Archaeological culture of Russia

Archaeological culture of Russia
Archaeological culture of Russia

Archaeological culture is a set of artifacts that belong to one particular area and era. It gets its name based on the distinctive features of the ornament used in a particular territory. The term "culture" in archeology differs somewhat from the generally accepted definition. It can only be used if the findings of scientists give an idea of the way of life people led several millennia ago.

Archaeological cultures of Russia include several stages of development. Each of them goes from one to another. Taking into account the fact that the territory of the country is quite large, at the same time it could be inhabited by tribes belonging to different cultures, leading far from the same lifestyles.

archaeological culture
archaeological culture

Culture of the Middle Stone Age

Such a thing as the archaeological culture of the Mesolithic, in fact, is absent. At this time, the tribes were not yet divided among themselves. People were trying to survive, and it didn't matter how they did it. Someonegradually began to practice agriculture, someone continued to hunt, and someone tamed animals, set the pace for modern cattle breeding. However, this period of time cannot be completely discarded, since it was it that laid the foundation for the formation of many civilizations.

At this stage, the first types of archaeological cultures appeared. Scientists and archaeologists do not believe that they need to be separated so early. But the beginnings were laid. Each tribe departed from its former relatives, separated on various grounds, be it a way of life, an ethnic side of the issue, or, for example, ways of burying dead ancestors. But the stage under consideration should by no means be underestimated, because its study will help answer questions related to the emergence of subsequent cultures.

Trypillian civilization

Trypillian archaeological culture dates back to the Eneolithic (5-2 millennium BC). It got its name from the area where the first monuments were discovered. It happened in the village of Trypillia.

It is noteworthy that approximately in the 18th century, excavations were carried out on the territory of Romania, during which the Cucuteni culture was discovered. It also got its name due to the village, near which artifacts related to it were found. Initially, it was believed that these two cultures differ from each other. So it was until scientists compared the found things and monuments. It turned out that the Cucuteans and Trypillians are the same people.

Discovered artifacts allowed scientists to conclude that the archaeological culture in question was the largeston the territory of Russia and Europe, its population in its prime exceeded 15 thousand people.

As for the life of this civilization, it was the same as in other places during the Stone Age. Toward the end of the period, people began to master clay, now it was used not only for domestic purposes, but also for decorative purposes. Figurines and other pottery products were made from it.

dolmen archaeological culture
dolmen archaeological culture


Dolmennaya archaeological culture did not particularly affect the development of the tribes located on the territory of modern Russia. It originated in India around the 10th millennium BC. e., but the peoples began their travels to the west much later. It happened in the 3rd millennium BC. e., the dolmens then divided into two parts. The first went towards the Caucasus, the second - to Africa, mainly to Egypt. At that time, another civilization dominated the territory of Russia, so the tribes could only supplement the cultural heritage. As for the development in Egypt, it was here that they managed to fully open up.

This archaeological culture got its name from the Breton language, and in translation means "stone table". Despite the fact that its influence on the Slavic territory was not high, the largest concentration of monuments is located near the Black Sea coast and in the Krasnodar Territory. It is likely that other monuments simply did not survive to the present day.

An abundance of stone and bronze items were found near the dolmens, these materials were usednot only for the production of tools and hunting, but also jewelry. Many of them were found directly in the graves. By the way, they were also called dolmens, like the tribes themselves. These burial places were similar to the Egyptian pyramids. Most researchers admit that some dolmens were built for religious or cultural purposes, and not for funeral purposes. This is due to the fact that the structures themselves were often older than the remains found in them. Thus, it is likely that it was the dolmen civilization that laid the foundation for the pyramids, which have been preserved and admired by many to this day.

Catacomb culture

The Catacomb archaeological culture came to Slavic territory from the east, it was first discovered in the 19th century. Its appearance and flourishing date back to the early Bronze Age. Some sources claim that the appearance of the Catacomb tribes is generally oriented towards the Copper Age. In a word, it has not yet been possible to indicate the exact date of the emergence of culture.

Tribes have not advanced beyond the European border, so their influence on the development of neighboring civilizations is only superficial. This archaeological culture got its name due to the method of burial, which had a huge number of differences. For example, if we compare the catacomb and pit tribes, then for the latter it was enough to dig a small pit for burial. The burial depth of the first was located at the level of 3-5 meters. Moreover, these mounds often had several branches, they went deep or simply to the sides. It is believed that insuch catacombs were buried either people from the same family, or the same in rank or status.

