Archaeological monuments of Russia and the world. Types of archaeological sites

Archaeological monuments of Russia and the world. Types of archaeological sites
Archaeological monuments of Russia and the world. Types of archaeological sites

Archaeological monuments are immovable silent witnesses of past eras. They reflect the activities of a person who lived at the time when this or that historical object was built. Scientists divide all the monuments into groups depending on the purpose for which the structure was intended.

Types of archaeological sites

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation - the classification is conditional. Classifications in different sources are compiled on different grounds and may differ significantly from each other.

archaeological sites
archaeological sites
  • Funeral monuments include mounds, ground burials, necropolises, cenotaphs, memorial complexes and many other structures. The listed archaeological sites have many varieties. By studying them, scientists manage to restore the traditions of the peoples, their beliefs. I must say that mounds, which are the burial place of people, are the most common archaeological sites in Russia, especially in its steppe and forest-steppe regions.
  • Settlement monuments such as settlements, sites, caves, manufacturing workshops,mines, roads, water supply systems reflect the everyday life of a person and carry the most valuable information about the way of life of people of a certain era. Descriptions of people's dwellings obtained from the results of excavations are sometimes very different from each other. The arrangement of places where a person lived depended on the length of his stay in a given place, the main type of activity, belonging to a certain class and many other factors.
  • Cult monuments give an idea of the rituals performed in temples, shrines and other places revered by man. This type of monuments includes stone sculptures that exist in all corners of the planet. Sometimes they were an integral part of memorial complexes, but in some cases they played an independent role in the performance of certain ceremonies.
  • Monuments of primitive art are rock paintings, graphics, sculpture. These types of archaeological sites are found on all continents of the planet. They differ only in content, in the way they are performed. And this depended on the era of the creation of drawings, the place of residence of a person, his spiritual culture. A distinctive feature of monuments of this type is that they are located on the surface of the earth, and no special work is required to open them.
  • Cave monuments are of great historical value. This is due to the fact that a person has been using caves for quite a long time as a dwelling or shelter from dangers. Then religious ceremonies began to be held in them. The monuments found in the caves bearrich information about a person's life in the deep past.
  • Random finds, sunken ships, cities, treasures and other objects can be attributed to a special group of monuments. They can also be used to restore the historical past of people.

Traces of human activity, who lived tens, hundreds and thousands of years ago, objectively exist, this is an indisputable fact. Some of these archaeological sites are well known to scientists and the general public; they are used by modern man for certain purposes. Humanity has yet to learn about other artifacts. In this regard, the types of archaeological sites are divided into known and unknown. The first type of monuments is studied, protected by the law of the state where it is located, and thus protected to some extent from destruction. About the second type of monuments that probably exist, humanity still knows nothing, as long as they are hidden from us.

Era of primitive man

Archaeological monuments of the primitive era indicate that human life mainly depended on the climatic conditions in which he lived. So, for example, about 35-40 thousand years ago, a significant part of the territory of the modern European part of Russia was in the zone of the advance of the glacier.

archaeological sites of russia
archaeological sites of russia

The main type of human activity during this period was hunting, as there were a huge number of animals in the near-glacial zone and to the south of it. They provided not only clothing and food, but also shelter. Historians have found the remains of dwellings, where pillars,the foundations of buildings, their frames are made of bones of large animals. Mammoths, deer, cave lions, woolly rhinoceros and many other species of animals were the object of prehistoric hunting.

During the construction of a dwelling, it was necessary to securely fasten the bones together, for this it was necessary to make holes and grooves in them. Such structures were covered with warm animal skins. Most often, dwellings were round in shape, with a conical roof.

Burials of people were also found - the most valuable archaeological monuments of the primitive era. The finds testify that stone and animal bones were the main materials from which the tools, weapons and ornaments of the ancient man were made. With changing climatic conditions, the animal and plant world, as well as the types of human activities, have changed. Their main habitats were floodplains of rivers, coastal areas of reservoirs. It is here that scientists constantly find archaeological sites that help to study the lifestyle of primitive man.

But to get a complete picture of human evolution, scientists have to study a large amount of historical material. With proper excavation, historians very often manage to find archaeological sites belonging to different eras in the development of human life at the place of work. It is these findings that are most valuable for scientists.

