Yuri Bezzubov is a handsome, successful and in appearance rather cheerful young man. The guy gained popularity thanks to his mother - Larisa Kopenkina, who not so long ago was in a love relationship with the finalist of the "Star Factory-6" named Prokhor Chaliapin. What is known about Yura Bezzubov? What is the guy doing now and how is his personal life? We will talk about this in our article.
Yuri Bezzubov's childhood
Yuri's biography begins with his birth in September 1989 in Moscow. His mother, businesswoman and TV presenter Larisa Kopenkina, gave birth to a son in her second marriage to a man Boris Bezzubov (a builder by profession). From the woman's first marriage, a girl was born, who was named Nastya. However, at the age of 16, the girl left home, referring to the fact that now she will live with her boyfriend.

After living together for two years, Yury Bezzubov's sister announced her breakup withspouse. But a terrible tragedy happened here - Nastya fell out of the window of an apartment on the 8th floor. Kopenkina began a severe depression, as a result of which Boris left the family, taking his son Yuri with him. At the time of the divorce, the boy was 14 years old.
Yuri's career
After the divorce of his parents, Yura lived with Boris Bezzubov for 5 years. As it turned out, dad took the boy from school and took him out of Moscow. All these 5 years Larisa tried to get her son back. With a lot of effort, she was able to achieve what she wanted.
According to Yuri himself, he had a rather difficult youth. Starting at the age of 16, he had to get a job, at a construction site. The guy was building houses. Then he changed about 18 jobs in various industries (these were far from prestigious areas of activity). The young man even managed to work as a stripper at the Little Red Riding Hood nightclub.
Yuri has two higher educations: he graduated from the commercial department of the State Social University, where he received two speci alties. The first is finance and credit, and the second is state municipal government.
Now the young man is 29 years old. He has his own small business. Yuri works as a leader of cooperatives, and also organizes various recreational activities. At the moment he is not married. However, it is known that Yuri has a girlfriend. What is the name of Yuri's chosen one? Who is she and what does she do?

Kopenkina's son - Yuri Bezzubov
From the photo of the guy, we can conclude that Yuri has a rather pleasantappearance and well-built figure. When looking closely at the pictures, which depict a young man with his mother Larisa, their strong resemblance is noticeable.
When it became known about the upcoming marriage of Larisa with Prokhor, Yuri expressed his thoughts on this matter in the media. The guy said more than once that he does not approve of this marriage and believes that the future husband of his mother, Prokhor Chaliapin, is a real gigolo.
Despite the negative attitude of the son, Larisa and Prokhor signed. However, after a short period of time (the couple lived from December 3, 2013 until the beginning of 2015), Chaliapin announced a break in relations. On the air of the well-known project “Let them talk,” Prokhor officially announced that he was in a romantic relationship with a young singer and model named Anna Kalashnikova. Chaliapin also said that Anna was expecting a child from him. But a few years later, the born son Daniil was tested for DNA, the results of which showed that Chaliapin was not the biological father of the baby.

Guy's personal life
At present, information has begun to appear in the media, according to which it can be concluded that Kopenkina's son Yuri Bezzubov has an affair with Anna Kalashnikova, to whom Prokhor left Larisa. This is how fate decreed.