Household appliances of the Catacomb tribes were also quite different. First, they almost did not have a flat bottom. However, this can be explained by the fact that the tribes did not yet understand the full convenience of such production, or they did not have such an opportunity. Secondly, all the dishes had squat shapes. Even if you pick up a jug, its height is very small. There was also a primitive ornament. Like all tribes of that time, it was performed using cord impressions. Only the upper part of the product was decorated.

The tools were mainly made of flint. This material was used in the manufacture of arrowheads, knives, daggers and so on. Some skilled craftsmen in the tribes used wood to make dishes. Bronze was used only for the production of jewelry.

catacomb archaeological culture
catacomb archaeological culture

Culture of Russia in the Bronze Age

Unfortunately, the archaeological culture of the Bronze Age in Russia could not reach its peak, but in the overall development this large-scale period cannot be ignored. It dates back to the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. The Russians of that time were engaged in agriculture. The cultivation of forests prevailed to a greater extent, but gradually people began to develop the cultivation of less fertile lands.

There is a small jump in the construction of houses. If earlier settlements erected housing buildings only in the valleys, now they are moving to the hills. Also startsprimitive fortification of houses.

Early archaeological culture of the Bronze Age is distinguished by Maikop settlements. The later one is subdivided into several different complexes. The most extensive in terms of occupied territories are the Srubnaya and Andronovo cultures.

Maikop culture

Maikop archaeological culture dates back to the early Bronze Age, it existed in the 3rd millennium BC. e. on the territory of the North Caucasus. From the found monuments and artifacts, it can be concluded that the population was engaged in livestock breeding and agriculture. The culture originated in the northwest and in the center of the Caucasus. A distinctive feature of the tribes is the archaism in the production of tools and household items. However, despite the outdated appearance of these products, civilization gradually developed. In addition, it was in no way inferior to other territories with more modern tools for that time.

Also, thanks to the findings of archaeologists, we can conclude that the Maikop archaeological culture during its heyday did not limit its territorial affiliation only to the North Caucasus. There are traces of it in Chechnya, on the Taman Peninsula, up to Dagestan and Georgia. By the way, on the borders with these areas, two different cultures (Kuro-Arak and Maikop) meet, their interweaving is observed. Before the border finds, scientists believed that the stages in question occurred at different times. And so far there is no rational explanation regarding the mixing of cultures.

archaeological cultures of russia
archaeological cultures of russia

Log culture

The Srubnaya archaeological culture dates back to the 2nd-1st millennium BC. e. The territory of the tribes under consideration was quite wide, it spread from the Dnieper region to the Urals, from the Kama region to the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas. It got its name due to the abundance of log structures. Funeral rites, burial grounds, over which log cabins were usually erected, did not go unnoticed.

Tribal settlements were located directly near rivers, usually on cape terraces. Often they were fortified with ditches and ramparts. The buildings themselves were not fortified, but with good external protection, this did not need to be done. As indicated, all the buildings were made of wood, sometimes the construction was supplemented with clay mixtures.

The Srubnaya archaeological culture, like many others, was distinguished by the way of burials. Unlike their predecessors, the tribes saw off the dead individually; mass graves are extremely rare. Burials were made in groups, in one place, 10-15 mounds. There is a characteristic feature of the location of the dead - on their side, with their heads to the north. Some burials include the cremated as well as the dismembered. They could be either tribal leaders or criminals.

During the logging culture, thick, flat-bottomed dishes were used. At first, they tried to decorate it with ornaments. Later they made ordinary pots or vessels. If there was an ornament, then it was jagged or smooth. A common feature of any dish decoration is the predominance of geometric shapes. Rarely met incomprehensible signs thatmost researchers refer to primitive writing.

In the beginning, all tools were made of flint and bronze, but at a later stage, the addition of iron is noted. Economic activity was pastoral, but agriculture is more common.

Mesolithic archaeological culture
Mesolithic archaeological culture

Andronov culture

Andronovo archaeological culture got its name from the place where the first finds related to it were discovered. This period dates back to the 2nd-1st millennium BC. e. The tribes lived around the modern village of Andronovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

Cattle breeding is considered to be a distinctive feature of the culture. People bred white-footed sheep, hardy horses and heavy-weight bulls. Thanks to these animals, they were able to develop rapidly. Some scientists suggest that the Andronovites went to the territory of India and laid the beginnings of their own civilization on it.

