Robert Hawking is the eldest son of Stephen Hawking

Robert Hawking is the eldest son of Stephen Hawking
Robert Hawking is the eldest son of Stephen Hawking

Robert Hawking is the eldest son of the world-famous English theoretical physicist, writer, cosmologist, director of research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge, and also the author of a number of scientific papers by Stephen Hawking. Robert's mother, Jane Hawking, is a popular author and teacher in England. What is known about Robert Hawking? How old is he and what does a man do? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

Robert Hawking Family

It is known that the man was born in 1967. At the moment he is 51 years old. In addition to him, two children grew up in the scientist's family. A girl, Lucy, born in 1970, and a boy, Timothy, who was born in 1979.

Robert with his parents and brother and sister
Robert with his parents and brother and sister

Robert's parents, Lucy and Timothy married in 1965 and have lived together for over 30 years. However, over time, their relationship began to deteriorate, and Stephen and Jane decided to divorce. Since 1990, the couple began to live separately.

RobertHawking is the son of Stephen Hawking

When Robert was a small child, he was diagnosed with dyslexia, like Stephen Hawking in his early years. Due to illness, his son Robert Hawking learned to read only at the age of eight. However, despite the selective impairment of the ability to master the skill of writing and reading, the boy retained his general ability to learn and coped "excellently" with the tasks assigned to him in mathematics.

Robert Hawking (photo with his family is in the article) counted perfectly and showed extraordinary mathematical abilities. His mother, Jane Hawking, placed the child in an advanced math class because she never doubted for a moment that her son could do it.

Robert with his father
Robert with his father

The boy, one of all Hawking's children, dreamed of becoming a scientist and showed a genuine interest in science. In addition, the eldest son of Stephen Hawking throughout his life had a strong connection with his family, and especially with his dad. The young man took care of his father from adolescence, helped and supported him in everything.

Robert's adult life

After school, the guy decided to enter the university at the Faculty of Software Development, which is located in London. After studying at Oxford University and having thoroughly mastered the profession, Robert Hawking worked for many years in the field of information technology. Then he moved to Canada and started working in IT.

Currently, the man is a software engineer at Microsoft Corporation. Together with his wife and children (daughter andson) he lives in Seattle, Washington, in the United States of America. His mother, Jane Hawking, sometimes comes to visit - to check on her eldest son and his family.

Robert at his father's funeral
Robert at his father's funeral

How was life for Lucy and Timothy Hawking?

Robert's younger sister Lucy, like her brother Timothy, is fluent in foreign languages. She learned Russian and French and works as a journalist for popular world publications such as New York magazine, Times and The Guardian. In addition, she is the vice president of a foundation that provides assistance to people with disabilities. He teaches classes in philology, a member of the Royal Society of Astronomy. When Stephen Hawking was alive, Lucy helped him create books. The woman was married, she has a child from marriage.

There have been various rumors over the years about the origin of the youngest child of the scientist. The thing is that Stephen Hawking's mother, Jane's mother-in-law, doubted that the baby was a legitimate child of a theoretical physicist.

As it turned out, only the mother-in-law spread the rumors, and in fact a little later it became known that the boy was the son of Stephen Hawking. The guy was always interested in the history of various states, and for many years he studied Spanish and French. In addition, Timothy is fond of art, he is an actor in one of the youth theaters.