Stone Age

Archaeological monuments of the Stone Age allow us to conclude that by the end of this period, man already occupied large territories, and his habitats were located in different partsEarth. The resettlement of people is associated with climate warming, the retreat of the glacier. The flora and fauna have changed - coniferous forests have appeared, inhabited by different species of animals. A large number of small and large reservoirs, where fish were found, gave impetus to the development of fishing. Yes, and hunting for forest animals was already different from what it was before. The tools and weapons found in the places where people lived, although they were made of stone, had more advanced forms and methods of processing the material.

archaeological sites of the Samara region
archaeological sites of the Samara region

Archaeological monuments of the Stone Age also indicate that people have the beginnings of religious culture, certain types of art. The social way of life is changing. Archaeological monuments of the Stone Age of Russia have been found almost throughout the entire country. The most studied monuments were found on the territory of the modern Kaliningrad, Moscow, Kaluga, Tver regions, the Ussuri Territory and some other places.

Guide to the past

For the convenience of scientists and the introduction of a certain order in this field of activity, all archaeological sites of the world are registered and included in a special list. The index indicates that the find belongs to a certain era. In addition, it indicates the types of archaeological sites, provides their description with a list of the main finds. The degree of destruction at the time of discovery of a historical object is determined. For scientists, it is very important to indicate the exact location of the monument.

types of archaeological sites
types of archaeological sites

In such indexes you can find information about the collections and museums of the world that store objects found at excavation sites. Any interested person has the opportunity to get acquainted with the list of literature, which provides the most complete and reliable description of archaeological sites, the history of its discovery, the progress of work related to excavations. These can be literary, archival, scientific sources.

An excellent addition to the reference list are archaeological maps, which, among other things, allow you to see which places on Earth have not yet been studied by historians.

Guides to excavation sites are also available in each individual country. Archaeological sites in Russia are also included in a special list, which is being edited as new information becomes available provided by scientists.

Archaeological monuments of Russia

Archaeological finds in Russia are not uncommon. Many of them are of global importance, forcing scientists to change the prevailing understanding of the development and existence of various civilizations.

So, for example, in Khakassia, in the valley of the White Iyus, in 1982 an ancient sanctuary was opened. The structure discovered here resembled an observatory. After studying the find, archaeologists came to the conclusion that even during the Bronze Age, people living on the territory of modern Siberia knew how to use the calendar and tell the time with amazing accuracy.

archaeological sites of the prehistoric era
archaeological sites of the prehistoric era

The discovery in the Achinsk region is even more surprising. The rod made of mammoth bone with a peculiar pattern applied to it is at least 18 thousand years old. Scientists are sure that this item is also a kind of lunisolar calendar. From this we can assume the existence of even more ancient civilizations than the Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu, Persian, Chinese.

In the upper reaches of the Yenisei, in Altai, there is a mound known among archaeologists Arzhan. It is interesting that the rules for its construction and arrangement coincide with those according to which burial structures were built in other regions and at other times.

In Central Asia, in the southern parts of Siberia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, archaeologists discovered the remains irrigation systems, roads, metal smelting sites.

Archaeological monuments of Russia are located throughout the state. Siberia, the Far East, the European part of the country, the Urals, the Caucasus, Altai - those regions where unique historical finds were discovered. Many of these areas are still excavated today.

Territory of the ancient Urals

Archaeological monuments of the Urals can rightly be called famous. Historians spoke about the existence of ancient settlements in these places several centuries ago. But only in 1987 a fortified settlement of Arkaim was found by a special expedition. It is located on the territory of the Southern Urals, between the upper reaches of the Tobol and Ural rivers.

The expedition was appointed due to the planning of the construction of a large reservoir in these places. The team of archaeologists consisted of two scientists, several students andschoolchildren. None of the leadership and members of the expedition even suspected the possibility of the existence of a unique historical monument in the steppe regions of the Ural region. The characteristic landforms were spotted by accident.

Around the ancient settlement, scientists have discovered 21 more ancient settlements, which indicates the existence of a kind of country of cities. In addition, this find once again proves that the archaeological sites of the Urals are truly unique.

In the same places, scientists have found settlements of people who lived here 8-9 thousand years ago. Among other finds, the remains of domestic animals were found. This suggests that even then a person was breeding them.

The only sad thing is that the excavations were carried out carelessly, in violation of generally accepted norms and rules. For this reason, part of the ancient settlement was destroyed. Such an attitude to history can be qualified as a crime. The protection of archaeological sites should be carried out at the state level.

The story of the discovery of Arkaim had a continuation. According to the plan for the construction of the reservoir, the entire territory where the historical monument is located was supposed to go under water. However, thanks to the active work of some members of the public and scientists, the unique object managed to be defended.