Initially, the Andronovites lived in the Trans-Urals, then they moved to Siberia, from where some of them continued their journey towards Kazakhstan. Until now, despite the abundance of various finds and artifacts, scientists cannot determine why the tribes decided on such a large-scale migration.

If we compare all the archaeological cultures of Russia living in the Bronze Age, then it was the Andronovites who became the most combative. They created chariots and could strike at units or even full-fledged settlements faster than anyone else. This is probably what explains the migration, because in the pursuit of a better life they tried todiscover more comfortable lands. And if necessary, win them.

Pit culture

pit archaeological culture
pit archaeological culture

At the end of the Bronze Age, the Yamnaya archaeological culture comes into force. The tribes in question come to the territory of Russia from the east, and their distinctive feature is early cattle breeding. Many peoples began to develop from agriculture, while these people immediately switched to animal breeding. The culture got its name because of the burial pits. They were simple and primitive, but that was what made them different.

At the moment, the Yamnaya archaeological culture is the most studied. The mounds were located on the tops of the plateau, they tried to be as far away from the rivers as possible. It is likely that once the settlement was flooded during the flood, so people became more careful. Burials were rarely found directly near rivers. All the graves were located along the stream, in small groups (approximately 5 dead). The distance from one burial to another could be completely different, from 50 to 500 meters.

Household appliances Pit tribes produced from clay. As in the past era, these were flat-bottomed vessels of various sizes. There were huge amphorae, which, presumably, kept cereals and liquids, as well as small pots. The ornament on the dishes was applied with the help of strong cords, their prints made up the entire decor.

Flint was used to produce arrowheads, axes and other tools. It should be noted that the pits were not dug by a man manually, primitive installations were created fordrilling, which was weighted with stones if the ground was hard.

Tribes also used wood in production, from which they made constructions that were rather complicated for that time. They were stretchers, sledges, boats and small carts.

In the course of the study, all scientists noted the originality of the Yamnaya culture, the tribes treated the bodies of the dead responsibly, therefore, not only material, but also spiritual values are attributed to them. Moreover, these peoples have extended their influence to neighboring settlements.

It is likely that chariots were not originally produced for conquest purposes at all. Since the Andronovites, like many other cultures, were pastoralists, such primitive machines were supposed to help them in herding animals. Later, the tribes discovered the productivity of chariots in the military sphere, which they immediately took advantage of.

archaeological cultures of the Slavs
archaeological cultures of the Slavs

Imenkovskaya culture

Imenkovskaya archaeological culture dates back to the early Middle Ages (4th-7th centuries). It was located on the territory of modern Tatarstan, Samara and Ulyanovsk regions. There are also genetic links with other cultures that were in the neighborhood.

After the Bulgars came to the territory of culture, most of the Imenkovites went to the west. After some time, they moved to a new stage of development - they laid the foundation for the Volyntsevo people. The rest mixed with the population and eventually lost all their cultural accumulations and knowledge.

Imenkovskayaarchaeological culture occupies a special place in the development of the Slavic people. It was the tribes in question that were the first to practice arable farming. During this process, they used primitive plows on which metal tips were attached. In addition, in the process of harvesting, the Imenkovites also used relatively modern tools for that time - iron sickles and scythes. Grain storage is focused on dug pits-pantries, akin to modern cellars. The grinding of the crop took place on millstones in a manual version.

Imenkovtsy quickly developed not only within their tribes. They had workshops where they smelted the extracted metals, some rooms were intended specifically for artisans. They could produce utensils, plow points or, for example, sickles. The tribes had a positive impact on the neighboring settlements, offering them their knowledge, craft technologies, agriculture and cattle breeding. Therefore, the cultural heritage of the Imenkovites cannot be underestimated not only by Russians, but also by neighboring countries.

As you can see, many archaeological cultures of the Slavs came to the territory of modern Russia from the east or west. In the first case, people learned new forms and features of agriculture, mastered the skills of cattle breeding. Western tribes also helped in the development of hunting weapons and combat vehicles. One thing is for sure - each new culture has made a huge contribution to the overall mental advancement of entire nations, regardless of what innovations it bestowed.
