Finding yourself in the Caucasus, or rather in Dagestan, over time you begin to understand that at first the inhabitants of this hospitable country seem to be the same, in fact, everyone is completely different. On the same land, there are dissimilar traditions, customs, dialect and even language. Why is this happening? Ethnographers say with confidence: 33 peoples live on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan. Let's learn a little more about them.

Nationalities of Dagestan

In another way, the country is called a unique constellation of peoples. Speaking about the nationalities of Dagestan, it is difficult to count their number. However, it is known that all nationalities are divided into three main language families. The first is the Dagestan-Nakh branch, belonging to the Iberian-Caucasian language family. The second is the Turkic group. The third is the Indo-European language family.

In the republic there is no concept of "titular nationality", however, its political attributes still apply to representatives of 14 nationalities. Dagestan belongs tothe most multinational regions of Russia, and today more than 3 million citizens live on its territory.

nationality of dagestan
nationality of dagestan

A little more about language families

As we have already said, the nationalities of the Republic of Dagestan are divided into three language groups. The first - the Dagestan-Nakh branch - includes Avars, Chechens, Tsakhurs, Akhvakhtsi, Karatins, Lezgins, Laks, Rutuls, Aguls, Tabasarans. This community also includes Andians, Botlikhs, Godoberi, representatives of Tindals, Chamalals, Bagulals, Khvarshins, Didoys, Bezhtins, Gunzibs, Ginukhs, Archins. This group is also represented by the Dargins, Kubachins and Kaitags. The second family - Turkic - is represented by the following nationalities: Kumyks, Azerbaijanis, Nogais.

nationalities of Dagestan by number
nationalities of Dagestan by number

The third group - Indo-European - is made up of Russians, Tats, Mountain Jews. This is how nationalities in Dagestan look like today. The list may be replenished with lesser-known nationalities.


Despite the fact that there is no titular nationality in the republic, among the Dagestanis there is still some division into more and less widely represented nationalities of Dagestan (by number). Avars are the most numerous people of the Dagestan region (912 thousand people, or 29% of the total population). Their main area of residence is considered to be the regions of the western mountainous Dagestan. The rural population of the Avars makes up a large part of the total population, and their resettlement occurs on average in 22 regions. They also includeAndo-Tsez peoples, who are related to them, and Archins. Since ancient times, the Avars were called Avars, they were also often called Tavlins or Lezgins. This nation received the name "Avars" on behalf of the medieval king of Avars, who ruled the kingdom of Sair.


What nationalities live in Dagestan? The second largest ethnic group is considered to be the Dargins (16.9% of the population, which means 490.3 thousand people). Representatives of this people live mainly in the mountainous and foothill regions of central Dagestan. Before the revolution, the Dargins were called a little differently - Akushins and Lezgins. In total, this nationality occupies 16 regions of the republic. The Dargins belong to the believing group of Sunni Muslims.

nationalities in dagestan list
nationalities in dagestan list

Recently, the number of Dargins near the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala - has begun to increase significantly. The same is happening with the Caspian coast. Dargins are considered the most commercial and artisan among the entire population of the republic. For many years their ethnos was formed at the junction of passing trade roads, which left its mark on the way of life of the nationality.


Let's find out further what nationalities live in Dagestan. Who are the Kumyks? This is the largest Turkic people in the North Caucasus, which is ranked third among the nationalities of Dagestan (431.7 thousand people - 14.8%).

nationalities of the republic of dagestan
nationalities of the republic of dagestan

Kumyks inhabit the foothill and plain regions of the republic, occupying a total of 7regions. They are attributed to the peoples of agricultural culture, firmly settled in the place chosen for this. This nation has well developed agriculture and fishing. More than 70% of the economy of the entire country is also concentrated here. The national culture of the Kumyks is very rich and original in its own way - it is literature, folklore, and art. There are a lot of famous wrestlers among them. However, the misfortune of the people is that the Kumyks represent those nationalities of Dagestan, among which there are a lot of uneducated residents.


So, we learned the nationalities of Dagestan by the number. We touched a little on the three leading nationalities. But it would be unfair not to touch on some of the nationalities of the country. For example, Lezgins (385.2 thousand people, or 13.2% of the population). They inhabit the flat, upland and foothill regions of Dagestan. Their historical territory is considered to be the adjacent regions of today's republic and neighboring Azerbaijan. Lezgins can rightly be proud of their rich history, stretching from ancient times. Their territory was one of the earliest lands of the Caucasus.

what nationalities live in dagestan
what nationalities live in dagestan

Today the Lezgins are divided into two parts. Also, this nationality is considered the most militant, and therefore the most "hot". So how many nationalities are in Dagestan? The list could go on for a very long time.

Russians and Laks

A few words should be said about the Russian-speaking representatives of the country. They also represent the nationalities of Dagestan, inhabiting mainly the Caspian Sea and its environs. Makhachkala. Most Russians (104 thousand, 3.6%) can be found in Kizlyar, where more than half of the total population lives. It is impossible not to mention the Laks (161.2 thousand, 5.5% of the population), who have inhabited the central parts of mountainous Dagestan since historical times.

nationality of Dagestan
nationality of Dagestan

It was thanks to the Laks that the very first orthodox Muslim state arose on the territory of the country. They are recognized as jacks of all trades - the first Caucasian handicraftsmen came from this nationality. To this day, lacquer products participate in various international competitions, taking the most honorable places.

Small peoples of Dagestan

It would be unfair to talk only about the numerous representatives of this country. The smallest people of the republic are the Tsakhurs (9.7 thousand, 0.3%). Basically, these are residents of villages that are located in the Rutulsky district. There are practically no Tsakhurians in the cities. The next smallest nation is the Aguls (2.8 thousand, 0.9%). They live mainly in the Agul region, most of them also live in settlements.

how many nationalities in dagestan list
how many nationalities in dagestan list

Aguls can be found in Makhachkala, Dagestan fires and Derbent. Another small people of Dagestan are the Rutuls (27.8 thousand, 0.9%). They inhabit the southern territories. Their number is not much more than the Aguls - the difference is in the range of 1-1.5 thousand inhabitants. Rutulians try to stick to their relatives, so they always form into small groups. Chechens (92.6 thousand, 3.2%) are the most irascible andaggressive people. The number of this nation was much larger. However, military operations in Chechnya had a significant impact on the demographic situation. Today, Chechens can also be attributed to the small nationalities of the Republic of Dagestan.


So, what are the most important nationalities of Dagestan? There can be only one answer - everything. As they say about the republic, Dagestan is a kind of synthesis of many ethnic groups. It is noteworthy that almost every nationality has its own language, which is strikingly different from its neighbors. How many nationalities live in Dagestan - so many customs, traditions and features of life exist in this sunny country.

The list of languages of the Dagestan people lists 36 varieties. This, of course, makes communication between representatives of these peoples difficult. But in the end, you need to know one thing - the Dagestan people, represented by so many nationalities, has its own historical past, which gave rise to today's diverse, interesting and so unlike each other national ethnic group of the republic. Be sure to visit this place - you will not regret it! You will be welcomed in any corner of the country.