In 1992, the entire area on which Arkaim is located, went to the Ilmensky State Reserve, becoming its branch. To date, a complete study of the monument has been carried out. For this, not only the excavation method was used, but also other modern scientific methods for studying the material.

Onthe site of an architectural monument found the remains of humans and animals. It became known that even then horses were used as a means of transportation for a person. Harness found, tools used to make it.

Pottery and earthenware is another evidence that speaks of a new level of development of handicrafts. Arrowheads, metal parts of tools testify to the same.

The most surprising thing for a modern person may seem that a sewage system and water supply system was discovered in the settlement.

Samara and its distant past

Archaeological monuments of the Samara region are unusually diverse in their type and belonging to a particular era. This is explained by the fact that the territory of modern Samara was inhabited by people 100 thousand years ago. Man was attracted by the favorable natural conditions that are characteristic of the steppe and forest-steppe zone.

Today, scientists know about two thousand ancient monuments that have been discovered in the region. Some of them still exist today, others have disappeared due to the impact on them of the forces of nature or as a result of human economic activity. There are many monuments, the existence of which is known, but archaeological work for their study has not yet begun. In addition, we must remember that the excavation of the monument will sooner or later lead to its destruction. This happens both at the time of work and after their completion, when the oldest structures become exposed to the external environment. Therefore, the decision on the need forexcavations should be balanced and deliberate.

Archaeological monuments of the Samara region include sites of ancient man, settlements and settlements, which were built by people in later eras. Mines, mines, where minerals were mined for the production of tools and military armor, are also valuable sources of information about the economic activities of our ancestors.

archaeological sites in Russia
archaeological sites in Russia

Kurgan and non-kurgan cemeteries are different types of archaeological sites. They are also found in large numbers on the territory of Samara. Thanks to the finds contained in the burial grounds, the appearance of a person who lived here was restored, the type of his activity was revealed, the level of development of culture and art was studied. Scientists even managed to establish people's belonging to a certain nationality.

Kazakhstan's rich historical past

Archaeological monuments of Kazakhstan are also a source of rich information about the settlement of people in the country. Considering that in ancient times there was no written language, the monuments can be considered almost the only evidence of the past.

archeological sites of the Stone Age
archeological sites of the Stone Age

One of the most famous memorial complexes - Besshatyr barrow - is located on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. The construction is striking in its scope - it includes 31 burial grounds. The diameter of the largest of them is 104 meters, and the height is 17 meters. Similar facilities exist in otherparts of the country.

Sak Tribes

The peoples belonging to the eastern branch of the Scythian nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes received a collective name - Saki. In the first millennium BC, they inhabited the modern territories of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the southern regions of Siberia, the coast of the Aral Sea.

Archaeological monuments of the Sakas opened to their descendants their way of life, the development of the level of culture, traditions. Burial mounds are concentrated mainly in the places of winter camps of tribes. These are the places that the Sakas especially valued.

Excavations carried out in different habitats of peoples led to the conclusion that the main type of economic activity of the Saka peoples was nomadic, semi-nomadic and sedentary cattle breeding. The tribes raised sheep, camels and horses. Based on the materials obtained during the excavations, it was even possible to establish which breeds of animals were bred by saki.

In addition, it was established that the peoples belonging to the tribes were divided into categories - priests, warriors and community members. From among the warriors, a king was chosen, who was the ruler of the tribes united in alliances.

Among the most significant Saka archaeological sites for science are the Issyk, Uygarak, Tegisken cemeteries. The Besshatyrsky and Chilikta mounds are known far beyond the borders of Kazakhstan, Russia and the CIS countries.

During the excavations of the Issyk mound, the remains of a man were found, along with whom there were rich equipment and many other household items in the grave chamber. Among them, scientists counted about four thousand gold items. It most likely saysabout the high position of the person who rested here, and that people believed in the existence of an afterlife.

Protection of archaeological sites

Scientists and public figures in some countries have been sounding the alarm for many years about illegal visits to artifacts and causing them significant harm. Thanks to the active work of these people, a list of archaeological sites that are most often devastated has been compiled.

These historical relics are located in the Krasnodar and Primorsky Territories, Perm, Karachay-Cherkessia, Astrakhan and Penza Regions, Kislovodsk and many other regions of Russia. In total, this sad list contains about sixty monuments, whose fate largely depends on the leadership of the country and on its ordinary citizens.
